#Google makes #Hangouts Meet #features #free in the wake of #coronavirus @Paula_Piccard@DavidPraiseKalu@PVynckier@PatrickGunz_CH@wil_bielert@PawlowskiMario@Victoryabro@fogle_shane@LoriMoreno@archonsechttps://t.co/ziI7LsDp8k via @engadget
— John Pearce (@techpearce2) March 3, 2020
G Suite users get free Hangouts Meet upgrades through June in response to COVID-19 crisis https://t.co/IeEPcZtLpl
— Abraham Williams (@abraham) March 3, 2020
Great to see. Using digital to continue learning https://t.co/r8iyjGNuRO
— Charlie Love (@charlie_love) March 3, 2020
Companies who embraced remote work already before now have a competitive advantage over their competitors.https://t.co/QwOAthklB4
— Juhani Lehtimäki (@lehtimaeki) March 4, 2020
i'm 45 and what is thishttps://t.co/7Sv5M1ZCQr pic.twitter.com/WUO9j4xSTy
— Super Bowl Half Tim (@TimCushing) March 4, 2020
Google makes Hangouts Meet features free in the wake of coronavirus. #isedcoach #edtech #edchat https://t.co/zL3vhv6PsC
— Ben Sheridan (@B_Sheridan) March 4, 2020