No one gets to bitch about the next price increase
— Katie Stone (@KatieStonePoker) March 20, 2020
This is wonderful news for the incredible crew members who make these shows
— June Diane Raphael (@MsJuneDiane) March 20, 2020
As we wait to see what kind of economic support this government will provide, companies like Netflix have taken significant steps to support the people who make their business possible. More of this!
— UltraViolet (@UltraViolet) March 21, 2020
Great job, @netflix.
— Sleeping Giants (@slpng_giants) March 20, 2020
This is wonderful to see. I hope more creative/entertainment companies will do the same.
— Austin Channing Brown (@austinchanning) March 20, 2020
Hard to be mad at this company
— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) March 20, 2020
Starting a thread showing how tech companies are spending millions of dollars to help in the fight against #COVID19.
— Dare Obasanjo (@Carnage4Life) March 20, 2020
1. Netflix has created a $100 million relief fund to help members of the creative community who have been left unemployed by shutdowns
Wow. Thank you @netflix for standing by the artists in our community. I hope more companies like you follow suit.
— Amber Tamblyn (@ambertamblyn) March 20, 2020
Look who is taking a leadership role in Hollywood--> @netflix
— Rich Greenfield, LightShed (@RichLightShed) March 21, 2020
This community has supported Netflix through the good times & we want to help them through these hard times...we’ve created a $100 million fund to help with hardship in the creative community
This is a drop in the bucket to corporations but it is absolutely excellent PR that pays off EXPONENTIALLY.
— ?????????? (@lacunalingua) March 21, 2020
Netflix Creates $100 Million Coronavirus Relief Fund – Variety
.@Netflix donates $100 million to #COVID19 relief fund. @Uber/@Lyft, on the other hand, stash $100 million in a PAC to deny drivers paid sick leave. For once, do the right thing Uber/Lyft. Drain the damn account & provide relief to your drivers!
— Steve Smith (@ssmith_calabor) March 21, 2020
넷플릭스, 1억 달러(한화 1,200억 규모) COVID-19 구제 펀드를 조성함. 이번 사태로 실직 및 수입이 없는 크리에이터 집단을 지원하기 위함이라 함. 사실 요즘 영화관도 가보면 눈물날 지경. 목수, 운전사 등도 혜택에 포함. 정부가 못하는 일을 기업이 하는 멋진 사례.
— Alan Jinkyu Jang (@alanjkjang) March 21, 2020
Netflix Creates $100 Million Coronavirus Relief Fund ??
— Letterboxd (@letterboxd) March 21, 2020
Starting a thread showing how tech companies are spending millions of dollars to help in the fight against #COVID19.
— Dare Obasanjo (@Carnage4Life) March 20, 2020
1. Netflix has created a $100 million relief fund to help members of the creative community who have been left unemployed by shutdowns
?Netflix Creates $100 Million Coronavirus Relief Fund
— Sarah☭ (@dearsarah) March 21, 2020
Thank you @netflix for stepping up for those in our community who are most vulnerable. The need is unprecedented. If you can help, please give: via @variety
— SAG-AFTRA Foundation (@sagaftraFOUND) March 20, 2020
We call on the other major streaming services and production studios to follow in @Netflix's footsteps. You are only as strong as the people you work with, and we MUST support the hardest hit in our community.
— IATSE (@IATSE) March 21, 2020
Netflix Creates $100 Million Coronavirus Relief Fund – Variety @netflix ♥️
— natasha lyonne (@nlyonne) March 20, 2020
Really good move by @netflix to help our community during these difficult times in order to take care of many of the hardest hit freelancers and independent contractors supporting their productions. I hope more do this... #CoronavirusPandemic
— Jeff Rosica (@JeffJRosica) March 21, 2020
Look who is taking a leadership role in Hollywood--> @netflix
— Rich Greenfield, LightShed (@RichLightShed) March 21, 2020
This community has supported Netflix through the good times & we want to help them through these hard times...we’ve created a $100 million fund to help with hardship in the creative community
We care. We act. We’ve created a $100 million fund to help with hardship in the creative community during these unprecedented, challenging times. @netflix#netflix #covid19 #relief
— Vijay Venkataramanan (@7th_Samurai) March 20, 2020
Emergency Support for Workers in the Creative Community
Netflix announces $1.5 millionCAD in support for the Canadian creative community:
— Greg MacEachern (@gmacofglebe) March 20, 2020
Netflix is the first studio to announce a financial care package of 100Million USD for workers sitting at home due to halted productions during these days.
— Mayur Puri / मयूर पुरी (@mayurpuri) March 21, 2020
Kudos @netflix@NetflixIndia! I hope other big studios follow suit.
Netflix has created a $100 million fund to help entertainment workers facing financial difficulty due to COVID-19 situation, and will be donating $1 million each to relief funds. More information on their blog:
— Actors Access (@ActorsAccess) March 20, 2020
One of the better releases I've seen issued at 3:30PM on a Friday. Netflix creates emergency support fund for workers in the creative community including $1M CAD for the AFC and $500K CAD for the Fondation des artistes.
— ChrisMcCluskey (@ChrisMcCluskey) March 20, 2020
For the creative community: @netflix has created a $100 million fund to help with hardship due to #COVID19
— Underbelly (@underbelly) March 20, 2020
This aft, @Netflix announced a $100M fund to help now out-of-work entertainment industry workers due to COVID-19 crisis. $1 million to be split by @AFC_helps and Fondation des Artistes in Canada. Good on ya, Netflix.
— (@CarttCa) March 20, 2020
Emergency Support Fund for workers in the Creative Economy. @netflix has created a $100 million fund to help with COVID-19 related hardship. #NMEcon #NMFilm @NewMexicoFilm
— NM Economic Development (@NMecondev) March 20, 2020
Emergency Support for Workers in the Creative Community ($100M fund):
— Yves Raimond (@moustaki) March 20, 2020
넷플릭스, 1억 달러 코로나19 구제 펀드 조성
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) March 21, 2020
- 코로나19 위기 동안 실직하거나 수입이 없는 창작 커뮤니티 구성원들 돕기 위한 것
- 펀드 대부분, 해고된 이들 지원에 쓰일 것
- 넷플릭스 최고콘텐트책임자 테드 사란도스, TV와 영화 제작 거의 전세계적으로 중단됐다고 말해