This from @ScienceMagazine looks at the role of apps in contact tracing, when an epidemic like #COVID19 spreads much faster than traditional public health methods can keep up with
— Amy Coopes (@coopesdetat) April 1, 2020
Btw ICYMI this is as comprehensive thing as I’ve seen on what UK contact tracing will entail
— Rachel Coldicutt (@rachelcoldicutt) April 1, 2020
Digital #covid19 contact tracing with a tracing app.
— Pascal Meier,MD (@DrPascalMeier) March 31, 2020
Contacts of individual A are traced using GPS co-localisations. Individual A tests postive which triggers an instant notification to individuals who have been in close contact. @science
Finally out in Science: Quantifying SARS-CoV-2 transmission suggests epidemic control with digital contact tracing. Congrats to @ChristoPhraser and team for this work which will help guide efforts
— Marcel Salathé (@marcelsalathe) March 31, 2020
Oxford team lead by @ChristoPhraser shows that traditional contact tracing methods likely will be too slow given pre-symptomatic transmission of #COVID19. Technology needs to be applied for scale, speed. #contactTracing #technology
— Dylan George (@dylanbgeorge) April 1, 2020
Europe to launch coronavirus contact tracing app initiative
— Tactical Tech (@Info_Activism) April 1, 2020
The majority of Irish people would be willing to share personal data and medical records to help fight a pandemic, a new survey has found
— Irish Times Business (@IrishTimesBiz) April 1, 2020
The majority of Irish people would be willing to share personal data and medical records to help fight a pandemic, a new survey has found (via @IrishTimesBiz)
— Irish Times Business (@IrishTimesBiz) April 1, 2020
Irish people willing to share data to fight coronavirus via @IrishTimesBiz
— Irish Times Business (@IrishTimesBiz) April 1, 2020
Highly interesting paper about epidemic control with digital contact tracing | Science. And first outline of ethical framework for using this app in a democratic society.
— Albert Meijer (@albertmeijer) April 2, 2020
Coronavirus sleuths kick off campaign for digital tracing of COVID-19 contacts @IrmaRaste @eViRaHealth #COVID19 #Covid_19 #coronavirus #coronapocolypse #StayAtHome
— B2B HealthTech Experts (@eViRaHealth) April 1, 2020
Coronavirus sleuths kick off campaign for digital tracing of COVID-19 contacts @IrmaRaste @eViRaHealth #COVID19 #Covid_19 #coronavirus #coronapocolypse #StayAtHome
— Evan Kirstel #StayHome #RemoteWork (@evankirstel) April 1, 2020
So: this sounds great @PeppPt — privacy protecting proximity tracing: it is a pan-European project.
— Jim Killock (@jimkillock) April 1, 2020
… but so far, we know very little, apart from some news stories, eg #coronavirus