To fire a worker for standing up for better conditions - again, during a pandemic - is abhorrent and cowardly. These workers deserve more protection, more communication, and more value during this time.
— NewsGuild of New York (@nyguild) March 31, 2020
CNBC: Amazon fires Staten Island warehouse worker who organized strike for greater #COVID19 protections. Company says it was for "violating social distancing guidelines”
— Andrea Woo | 鄔瑞楓 (@AndreaWoo) March 31, 2020
Please join me in standing in solidarity with #ChrisSmalls and boycott @amazon.
— Jen Perelman For Congress (@JENFL23) March 31, 2020
I’ll be doing my online shopping at Costco & Trader Joe’s.#AmazonStrike #WorkersFirst
As someone who has to go to multiple different grocery stores and chains five days a week every week for work, I can assure you most of them are not protecting their employees enough, if at all, and most certainly not paying them enough in hazard pay (or period really.)
— Matt Lally (@ImpishMATT) March 30, 2020
"He was clearly fired for blowing the whistle on unconscionable and unsafe conditions," says @DebAxt, co-executive director of @MaketheRoadNY, one of the groups behind today's strike (
— Josh Eidelson (@josheidelson) March 30, 2020
They deserve all of this and more
— Shaun King (@shaunking) March 30, 2020
Amazon employee Chris Smalls, who says he was fired after leading a strike in Staten Island, says workers lacked safety gear.
— Bloomberg (@business) March 31, 2020
"We don't have proper masks, we don't have the latex gloves. We only have a third-party cleaning crew. But even they are scared."
"Because I tried to stand up for something that's right, the company decided to retaliate against me," the worker, Chris Smalls, told @emilychangtv. "This is just a way of cutting the head off of the snake."
— Josh Eidelson (@josheidelson) March 31, 2020
Whole Foods employees want:
— Lois Beckett (@loisbeckett) March 30, 2020
- hazard pay of double the current hourly wage
-paid leave for all workers who stay home or self-quarantine
-free coronavirus testing for all employees
"It’s very plausible that some of us will die for this job.”
In a social-distancing moment, protesting workers are emboldened by a greater "sense of moral righteousness" as they see their "companies are breaking these new but extremely powerful norms, for an illicit selfish reason," says historian @NelsonLichtens1.
— Josh Eidelson (@josheidelson) March 31, 2020
i know we're all burnt out of outrage but this is a disgrace and chris smalls deserves justice
— Jennifer Schaffer (@jmschaff) March 31, 2020
.@Amazon has fired the leader of a worker strike protesting safety conditions in the face of the coronavirus.
— PEN America (@PENamerica) March 31, 2020
This is why unions are important.@UFCW5 negotiated wage increases, safety precautions, & sick leave for supermarket workers.
— Scott Wiener (@Scott_Wiener) March 31, 2020
Whole Foods workers deserve the same.
I support these workers’ fight to protect themselves & their families.
Amazon says they fired him because he came to work when he was supposed to be quarantined.
— Steve Kovach (@stevekovach) March 31, 2020
All of these demands are quite reasonable. @amazon, please do the right thing and pay these people what they’re worth.
— Brianna Wu (@BriannaWu) March 30, 2020
Jeff Bezos is the wealthiest person in the world. Amazon pays $0 in federal income taxes. Yet Bezos refuses to protect Amazon warehouse workers. I stand with the workers today demanding safe working conditions and paid leave.
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) March 30, 2020
Do any of these demands seem unreasonable?
— Anand Giridharadas (@AnandWrites) March 30, 2020
Amazon is absolute trash and Chris Smalls, a warehouse worker who organized this strike, is a hero. Don't shop at Amazon.
— Thomas Kennedy (@tomaskenn) March 31, 2020
“Conditions are horrific” - striking Amazon employee Chris Smalls tells @emilychangtv he was fired in retaliation
— Bloomberg Technology (@technology) March 30, 2020
.@Amazon, @Instacart & @WholeFoods Workers are sending a powerful message with strikes today.
— Marc Perrone (@Marc_Perrone) March 31, 2020
Corporate profits can’t come before the safety of Food Supply Workers during the #coronavirus outbreak.
We must protect our customers!
????#1u #UnionStrong
New: @SenatorMenendez & other Dems say they still want answers about what Google's sister company will do with the data it collects on its coronavirus screening site
— Cristiano Lima (@viaCristiano) March 31, 2020
Here, it will be harder to fault intelligence, as even unclassified threat briefings have for years warned of the threat of global pandemic at a broad level, & reportedly, there were very recent warnings about the specific information coming out of China:
— Carrie Cordero (@carriecordero) March 30, 2020
Republican Vermont Gov. Phil Scott says Trump abused his power and shouldn't be in office.
