They should’ve announced this weeks, if not months ago.
— Elliott Zaagman (@ElliottZaagman) March 22, 2020
Nevertheless, better late than never.
A great letter from the founder of Amazon, @JeffBezos on their current priorities
— Mark Suster (@msuster) March 22, 2020
A message all CEO's must pen to their stakeholders during this #CoronavirusPandemic
— Olufemi AWOYEMI (@OlufemiAwoyemi) March 22, 2020
"This isn’t business as usual, and it’s a time of great stress and uncertainty. It’s also a moment in time when the work we’re doing is its most critical."
Jeff Bezos in an email to Amazon employees Saturday afternoon: “There is no instruction manual for how to feel at a time like this, and I know this causes stress for everyone. My list of worries right now — like yours I’m sure — is…
— toddbishop (@toddbishop) March 22, 2020
Awesome. Amazon helped get supplies to millions of Americans & @JeffBezos is now all in on COVID19. Hygienic logistics is a huge issue to solve.
— Balaji S. Srinivasan (@balajis) March 22, 2020
Bezos: “My own time and thinking is now wholly focused on COVID-19 and on how Amazon can best play its role.”
"Dear Amazonians,
— Amit Paranjape (@aparanjape) March 22, 2020
This isn’t business as usual, and it’s a time of great stress and uncertainty. It’s also a moment in time when the work we’re doing is its most critical....." - @JeffBezos' message to @amazon personnel.
"This isn’t business as usual, and it’s a time of great stress and uncertainty. Across the world, people are feeling the economic effects of this crisis, and I’m sad to tell you I predict things are going to get worse before they get better," Jeff Bezos
— Chandra R. Srikanth (@chandrarsrikant) March 22, 2020
Good for Amazon but this is like perfect for Amazon. They couldn't have designed a better crisis for their business!!
— Social Distancing Balding 大老板 (@BaldingsWorld) March 22, 2020
Bezos: 'My own time and thinking is now wholly focused on COVID-19 and on how Amazon can best play its role."
— Nicholas Thompson (@nxthompson) March 22, 2020
CEO Letter to Employees ... Jeff Bezos letter to Amazon employees about COVID-19, sent yesterday: How he wrote it, what he’s doing, and how to get a job at Amazon right now:
— Peter Fisk (@GeniusWorks) March 22, 2020
Jeff Bezos doesn't participate in mask shaming: "We’ve placed purchase orders for millions of face masks we want to give to our employees and contractors who cannot work from home"
— Tuur Demeester (@TuurDemeester) March 22, 2020
"We’ve changed logistics, transportation, supply chain, purchasing, and 3rd party seller processes to prioritize stocking and delivering essential items like household staples, sanitizers, baby formula and medical supplies. We’re providing a vital service"
— Tren Griffin (@trengriffin) March 22, 2020
Everyone is leaning on Amazon and Whole Foods at the moment.
— JP Mangalindan (@JPManga) March 22, 2020
But can Amazon handle the pressure of the coronavirus?
(My latest feature for @protocol .)
Read the memo Jeff Bezos sent to Amazon employees about coronavirus safety at warehouses
— Culttture (@culttture) March 22, 2020
Read the memo Jeff Bezos sent to Amazon employees about coronavirus safety at warehouses
— CNBC Tech (@CNBCtech) March 22, 2020
Jeff Bezos letter to his employees. Thinks that this situation will get worse. Is trying to order millions of masks for his warehouse workers but his orders are not being filled.
— Danny (@d_kab1) March 22, 2020
Apple CEO Tim Cook says the company is donating "millions" of masks to healthcare workers
— The Verge (@verge) March 22, 2020
Yesss !!!►►►Apple CEO Tim Cook says the company is donating “millions” of masks to healthcare workers - The Verge via @GoogleNews
— GG ❤??❤ (@GGevirtz) March 22, 2020
Apple CEO Tim Cook says the company is donating “millions” of masks to healthcare workers. via @GoogleNews
— Jesse Elin B. (@effiedog) March 22, 2020
From a bunker somewhere, Bezos writes letter to Amazon workers.
— All I don't wanna do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom (@hypervisible) March 22, 2020
On the other side of this, whenever that is, remember the workers who literally kept society running, & the plutocrats who penned missives from their hiding spaces, & treat them accordingly.
Internal memo: Jeff Bezos tells Amazon employees he’s ‘wholly focused’ on the COVID-19 crisis via @GeekWire by @mnickelsburg, tip @techmeme
— toddbishop (@toddbishop) March 21, 2020
Internal memo: Jeff Bezos tells Amazon employees he’s ‘wholly focused’ on the COVID-19 crisis via @GeekWire
— John Cook (@johnhcook) March 22, 2020
? Amazon doubling overtime pay for warehouse workers ?
— Alex (@aroseblush) March 22, 2020
Amazon doubling overtime pay for warehouse workers
— Ryan Shead (@RyanShead) March 22, 2020
Apple to donate 2 million masks to US coronavirus response, Pence says - CNET
— Mike Blumenthal (@mblumenthal) March 22, 2020
Question: how is @Apple able to source 2 millions masks and the government can’t?
Heroes #COVID19:
— Sue Altman (@suealtman) March 22, 2020
?Nurses, technicians, paramedics
?Public workers (transit, unemployment offices etc)
?Warehouse workers like @WWorkersStandUp
?Grocery store workers
?So many more
Not heroes:
??CEOs who won't provide paid sick leave
Warehouse workers demand Amazon protect them during coronavirus pandemic By @benfoxrubin @CNET
— Jessica Dolcourt (@jdolcourt) March 22, 2020
아마존이 코로나 바이러스의 압력을 처리할 수 있습니까?
— editoy (@editoy) March 23, 2020
Apple CEO Tim Cook says the company is donating “millions” of masks to healthcare workers
— Nikki Martinez (@DrNikkiMartinez) March 23, 2020
Apple CEO Tim Cook says the company is donating “millions” of masks to healthcare workers
— Piyush Mittal (@piyushmittal) March 23, 2020
Apple CEO Tim Cook says the company is donating "millions" of masks to healthcare workers #ucaas #uc #voip #csp #msp #reseller #broadband #p2p #sdwan #siptrunking #mpls #sip #ld @itexpo #itexpo
— Rich Tehrani (@rtehrani) March 22, 2020
Now where, how did Apple find/get these masks from?
— Anthony Joyner✍️ (@AnthonyJoyner44) March 23, 2020
Apple to donate 2 million masks to US coronavirus response, Pence says via @CNET