“Any failure of Amazon to keep its workers safe does not just put their employees at risk, it puts the entire country at risk..." https://t.co/L0WuA93Ps4
— All I don't wanna do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom (@hypervisible) March 21, 2020
Amazon workers are providing a vital service during the pandemic, and so far they’ve been considered essential as cities have shut down. But workers fear crowded warehouses and insufficient safety precautions are putting them at risk. https://t.co/1qjBSxB3pz pic.twitter.com/f3juNbtKks
— Josh Dzieza (@joshdzieza) March 20, 2020
It’s disturbing that the DBK1 warehouse in Queens — an Amazon facility — is exempt from @NYGovCuomo’s executive order to decrease the workforce and send workers home.
— Julia Salazar (@JuliaCarmel__) March 20, 2020
These workers and the countless customers they serve need to be protected from #COVID19.https://t.co/3T4ndu2PEi
Breaking news: Amazon to stop shipping non-essentials to consumers in Italy and France.
— Marketplace Pulse (@MarketplacePuls) March 21, 2020
The move comes on the heels of actions Amazon took on Tuesday when it said it will only receive vital supplies at its U.S. and European warehouses until April 5th.https://t.co/Dwfcg0Jwad
If Amazon and warehouse workers are essential workers, we need to provide them with the proper protective gear to keep them healthy.
— Patrick Thornton (@pwthornton) March 20, 2020
We also have to retool how our warehouses and distribution works. https://t.co/2MPZBaf8qi
Weird that senator are “urging” CEOs instead of...you know...implementing laws that require them to abide by this. https://t.co/qegocLW6ob
— Arnesa Buljušmić-Kustura (@Rrrrnessa) March 21, 2020
If only there were a way Senators could ensure workers were protected beyond just hoping billionaires wake up feeling impetuously less evil one day. https://t.co/tKXi8CSFEn
— maura quint (@behindyourback) March 21, 2020
Amazon announced the second pay improvement in a week as the company continues to see increased demand from customers and it tells warehouse workers "some of us must work to keep goods flowing." https://t.co/OPdkJa7gUD
— Krystal Hu (@readkrystalhu) March 21, 2020
They should be receiving double pay right now, period. https://t.co/4l5jyojwe4
— Lisa Brewster (@Adora) March 21, 2020
Amazon doubles overtime pay for warehouse workers as demand rises due to coronavirus https://t.co/2NvvfmaZPa
— CNBC Tech (@CNBCtech) March 21, 2020
Amazon to start paying US warehouse workers double time for all overtime hours https://t.co/K3mhYxu8El pic.twitter.com/znofJjMTnG
— The Verge (@verge) March 21, 2020
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) March 21, 2020
아마존, 3월 15일부터 5월 9일까지 미국 웨어하우스 직원들에게 잔업 급여 배로 지불할 것.
- 이는 4명의 상원의원이 아마존 CEO 제프 베조스에게 회사가 코로나19 확산 동안 웨어하우스 직원들의 안전을 어떻게 유지하는지 답변하라는 서신 보낸 다음 날 취한 조치https://t.co/JVnXeregqy
Amazon to start paying US warehouse workers double time for all overtime hours https://t.co/kQ2KpIpdxe via @Verge
— JOE SAYRE LEFTIST. (@realFireblazes) March 21, 2020
If Amazon warehouse workers and delivery drivers are "essential," shouldn't they be compensated accordingly? #Amazon #CoronaVirusSolidarity https://t.co/tG27VJkDDs
— The Story of Stuff Project (@storyofstuff) March 21, 2020
Amazon is positioning itself as an ‘essential’ service during the pandemic — a move that benefits the company and puts its warehouse workers and drivers in danger. https://t.co/mTCwylNwfL
— Ehsan Zaffar (@Ezaffar) March 21, 2020
"We’re all going to get sick eventually": Amazon workers are struggling to provide for a nation in quarantine https://t.co/DdtHmDmsOu pic.twitter.com/jQ0V8YzekY
— The Verge (@verge) March 21, 2020