ignorance is not bliss - wake up! https://t.co/IayEeRvTsc
— Michael Savage (@ASavageNation) February 26, 2020
129. Who may she have given #coronavirus to now in Los Angeles? https://t.co/Au514zExEc #COVID19 pic.twitter.com/gnewmt4D9W
— DocRock1007 ?? (@DocRock1007) February 26, 2020
Korean Air Flight Attendant Working LAX Flights Diagnosed With Coronavirus https://t.co/ClAKzxyRcW
— CollapsitARian-15 (@thefreerifleman) February 26, 2020
Flight attendant for Korean Air who worked several flights out of #LAX has been diagnosed with #coronavirus but don't worry, folks it's just like the #flu. #Covid19
— Bruce Porter, Jr. (@NetworksManager) February 27, 2020
— Drudge Report Feed (@drudgefeed) February 26, 2020
You might know this already:https://t.co/KFWILB1ylH
— Sharon Sherman (@sg_sherman) February 26, 2020
Korean Air Flight Attendant Working LAX Flights Diagnosed With Coronavirus https://t.co/v1tOCqrMXH
— Greta Van Susteren (@greta) February 27, 2020
— chaconne?習近平来日絶対阻止? (@chaconne___) February 27, 2020
Korean Air Flight Attendant Working LAX Flights Diagnosed With Coronavirus https://t.co/9Sl43l9Lpo#coronavirus#WuhanPneumonia#新型肺炎#武漢肺炎
Korean Air Flight Attendant Working LAX Flights Diagnosed With Coronavirus https://t.co/CW1gTYKb9b
— LAJenn ? (@thisLAJenn) February 26, 2020
Air attendant out of LAX diagnosed with #coronavirus. Who may she have given #coronavirus to now in Los Angeles? https://t.co/Au514zExEc … #COVID19 https://t.co/RZOG8uInNA pic.twitter.com/cPJfylDNMl
— DocRock1007 ?? (@DocRock1007) February 26, 2020
So I heard the @realDonaldTrump plan for keeping #CoronavirusOutbreak out of the US is to build a wall and make China pay for it.https://t.co/eNIIBQT6eD
— DarthMoz (@TheDmoz) February 27, 2020
Korean Air Flight Attendant Working LAX Flights Diagnosed With Coronavirus https://t.co/tTcTiMPHxS
— Intellihub (@intellihubnews) February 26, 2020
— Nancy Stewart Quinn (@nancysquinn) February 26, 2020
No way she passed it on to passengers. It's not like she handed them drinks or anything.
— yngy6477 (@yngy6477) February 26, 2020
Korean Air Flight Attendant Working LAX Flights Diagnosed With Coronavirus https://t.co/juOgweD09M