홍콩 시위 활동가인 조슈아 웡이 닌텐도 스위치 게임 '동물의 숲'을 통해 시위대와 결집하는 행동을 보이자 중국 공산당이 모든 중국 온라인 게이머들이 중국 밖의 게임서버에 접속을 금지하는 검열을 시행. 혼자 온라인 게임을 하더라도 검열 대상이 되며,실명제도 도입 https://t.co/SSpGtOo7Iz pic.twitter.com/szkPcmhsyj
— 박수민 / Soomin Park (@minist) April 17, 2020
TOTAL BAN: China Wants to Ban ALL Online Gaming and Chats After Animal Crossing Mishap? : Culture : Tech Times
— Professor Proton (@ProfProton2019) April 16, 2020
This will backfire with unforeseeable consequences for the #CCP. I can’t wait to watch. https://t.co/zv0XtjOXsp
TOTAL BAN: #China Wants to Ban ALL Online Gaming and Chats After Animal Crossing Mishap? CCP plans to draft a new protocol prohibiting all types of online gaming and chat groups in the country. https://t.co/WLCbsBu3EA
— alpнacenтaυrι? (@alphacentauriii) April 16, 2020
"The CCP will be planning to extend its censorship in all active online games available in the country. Chinese-based gamers will no longer be able to send messages or invites to any foreign countries." Totally something a normal country does.. https://t.co/Qvdk97erw3
— Lexi???? (@menendez_lexi) April 15, 2020
— エミン ユルマズ (JACK) (@yurumazu) April 16, 2020
— ナラ@MH&龍が如く7&Zelda (@BackLioness) April 17, 2020
— かりんとう (@fIa6xG9XUTldhdA) April 17, 2020
중국 정부가 동물의 숲을 금지한 후 외국인과의 온라인 게임과 채팅도 전면적으로 금지되었습니다. https://t.co/YE6CoVbL2D
— editoy (@editoy) April 17, 2020
China about to limit online chatting with people outside China and to implement further censorship practices. No map editing? Seriously? Some hard-core dystopian stuff. #CivilLiberties #gamedev
— Adam Sporka #homeoffice (@adam_sporka) April 17, 2020
Source: https://t.co/KvQoI5gplA via https://t.co/tiG14SOEfP