Here's @robotodd on the new MacBook Air. After several years, Apple finally has a modern MacBook for most people.
— Steve Kovach (@stevekovach) March 20, 2020
NEW VIDEO - 2020 MacBook Air Impressions: A Clean Refresh! - RT!
— Marques Brownlee (@MKBHD) March 20, 2020
新型MacBook Airのレビューが出始めてる。テック系レビューでおなじみのMarques Brownlee氏、内蔵カメラの解像度が改善されてないとか不満なところはハッキリ指摘しつつも全体的にかなり高評価。>2020 MacBook Air Impressions: A Clean Refresh! - YouTube -
— KIMURA Syuhei (@syuhei) March 20, 2020
[Updated the post to mention one obvious shortcoming: the crummy camera. —JG]
— Daring Fireball (@daringfireball) March 20, 2020
The reviews speaketh the truth: The keyboard on the new MacBook Air is WONDERFUL. And the performance looks seriously good as well. This i5 hit 111 on the Speedometer 2.0, and my MBP16 i9 did 121. Price is very reasonable too.
— DHH (@dhh) March 20, 2020
Damn. Was hoping to use a MacBook Air as my primary camera
— Casey Newton (@CaseyNewton) March 20, 2020
[Another update, to mention that you can upgrade the base model to the quad-core Core i5 for just $100, leaving storage at 256 GB.]
— Daring Fireball (@daringfireball) March 20, 2020
The 2018 MBA was an abomination.
— Paul Haddad (@tapbot_paul) March 20, 2020
This is it exactly - the 2020 MacBook Air settles all family business. This is the answer to most "what Mac should I buy" questions, without any real caveats.
— Jason Snell (@jsnell) March 20, 2020
I checked out the new MacBook Air from social distanceland, which means I shot it on an iPhone and quickly greased up the excellent new keyboard!
— Dana Wollman (@DanaWollman) March 20, 2020
The 2020 MacBook Air's redesigned keyboard and lower price make it easy to recommend:
— PCMag (@PCMag) March 20, 2020