As India goes in a 21-day #Lockdown, @XiaomiIndia, @realmemobiles, @Apple, @uber and other companies press pause on their services and launches.
— Tech2 (@tech2eets) March 25, 2020
Story from @debbywuintaipei: iPhone Makers Suspend India Production Due to Lockdown
— Mark Gurman (@markgurman) March 25, 2020
인도 봉쇄되면서 아이폰 생산이 중단 됐다고. 애플처럼 밸류 체인 복잡하면, 지금 같은 때 어떻게 운영해야 할까...
— Imseong Kang (@Imseong) March 25, 2020
BBC: 인도, 전국가적 21일 락다운에 들어가 모든 iPhone 생산 중단
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) March 25, 2020
- 인도, 코로나바리러스 확산으로 인도시각 자정부터 21일 동안 전국적인 락다운 시작
- 나렌다 모디 총리, TV 연설에서 국민들이 집에서 나가는 것 완전 금지되고 21일 잘 처리 못하면 21년 후퇴한다고 말해
Amazing #India is on #Lockdown 1.3 billion people! Citizens panicked in New Delhi & Mumbai All were out stockpiling food & supplies Prime Minister later tweeted essential services would remain open Poor & destitute have no where to go Live at workplaces
— Kristen's Kulture (@paz4u) March 25, 2020
— 小坂純一(気象予報士/個人開発アプリ521万DL) (@kosajun1) March 24, 2020
BBC News - Coronavirus: India to enter 'total lockdown' after spike in cases
BBC News - Coronavirus: India enters 'total lockdown' after spike in cases
??"India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi has imposed a nationwide lockdown in an attempt to slow the spread of the #COVID19. ??
— End Coronavirus Dot Org (@endCOVID19) March 25, 2020
'There will be a total ban on venturing out of your homes,' Mr. Modi said in a televised address."
If #India can go into total #lockdown so can Australia. They have 1.3 billion people. We have 25 million.
BBC News - Coronavirus: India to enter 'total lockdown' after spike in cases
Welcome to the club, India! Now stop dancing, put your ass on that couch and don't move.
— Captain ⚽ (@CaptnGuardiola) March 24, 2020
Look ?
— Alexander D. Great One (@Gyptsea1962) March 25, 2020
#CoronavirusIndia #IndiaLockdown
— ? Vera is worried about the USA ? #unfuckAmerica (@prayerfeathers) March 25, 2020
BBC News - Coronavirus: India enters 'total lockdown' after spike in cases
India now in lockdown for 21 days. Doing a little math....yep, that takes us to around that Easter timeline....
— The Great Awakening⭐⭐⭐ (@DGreatAwakening) March 25, 2020
Sorry DS, nowhere for you to hide, planet-wide. "There will come a time they will not be safe walking down the street."
— ???? ???????? ????? 77K (@captsingh) March 25, 2020
Coronavirus: India enters 'total lockdown' after spike in cases.
India had taken the political corruption that is #DontTestDontTell to its ultimate level.
— Ben Hunt (@EpsilonTheory) March 24, 2020
Only 519 “confirmed cases” and 10 “confirmed deaths” in country of 1.3 billion, now in total lockdown.
Indonesia and Russia are next. Betrayals all.
India’s new measures to contain #COVID19 now mean 1.3 billion people are on lockdown. This presents new challenges to continue life-saving immunization programs but @Gavi is committed to supporting @MoHFW_INDIA and @narendramodi.
— Seth Berkley (@GaviSeth) March 24, 2020
"There will be a total ban on venturing out of your homes," Mr Modi said in a televised address."
— end times life (@endtimeslife) March 24, 2020