We’ve wanted to work with Mozilla since the day we started Scroll. They care about the things we care about: user experience and privacy on a sustainable internet that works for everyone. https://t.co/PMCSVnm2fD
— Scroll (@tryscroll) March 24, 2020
Big news from @tryscroll and @mozilla, for more see https://t.co/2Jzldb8TN7 https://t.co/Xt7pL2dGFc
— Albert Wenger ??⌛ (@albertwenger) March 24, 2020
yeowsers, THIS was a smart match. thrilled a bunch of our @DCNorg members are in on it. White space, an actual better (and open) web .. finally. https://t.co/N7PhE65PoW
— Jason Kint (@jason_kint) March 24, 2020
Excited to see this collaboration between @mozilla and @tryscroll - if you're in the US, give it a try for a better web experience! https://t.co/VVp1HK8dOs
— Mohamed Nanabhay (@mohamed) March 24, 2020
Mozilla launches new initiative with Scroll to fund publishers https://t.co/QALcRrv1iK
— Sara Fischer (@sarafischer) March 24, 2020
A year ago we met with Mozilla to discuss whether a web that respected users privacy and performance but still funded sites was possible. That discussion led us to today and the launch of Firefox Better Web with Scroll: https://t.co/npFcvEt1XO
— Tony Haile (@arctictony) March 24, 2020
A Mozilla partnership with @tryscroll gets Firefox users ad-free news for $5 a month — $2.50 for the first 6 months. https://t.co/6vvr26ZsCH
— Stephen Shankland (@stshank) March 24, 2020
We're working on creating a better web with @tryScroll to give you the fast, private web you want while supporting publishers at the same time. https://t.co/ILoAfBiLkX
— Firefox ? (@firefox) March 24, 2020
We have always loved Mozilla's focus on the idea that a better web is possible. Finding new funding models for the web has never been more vital and we're proud to be working with them to make the internet a faster, more private and better place to be. https://t.co/iTyqYMekOS
— Tony Haile (@arctictony) March 24, 2020
— array @UC寛解?でも増悪はしてない (@array) March 24, 2020
Firefox is launching a new test pilot with Scroll to pay web publishers https://t.co/nvtzFlKx9y pic.twitter.com/wspoWs2rAi
— The Verge (@verge) March 24, 2020
? ? ? Exciting steps in the right direction! Great job by the team @pwalm @ahnjanice @matt_gpdx @maryannarogers et alhttps://t.co/5eKEtOEOKF
— Anthony Lam (@Antlam) March 24, 2020
I spoke with Mozilla and Scroll about their new extension, Firefox Better Web. It has more tracking blockers and there’s a Scroll subscription. Seems interesting — but it’s rightly just a pilot. https://t.co/7oSCrinaIY pic.twitter.com/HOEqnNtYCs
— Dieter Bohn (@backlon) March 24, 2020
Here's an interesting publisher monetization model to watch https://t.co/R7kqF617j1
— Travis Bernard (@travisbernard) March 24, 2020
Mozilla, 'Firefox Better Web with Scroll'테스트 파일럿 출시 https://t.co/xz6o0zgpYR
— editoy (@editoy) March 25, 2020
Mozilla launches Firefox Better Web with Scroll in beta #Firefox #Scroll https://t.co/vxp9ATJF7j pic.twitter.com/4fkj8hh7ZZ
— Neowin (@NeowinFeed) March 24, 2020
“If we’re going to create a better internet for everyone, we need to figure out how to make it work for publishers.” https://t.co/XP10yvjsVD
— Jason Kint (@jason_kint) March 25, 2020
Imagine a web where you pay less than a netflix subscription to have a clickbait-free ad-free tracking-free browsing experience.@mozilla are killing it right now. Really hope this is a success.https://t.co/rMqJrDzzqS #privacy #security
— ???ℝ? (@render_ghost) March 25, 2020
Wow it's almost like you don't need a shitcoin like BAT to do this. So surprising. https://t.co/xpCp5TzqkI
— ungrubles (@notgrubles) March 25, 2020
Check it. Mozilla expands its partnership with ad-free subscription service Scroll https://t.co/CeVfqHhLSq via @techcrunch #tech #digital #data #business pic.twitter.com/RJmnMbiLAS
— Kohei Kurihara Blockchain CMO (@kuriharan) March 25, 2020
Firefox is launching a new test pilot with Scroll to pay web publishers https://t.co/pZtAqdATXG pic.twitter.com/vowLfJx71x
— The Verge (@verge) March 25, 2020