Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella to employees on coronavirus crisis: ‘We need the world to do well’ via @seattletimes
— Frank X. Shaw (@fxshaw) March 21, 2020
나델라 MS CEO에 대해 처음 알게 된 사실인데, 그의 23살짜리 아들이 선천적 뇌성마비로 인한 사지마비에 시각장애를 가지고 있고, 면역력도 약하다고. 그래서 세계적으로 만연한 코로나19 사태를 매우 심각하게 생각하고 있다는 듯.
— 푸른곰 (@purengom) March 22, 2020
BREAKING: Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella on #coronavirus, the future and urging employees — in quite personal Seattle Times interview and company-wide email — to stay strong and help others personally + professionally. #Microsoft #Covid_19 #WeGotThisSeattle
— Geoff Baker (@GeoffBakerTIMES) March 21, 2020
With personal candor in a Seattle Times interview and company-wide email, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella tries to rally employees for the biggest fight of their careers: Taking down the coronavirus. #COVID19 #Microsoft #tech #WeGotThisSeattle #coronavirus
— Geoff Baker (@GeoffBakerTIMES) March 22, 2020
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella to employees on coronavirus crisis: ‘There is no playbook for this’ via @seattletimes
— Christophe Fiessinger (@cfiessinger) March 21, 2020
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella on #coronavirus and company’s role going forward in slowing it. Highly personal Seattle Times interview and email to his 140K + employees. #Microsoft #Covid_19 #WeGotThisSeattle #tech
— Geoff Baker (@GeoffBakerTIMES) March 21, 2020
In a quite personal Seattle Times interview and email to his 140K+ global employees, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella empathized with their #coronavirus anxiety and urged them to do their best to help others personally and professionally. #Microsoft #Covid_19
— Geoff Baker (@GeoffBakerTIMES) March 21, 2020
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella to employees on coronavirus crisis: We do need the world to do well for us to do well. #MSFT #COVIDー19
— Martina Grom ☁️ #StayHome #WFH (@magrom) March 21, 2020
Satya Nadella, whose 23-year-old son is a legally blind quadriplegic with cerebral palsy weakening his immune system, on Microsoft's role in slowing COVID-19: via @seattletimes
— Forcepoint (@ForcepointSec) March 22, 2020