Pretty cool. Hard to imagine any other credit card doing this. (Though potentially makes amount subject to interest that much higher the next month of course.) ?
— M.G. Siegler (@mgsiegler) March 14, 2020
?? Apple will allow Apple Card customers to skip March payment without an interest.
— Elvin ?️? (@elvin_not_11) March 14, 2020
Apple allowing Apple Card customers to skip March payment without interest due to coronavirus via @ChanceHMiller
— DukeOfZamunda (@ZamundaTwice) March 14, 2020
Apple is allowing Card holders to skip March payment w/out interest. Note the Fed could do a similar thing as the so-called 1.5 trillion "bailout," i.e. give credit card companies a 1-2 month loan, this would be very low cost.
— Alex Tabarrok (@ATabarrok) March 14, 2020
애플, 코로나바이러스 때문에 애플카드 고객에게이자없이 3월 지불금액 건너뛰게 해.
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) March 14, 2020
- 이는 애플이 애플카드 고객에게 보낸 이메일에서 발표한 고객보증 프로그램의 일부
- 핵심은 애플카드 고객, 이 프로그램에 가입하기 위해 애플카드 지원에 연락해야 함
Apple allowing Apple Card customers to skip March payment without interest due to #coronavirus #fintech $aapl #covid19
— Chris Gledhill (@cgledhill) March 15, 2020
Apple Card, コロナウイルスの拡大をうけて支払いが困難なユーザーに今月の支払いをスキップするサポートを開始。アナウンスのメール文面がスマートでよい…
— YUI ??? (@yuiykt) March 15, 2020
Apple allowing Apple Card customers to skip March payment without interest due to coronavirus
速報です。Appleが新型コロナウイルスの影響を考慮してApple Card (Appleが発行するクレジットカード) の3月分の支払いを利子なしでスキップすることを可能にしたそうです。
— NANA☃️令和2年生まれ (@NANA_CoRRiENTE) March 14, 2020
Apple allowing Apple Card customers to skip March payment without interest due to coronavirus