This is very similar to how Ocado developed its Smart Platform online retail technology platform, then sold it to other grocery retailers around the world:
— Alexandru Voica (@alexvoica) March 9, 2020
Credit card, not app, based. Customer data ownership issues still unknown. Pretty aggressive for Amazon.
— Kontra (@counternotions) March 9, 2020
Another brilliant move by @JeffBezos - reminiscent of opening up @awscloud to the world.
— Ashkan Karbasfrooshan (@ashkan) March 9, 2020
Amazon says retailers shouldn’t fear them, but to just join them. The data collection is worth *so* much more: consumer behaviors, body movements, facial and gesture data.
— Jeremiah Owyang (@jowyang) March 9, 2020
Amazon sells its self-checkout technology to other stores
— FutureShift (@futureshift) March 9, 2020
Amazon starts selling cashierless checkout technology to other retailers #payments #fintech #retail #retailtech
— Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel) March 9, 2020
.@Amazon is now pushing #cashierless tech on retail stores, threatening good jobs & endangering customer privacy.
— UFCW (@UFCW) March 9, 2020
America's 16 million #retail workers power our economy. We need to stand with them and fight for good jobs. #1u
Amazon is selling its futuristic cashierless technology to other stores
— Recode (@Recode) March 9, 2020
Millions of cashier jobs could be at risk.
— Vox (@voxdotcom) March 9, 2020
아마존, '캐시리스 고' 기술 다른 오프라인 리테일러에 판매할 것
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) March 9, 2020
- 아마존 고, 매장에 직원 없고 계산대에서 돈 지불할 필요 없어
- 문제는 아마존 고에서 쇼핑하는 사람들, 연소득 10만 달러 이상이라는 점
- 특히 필라델피아, 1년 전 캐시리스 스토어 미국에서 처음 금지해
Amazon out here playing catch-up with @standardAI ? You love to see it. This automated future of retail isn't coming--it's here. And it's only going to accelerate.
— Alexis Ohanian Sr. ? (@alexisohanian) March 9, 2020
What do you think--is Amazon deeply concerned about the impact its technology has on the incomes and lives of millions of people working as cashiers? ?via @delrey @recode #amazongo #humansnotrobots
— Athena (@athenaforall) March 9, 2020
아마존은 다른 소매점에 계산원이없는 결제 기술을 판매하기 시작했습니다.
— editoy (@editoy) March 10, 2020
• 아마존이 더 많은 Go 매장을 개설하고 유사한 기술을 판매하는 경쟁 업체가 다른 소매 업체에 가입하는 데 성공함으로써 계산원은 쓸모 없게 될 수 있습니다.
.@Amazon is now pushing cashier less tech on retail stores, threatening good jobs & endangering customer privacy.
— Indiana AFL-CIO (@INAFLCIO) March 10, 2020
America's 16 million #retail workers power our economy. We need to stand with them and fight for good jobs.
— Badrun Khan (@badrun_khan) March 10, 2020
And the slow march of a drastic upheaval to our economy continues.... #UBI is inevitable. #FreedomDividend #CouldaHadYang but 2020 still has plenty of @UBICaucus momentum and potential. Let’s keep it up!
Amazon announced it has begun selling its “just walk out” technology — which combines ceiling cameras, computer vision, and weight sensors — to other retailers, in a move that could someday impact the millions of Americans who hold cashier jobs today.
— Vox (@voxdotcom) March 10, 2020
Amazon is now offering its cashierless technology, Just Walk Out tech, to other retailers. The technology, which the online retail giant uses at its Amazon Go stores, lets shoppers pick up items without having to check out with a cashier. #retail #tech
— Jim Tompkins (@jimtompkins) March 9, 2020
— Hiroyuki Takisawa (@kanno417) March 10, 2020
Amazon offers no-checkout technology to other retailers