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Originally Published at Troop Messenger 

How do you like the idea of creating an application that will be rebranded by others?


Your client gets to resell it as their own product, but not before they pay you all the charges for production/designing.


If this idea interests you, then this page is where you need to be.


Take a break from your work or anything that you’re doing right now. This blog post needs your undivided attention.


5 minutes will be enough.


Let’s start with the basics.


White Label Application: Why is it gaining momentum?

white label application or service is designed, created, and manufactured by one company, but it is rebranded and resold by others as their own.


I hope you’ve noticed how during the last couple of years,



there has been a tremendous surge in the number of mobile applications. For every event or service, we need to download a new application. In fact, 62% of the companies, large and small, either have a dedicated application or are in the process of launching one.



Do you think these applications are created from scratch? 

No. Not at all. Here’s the truth behind the majority of mobile applications created today: Most of the apps nowadays are created via a template. These templates are called as ‘White Label Apps.’


Much like Websites powered by Wordpress, where you get to use the pre-built themes and templates, a white-label application is designed by one company so that it can be used by others, with a few changes, obviously.


Still, Confused?


Let me make this clearer with a White label apps example:

  • A while label application manufacturer, named as Company A, creates a marketing app and sells it to Company B.
  • Company B, having purchased the rights, rebrands this marketing application with their own name and logo.
  • Company B can now sell the product to end customers.



White label apps enable the resellers to expand their offerings and services without having to produce the apps from scratch. This allows them to scale both their offerings and revenue. The main advantage of this purchase is a smart time-saving. The companies don’t have to create a new application from square one.


White Labeling: Why is it gaining the Hype?

White labeling, without a doubt, is a faster solution to save money and time. It’s a great option for software developers. They can consider white labeling as a technique and a powerful strategy to increase their distribution.


White Labeling benefits for Software Developers:

There are many benefits of selling white labeled products other than cost-saving:


1. Faster Implementation:

Since the remodeling and rebranding of these applications require only a few resources from your clients, the product delivery and implementation is way faster.


2. Reduced Commercial Risk:

When you are into white-labeling, you offer your clients the products/templates that have been tested and offer a proven solution. This way, there is no commercial risk as such.


3. Optimized Product Line:

White Labeling Sellers add value to White label app development & product lines by mixing and matching various offerings of multiple vendors, and in that process, they optimize their offerings.


White Label Product Benefit for Clients: 

With 85% of online buyers reporting that they prefer using smartphones over mobile websites, it’s safe to assume your clients would also want to have a dedicated application for their business.

If you’re still now sure how a white label can bring a positive change for your business, read these points:


1. White label allows you to focus on your company’s core competency.

It’s never a wise thing to stretch your human resources and budget to something that doesn’t fit your business’s core competency.

Prepackaged solutions offered by white label app developers provide such businesses an opportunity to trust experts and channel the resources towards core competencies.


2. It keeps the customers from turning elsewhere for solutions.

The additional months or years it takes for developing your own solutions will most probably have your prospective customers turn elsewhere for solutions. This can be avoided through a pre-packaged solution that meets their needs.


3. White Labeling makes branding extremely easy.

With White labeling, you can brand your products with a couple of clicks and swipes. You don’t need technical help. These solutions are ready-made, fully-integrated, making branding easier.


You don’t have to spend time on research and development. Simply add your identity and branding, and do the business!


Can it get easier than this?


How Do White Label App Work for SaaS Companies?

For this section, I’d suggest taking Troop Messenger as an example. Since we are now offering Troop Messenger as a white label app our clients get complete access to our office communication and collaboration tool, which allows everyone on the board to communicate with internal team members and outside vendors.


As you purchase our pre-packaged, ready-made, and optimized product that has been through hundreds of quality tests and bug fixing, you can expect the following:


  • Instant Application Creation: When you purchase Troop Messenger as a white-labeled app, you get a market-ready Android and iOS apps within a week, without having knowledge of technical aspects 

  • Customizable Design: Make the application your own, with the app icon (logo), and your branding on the dashboard or screen.

  • Easily Scalable: Board as many members on the team. It doesn’t matter whether your team size is of 50 or 5,000, you can scale the numbers as you wish.

  • Low Cost: With our white label version, you get to save tons of money and avoid all the up-front fees that you’d normally spend if creating your own app.

  • Secure Control: Troop Messenger White Label App cost is low, yet you don’t have to compromise with control. You can easily manage all the data & information without having to worry about data breaches or security.

  • Powerful Integrations: Should you feel the need to expand in-app features, you can seamlessly integrate with external applications. 


Few Examples of White Label Apps (SaaS)

Since white-label mobile apps have expanded their usability, they are being used in multiple industries, including SaaS.

Other than Troop Messenger, SendBird and Cometchat are also great white-label apps example.


SendBird: A White Label Chat Solution

This White-Label chat solution offers a fully managed chat infrastructure combined with messaging SDKs. The app’s flexible and powerful chat API enables businesses to launch a messaging platform with maximum effect and minimum effort. 

Highlights of SendBird White label app:

  • Chat Messaging: All essential features including media sharing, push notification, read receipt, typing indicator, and thumbnail generation.
  • Security and Compliance: Advanced security standards and encryption.
  • Customer Support: Ticketing, agent interface, and live chat support.
  • Moderation and Data: Tools to protect your brand’s integrity and to explore chat data.


CometChat: Ready-to-Use White Label Mobile Chat Application

CometChat App is also a white label app reseller. If you are in need of a customized chat platform for your company, CometChat is worth giving a chance. The app is completely white-labeled. It doesn’t contain any CometChat icon, logo, or name.


Highlights of CometChat White label app:

  • Customize the feel and look: With pre-built UI, CometChat saves you all the additional effort. With a couple of clicks, you can change the feel and look to suit your brand.
  • Easy to Deploy: It’s surprisingly easy to install your own app and deploy it.
  • Speedy-Support: Customer support has been made easy with live chat support.
  • Seamless Integrations: One-On-One integrations with over 50+ software


Key TakeAways

Do-It-Yourself sounds cool. And as an entrepreneur, your first instinct might be to try DIYs for your business’s applications & software, alongside other core competencies. After all, entrepreneurship is all about that only.


Sorry, break the bubble. But it’s not applicable in all areas. In most cases, creating a customized solution from square one, in an attempt to exceed the client’s expectations can actually be a setup for failure.


Building your own apps and solutions can lead you to these pitfalls:


  • Reinventing the wheels of mistake: creating mistakes the other developers before you have already made and mastered.
  • Slowing down your time in the industry: reducing your learning curve while you wasted time outside your core competencies
  • Spending too much money on developing solutions and tools that are already there, in great formats, and simultaneously miss out on resources where you need focused attention.


In short, the white label apps can help you avoid all these pitfalls and help you in utilizing your business’s branding to over a product or solution without investing in technology or infrastructure creation around the solution.