google having 6M customers but getting its rear spanked by slack, zoom and microsoft teams on productivity tools is embarrassing. +/wave could have been the cats meow.
— drew olanoff (@yoda) April 7, 2020
So, it looks like it's official unofficially official: Hangouts Meet is now Google Meet, and Google's just gonna... act like this never happened and it was always Google Meet what are you talking about
— David Ruddock (@RDRv3) April 8, 2020
Google Meet is adding 2M new users a day amid the coronavirus. Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian says it logged 2B minutes of video calls in March & was growing 60% day over day, w daily usage up 25x from January. Tip @Techmeme via @richardjnieva @CNET
— Jonathan Skillings (@jeskillings) April 8, 2020
Not That It Matters, But Hangouts Meet is Now Google Meet.
— Droid Life (@droid_life) April 8, 2020
Secure connections: How Google Meet keeps your video conferences protected.
— James Leonard (@JamesLeonard1) April 8, 2020
via @GoogleNews
Secure connections: How Google Meet keeps your video conferences protected.
— Thomas Martellone (@TomMartellone) April 8, 2020
Yes, one can do virtual conference calls securely. It's called Google Meet.
— tedladd (@tedladd) April 7, 2020
"Google Meet’s security controls are turned on by default, so that in most cases, organizations and users won’t have to do a thing to ensure the right protections are in place." via @googlecloud
— InfoSecSherpa (@InfoSecSherpa) April 8, 2020
Learn how #GoogleMeet keeps your video conferences protected with #secure connections via @googlecloud
— Maven Wave (@mavenwave) April 8, 2020
Curious about how Google Meet keeps your video conferences protected?
— Javier Soltero ?? (@jsoltero) April 7, 2020
Read this -> Secure connections: How Google Meet keeps your video conferences protected
Google Hangouts Meetのセキュリティを解説。
— Kazunori Sato (@kazunori_279) April 7, 2020
Secure connections: How Google Meet keeps your video conferences protected @googlecloud
— Lutz Mache #wirsindderosten (@lutzmache) April 8, 2020
.@gsuite now has over 6M paying businesses, that's 1M more customers (not users) than in Feb 2019, incredible growth!
— Rick Harshman (@RickHarshman) April 8, 2020
구글 중역: 3월 G Suite 가입자 600만으로 전 달 대비 100만 증가. 화상회의 솔루션인 행아웃 미팅은 1월 대비 25배 사용자 증가.
— 나가토 유키 (@nagato708) April 8, 2020
— Gualestrit (@gualestrit) April 7, 2020
a little news out of Mountain View: Google now has 6 million G Suite customers
— Jordan Novet (@jordannovet) April 7, 2020
企業や学校向けのGoogle G-Suiteの有料ユーザー数が600万を超えたそう。2月時点では500万だった。Google Meetの利用も大きく増加しており、1月時点のユーザー数の25倍になった。クラウド事業はAlphabet全体の収益の5.7%でしかないが、業界平均を上回る成長率だそう。
— 今村咲 (@saki_imamura) April 7, 2020
$GOOGL Google’s G Suite now has 6 million paying businesses, up from 5 million in Feb. 2019
— Ophir Gottlieb (@OphirGottlieb) April 7, 2020
"The Google Meet video-calling service included in G Suite is getting 25 times more use than it did in January."
Six million businesses -- not users, businesses. Wow!
— tedladd (@tedladd) April 7, 2020
Google's video chat service adds 2 million users a day amid coronavirus via @CNET
— C-Learning (@C_learning_net) April 8, 2020
In the new #remotework culture, keeping your meeting info private / secure is more important than ever. Check out the security infrastructure behind #GoogleMeet and rest assured that when you collaborate with your team, your meetings are protected & safe.
— Rick Harshman (@RickHarshman) April 9, 2020
구글의 화상회의 서비스인 Hangouts Meet가 이름을 바꿔 Google Meet로 변경. 이 리브랜딩과 함께 줌의 해킹 사건을 의식한 듯 보안을 크게 강조하며 보안 기능은 기본으로 활성 상태이며 학교를 위한 추가적인 기능들도 새로 추가. 구글 Meet 사용량은 25배나 증가했다고
— 박수민 / Soomin Park (@minist) April 8, 2020
대내외로 폭증하는 VC 수요를 스무스하게 견뎌낸 갓-서비스 Meet. 말 그대로 globally battle-tested된 제품. 마 한번 잡솨봐
— 하마 / Jihwan Chun (@hippothewild) April 9, 2020
#RT @jscotto: RT @mavenwave: Learn how #GoogleMeet keeps your video conferences protected with #secure connections via @googlecloud
— Evan Kirstel #StayHome #RemoteWork (@evankirstel) April 8, 2020