Brief update to the Nintendo PlayStation story: Heritage Auctions has said that the winning bidder has chosen to remain anonymous at this time.
— Chris Kohler (@kobunheat) March 6, 2020
More Money than sense?
— CommodoreBlog (@CommodoreBlog) March 6, 2020
Nintendo PlayStation: Ultra-rare prototype sells for £230,000
The Nintendo PlayStation sells for $360,000 at auction
— Engadget Gaming (@engadgetgaming) March 6, 2020
One of the rarest video game consoles of all time just sold for $360,000 at auction
— io9 (@io9) March 7, 2020
'Nintendo Play Station' Sells At Auction For $360,000 via @@kotaku
— Francisco Ledesma (@anarchyKaos666) March 7, 2020
Ended up ggoing for $360,000
The rarest PlayStation of them all sold for over $300,000 at an auction ?
— ᴀʀᴅᴀ Öᴄᴀʟ (@Arda) March 7, 2020
It’s crazy to think what people will pay for plastic and other materials molded and organized in a certain way, with a logo on it.
(brb gonna buy a supreme shirt for $800)
The Nintendo PlayStation owner turned down a $1.2M offer, then put it up for auction and got $360,000.
— Hunter ? (@NextGenPlayer) March 6, 2020
例の任天堂プレイステーション、3,791万円程度で落札された模様。落札したのはOculus VRの創設者「Palmer Lucky」氏かも、とのこと。にしても想像よりだいぶ安い。5,000万は軽く行くもんだと思っていたが…。
— へるくんちゃん (@435i) March 6, 2020
The Nintendo PlayStation sells for $360,000 at auction