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) February 6, 2020
"I believe that the president abused his powers," Scott said. "I didn't vote for the president, and I don't believe that he should be in office."
These simulations show how to flatten the coronavirus growth curve: - Health Why outbreaks like coronavirus spread exponentially, and how to “flatten the curve” By Harry Stevens Harry Stevens Graphics reporter… #GovCloudWorldNews
— Kevin L. Jackson - Educate. Consult. Engage. (@Kevin_Jackson) March 30, 2020
The "President" of the Kennedy Center makes more than $1MM per year or 4X what the POTUS makes. The Kennedy Center got $25MM and now they will layoff employees.
— Joe Stallings ⚾️₿? (@StallJoeIngs) March 29, 2020
All-star lineup on @CapehartJ's podcast today: two of the hardest working people in CJ Reform @TopekaKSam and @holly_harris talking about COVID19 and prisons.
— Daniel Landsman (@Dan_Landsman) March 31, 2020
Whole Foods Employees Are Staging a Nationwide 'Sick-Out'
— ??????US Navy~Vets~4~Trump2020?????? (@Shelbycobra642) March 31, 2020
Jeff Bezos & Amazon DO NOT CARE about their HUMAN employees.
Bezos & Amazon abuse & overwork employees from Fulfillment centers to Frontline workers at Whole Foods
Where is LABOR DEPT?
Good morning to striking Whole Foods workers ✊
— DSA ? (@DemSocialists) March 31, 2020
Grocery store workers are supporting all of us. They deserve protections. @WholeFoods workers are fighting for:
— Brad Lander (@bradlander) March 31, 2020
-increased hazard pay
-paid time off for people who need to self-quarantine
-Reinstatement of health care coverage for part-time workers
Whole Foods Employees Are Staging a Nationwide 'Sick-Out'
— L E F T, PhD ⚫️ (@LeftSentThis) March 31, 2020
Workers say they will strike Tuesday because the Amazon subsidiary has failed to prioritize their safety during a period of record sales.
Come ON @WholeFoods you’ve gone from suggesting workers give each other vacation time to refusing essential benefits. @JeffBezos you have the money to pay for workers’ #COVID19 testing, paid leave and hazard pay. Do it! #WholeFoodsStrike
— Christine Pelosi (@sfpelosi) March 31, 2020
Amazon @WholeFoods workers are on the front lines of the #COVID19 crisis — the fact that they don't have full access to #PaidLeave or #HazardPay is disgraceful.
— Jobs With Justice (@jwjnational) March 30, 2020
Thank you @LaurenKGurley for lifting up their voices.@WholeWorkerWFM - JWJ is with you ✊
The strike wave is in full swing! Whole Foods workers across the country are staging a mass "sick out" tomorrow — following strikes today at Instacart and an Amazon warehouse in NYC. I spoke to some workers about their demands:
— Lauren Kaori Gurley (@LaurenKGurley) March 30, 2020
It’s about fucking time! Solidarity!
— Pandemic at the Disco Dancing like Hellboi. ? (@jmjlyons) March 30, 2020
Whole Foods employees nationwide are going on a "sick-out" strike tomorrow to protest the lack of protections + support from WF and Amazon during the crisis
— ᴅᴇʀᴇᴋ ᴍᴇᴀᴅ (@derektmead) March 30, 2020
As @friedberg predicted, the threat to the food supply chain has taken center stage. See:
— David Sacks (@DavidSacks) March 31, 2020
NEW: Whole Foods employees nationwide are organizing a "sick out" strike tomorrow to protest lack of protections Amazon has given them during the pandemic
— Jason Koebler (@jason_koebler) March 30, 2020
アマゾンの子会社となったWhole Foods、企業が従業員の健康を守ることを優先しないことに不満をもち、病欠ストを全国規模でやるとのこと。 @viceさんから
— Kazuto Suzuki (@KS_1013) March 31, 2020
Stand with front line workers.
— Colin #CloseTheParksNow Seeberger (@CMSeeberger) March 30, 2020
Don't cross the picket line tomorrow.
Don't shop at Whole Foods.
Whole Foods employees plan to strike tomorrow to protest the lack of protections offered to workers. They will call in sick to demand paid leave for all workers who self-quarantine, free testing for employees, and hazard pay of double the hourly wage.
