Over the next week, we’re beginning to roll out new features in Search and Maps that make it easier for people to connect to virtual care options, whether to a local primary care doctor or a national telehealth platform. https://t.co/RyTxPZ9lWr
— Google Health (@GoogleHealth) April 10, 2020
.@Google is helping to connect patients & providers who offer virtual care.
— Lygeia Ricciardi (@Lygeia) April 10, 2020
If you're a provider organization, get listed here to reach more patients: https://t.co/Uf6tB2qvi8 #RPM #telehealth #hcldr #healthIT #BeTheChange #COVIDー19
"Telehealth" searches over time... pic.twitter.com/13XKPwPO8Z
Healthcare providers will be able to enter a virtual care offering in their Business Profile, and we’ll surface a link for people to “get online care”. Beginning in the U.S., we’ll also show widely-available virtual care platforms so people can more easily access virtual visits.
— Google Health (@GoogleHealth) April 10, 2020
— Go Ando / THE GUILD (@goando) April 11, 2020
都市部と郊外で医療機関のワークロードは偏ってるだろうし、これは凄い事だと思う。https://t.co/xkQKrq5JyF pic.twitter.com/8oyDxg6Rhg
.@Google is helping to connect patients & providers who offer virtual care.
— Lygeia Ricciardi (@Lygeia) April 10, 2020
If you're a provider organization, get listed here to reach more patients: https://t.co/Uf6tB2qvi8 #RPM #telehealth #hcldr #healthIT #BeTheChange #COVIDー19
"Telehealth" searches over time... pic.twitter.com/13XKPwPO8Z
Over the next week, we’re beginning to roll out new features in Search and Maps that make it easier for people to connect to virtual care options, whether to a local primary care doctor or a national telehealth platform. https://t.co/RyTxPZ9lWr
— Google Health (@GoogleHealth) April 10, 2020
Google is showing virtual care options more prominently in search results https://t.co/NT4WqGXbCC pic.twitter.com/D2Ax056qH9
— The Verge (@verge) April 11, 2020
Google is showing virtual care options more prominently in search results https://t.co/P1DRToZed8 pic.twitter.com/LR594JOGAg
— The Verge (@verge) April 10, 2020
Google starts highlighting virtual care options in Search and Maps #healthcare #telehealth #google https://t.co/G6bA3KGD81 via @techcrunch
— Theo - 劉䂀曼 (@psb_dc) April 10, 2020
Google starts highlighting virtual care options in Search and Maps https://t.co/H3fdOVrvIm
— John Rampton (@johnrampton) April 10, 2020
Google will show virtual care options more prominently in search results
— Marsha Collier (@MarshaCollier) April 11, 2020
The changes are rolling out over the coming week#techradiohttps://t.co/JpSd2OBH3x pic.twitter.com/9BU6bmO1iC