When people say “be authentic” on social media, this thread is what they mean ? @stewart https://t.co/ODKsj4oeYm
— Matthew Kobach (but staying home) (@mkobach) March 26, 2020
Some companies are doing really well right now, and talking about that in an authentic way is a really tough (and dangerous, frankly) thing.
— Ryan K. Rigney (@RKRigney) March 26, 2020
But I think the CEO of Slack does a pretty good job of it in this thread. Interesting insight into what it's like behind the scenes there. https://t.co/9vRE0Ymlpf
There is a lot here to take in relative to crisis management and just being a human leader.
— Steven Sinofsky (@stevesi) March 26, 2020
(Disclosures - https://t.co/A0BFULqF3g) https://t.co/ezMxeQUITH
This is an unbelievably open and raw thread about how the CEO of Slack is experiencing the tumultuous times we’re in. So very worth reading. And thank you for sharing @stewart! #COVID19 #bearmarket https://t.co/N6PPkCfb98
— Katharina Borchert (@lyssaslounge) March 26, 2020
Nail biter — thread by Slack CEO about the last 2 weeks: tough choices re: corona & staff, earnings call, stock market crash, usage surge. We glorify entrepreneurship, but it’s no cakewalk https://t.co/1l5stJiVuR
— Scott Galloway (@profgalloway) March 26, 2020
One of the best threads I've ever read from a business leader. Probably not an accident that @SlackHQ stock is having a big day either $WORK
— Downtown Josh Brown (@ReformedBroker) March 26, 2020
Appreciate you as both a customer and a shareholder @stewart https://t.co/2VnnK3Q8EK
My day job (also: night job) is CEO of Slack, a publicly traded company with investors to whom I am a fiduciary, 110k+ paying customers of all sizes, and thousands of employees I care about very, very much. The last few weeks have been ??? Here’s what it's been like. [Thread]
— Stewart Butterfield (@stewart) March 26, 2020
slack's customer growth is bonkers, could make this a historic quarter for the company https://t.co/uqZGvdSnuQ
— alex (@alex) March 26, 2020