— Q Research Notables (@QAnonNotables) March 31, 2020
SCOOP: Whole Foods employees are planning to strike on Tuesday.
— VICE (@VICE) March 30, 2020
no paywall on this one, and worth reading
— empty the prisons and wash your hands (@outsidadgitator) March 31, 2020
Some are hailing @amazon's response to COVID-19 but this is a company that avoids paying tax, doesn't recognize trade unions, and isn't protecting all of its workers.
— Mark Dummett (@MarkDummett) March 31, 2020
Free to read: Amazon could become a company admired for keeping housebound citizens healthy, fed and watered — acting at times as though it were an extension of the emergency services
— Financial Times (@FinancialTimes) March 31, 2020
Amazon is really pushing the boat out on helping its employees socially distance. From today's free to read story
— Matthew Garrahan (@MattGarrahan) March 31, 2020
Free to read: Amazon could win admiration for helping keep housebound citizens supplied through the coronavirus crisis, acting as an extension of emergency services. But it needs to keep workers healthy to do so
— Financial Times (@FinancialTimes) March 31, 2020
NEW (and free to read): Inside Amazon as it assumes its new role as America's 'Red Cross'
— Dave Lee (@DaveLeeFT) March 31, 2020
Readings for today -
— Abhishek K Rai (@marginalideas) March 31, 2020
1. Amazon could become a company admired for keeping citizens healthy, fed &watered — acting as though it were an extension of the emergency services.
Good read on how Amazon is trying to make an opportunity out of a crisis.
아마존, 뉴욕 고객주문처리센터에서 코로나바이러스 시위 주도한 직원 해고한 조치로 비판 받아
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) March 31, 2020
- 부 매니저 크리스 스몰스, 월요일 60명 이상 동료들과 아마존이 적절한 소독을 위해 고객주문처리센터를 닫을 것 요구하고 파업해
- 그와 수명 동료가 코로나19 확진 판정 받아
#JeffBezos is right up there with #KochNetwork when it comes to perpetuating evil in the world. The Koch bros played the philanthropists too, but that didn't stop them from destroying people's lives.
— Laraine (@laflemm12) March 31, 2020
Amazon workers are walking out today.
— Eric Blanc (@_ericblanc) March 30, 2020
Whole Foods tomorrow.
Strikes save lives.
“...the first national collective action led by workers at the company since it was founded in 1980.”
— The HighWire (@HighWireTalk) March 31, 2020
We are not crossing the picket line this week. Let’s stand with the workers that make Whole Foods, Amazon, Instacart, and so many other corporations successful every day (and are making them especially wealthy during this crisis.)
— For Tax Fairness (@4TaxFairness) March 31, 2020
#WholeMazon Foods Strikes! #foodworldorder
— jharveylewis (@jharveylewis) March 31, 2020
Whole Foods Employees Are Staging a Nationwide 'Sick-Out'
— poetWOAgun (@poetWOAgun) March 31, 2020
Jeff Bezos & Amazon DO NOT CARE about their HUMAN employees
Bezos & Amazon abuse & overwork employees from Fulfillment centers to Frontline workers at Whole Foods
Where is LABOR DEPT?
We’re asking for double pay. Since we first announced the intent to do a sick out, Whole Foods announced a temporary raise of $2 an hour, which isn’t enough. A bunch of us have already gotten sick. It’s very plausible that some of us will die for this job.
— Kaniela Ing (@KanielaIng) March 30, 2020
Support Whole Food/Amazon workers who are on strike today for safe, cautionary measures in their workplace by not crossing the picket line, a.k.a. ordering or shopping. (That was one fast organizing drive!)
— Vicky Rateau (@VRateau) March 31, 2020
“It’s very plausible that some of us will die for this job”
— Yashar Ali ? (@yashar) March 30, 2020
Whole Foods Employees Are Staging a Nationwide 'Sick-Out'
Workers say they will strike Tuesday because the Amazon subsidiary has failed to prioritize their safety during a period of record sales
The cult at @AmazonUK believes it is the new Red Cross? yet ignores the safety & welfare of its workers?Really want to know what Amazon staff are made to go through so you can get your parcel? ?@GMB_union #covid19UK #AmazonSocialDistanceNow
— Michael David Rix ✊️??#AmazonWeAreNotRobots? (@RixyieOrganiser) March 31, 2020
— ポル之助のゲームニュース (@pornoski_news) April 1, 2020