"Kuo is predicting that one of Apple’s new products to be released within the next 12-18 months will be a Mac with an in-house processor, instead of using an Intel CPU." https://t.co/qD8jHnFnfU
— Lauren Goode (@LaurenGoode) February 24, 2020
Apple’s first ARM-based Macs may start showing up as early as next year https://t.co/3ZMVbkLMZX pic.twitter.com/3haf6FqOV8
— The Verge (@verge) February 24, 2020
Well expected development for the people who are closely following @Arm developments in recent years.. with #windowsonarm and #Macosonarm It will be interesting to see how competition between @Intel & @Arm will share the personal computing space @Microsoft @MacRumors https://t.co/nL6XxYa9UN
— Prakash Sangam missing #MWC2020 (@MyTechMusings) February 24, 2020
Big if true. But I have to imagine this will result in a fragmenting of the Mac ecosystem for years to come. Getting pros off x86 just isn't viable yet. https://t.co/xscRNWuLl8
— David Ruddock (@RDRv3) February 24, 2020
Probably more excited for this than anything in the foreseeable future. So many advantages over Intel-based systems. And the disadvantages of A-series-powered Macs will dissolve over time, unlike the current disadvantages with Intel-based hardware. Bring it on. https://t.co/fKJjSYFz73
— Jeff Benjamin (@JeffBenjam) February 24, 2020
That would make this WWDC the last WWDC before ARM Macs ship. If there is going to be a Developer Transition Kit this time round, now's the time. Apple gave a six-months heads-up for the Intel switch, provided SDKs and prototype hardware. What will happen this time? https://t.co/ASRVdQGOcM
— Steve Troughton-Smith (@stroughtonsmith) February 24, 2020
Let’s get this over with already https://t.co/eu1FeNJDC6
— Seth Weintraub (@llsethj) February 24, 2020
It is not outside of the realm of possibility that Apple could provide an ARM version of macOS for developers to temporarily flash onto iPads to prepare for a Mac transition next year. Even easier if the next iPad has a decent keyboard/trackpad case
— Steve Troughton-Smith (@stroughtonsmith) February 24, 2020
Its happening!! Cant wait! https://t.co/S6xzxKrZ0i
— Aditya (@AtluriAditya) February 24, 2020
Looks like a full ARM-based @Apple Mac could be coming soon … https://t.co/Lb3aY6chqO
— William Lam (@lamw) February 24, 2020
The ability to run Windows on a Mac via Bootcamp has become vital to serious Mac users. Mac's current OS is based on x86, which means it and the software it runs requires Intel/AMD chips.
— Nash Across the 8th Dimension (@Nash076) February 25, 2020
This? This would break ALL of the compatibility. https://t.co/N1A78J3FKB
Mac With Apple-Designed Arm Processor Coming in First Half of 2021 » https://t.co/YCtGAzrEwr #macintosh (真的喔!)
— Tasuka Hsu (@Tasuka) February 25, 2020
今年出るのが最後のIntel Mac。68K、PPC共に最後のモデルをゲットした身としては今年は買うしかないか。あるいは来年発売の Arm Mac にはX64エミュとか載せてくるかな。https://t.co/P2i2khBlhC
— nitecruise (@nitecruise) February 25, 2020
— kato@2/29 ハーフマラソン(横浜) (@kuromitsu_ka) February 25, 2020
Apple to release first ARM Mac without Intel processor in next 18 months, predicts Kuo https://t.co/0h8So2R5DY @michaelpotuckさんから
— aLife - iPhone/Appleの未来【iPhone12/iPhone9(SE2)強化中】 (@futureisiphone) February 25, 2020
#alife #mac #macos https://t.co/yNLpMTZyFO pic.twitter.com/Ig8BMketrN
Woah - big news if true => Apple to launch ARM Mac without Intel CPU in 2021, says Kuo - 9to5Mac https://t.co/9NVtu2mhtg
— Tom Raftery (@TomRaftery) February 25, 2020
Will 2021 be the year we move from Intel-based Macs to ARM-based? Having some fond memories of the old PowerPC vs. Pentium fights from the 1990s. ? https://t.co/XAXJsqUtqu
— Adam Nash (@adamnash) February 25, 2020
Amid all the backlash and startup mis-adventures, SoftBank’s big bet on ARM underscores why it’s still among the best in tech PE kind of long shots https://t.co/CMC1nN5HEe
— pankaj mishra (@pankajontech) February 25, 2020
밍-치 궈: 인텔 프로세서 없는 최초의 ARM 구동 맥, 향후 12-18개월 내 나올 것.
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) February 24, 2020
- 애플이 자체 디자인한 맥 용 ARM 프로세서에 대한 소식, 지난 2년 동안 꾸준히 나옴
- 궈: 애플, 맥 용 5nm 프로세서의 연구개발 및 생산에 크게 투자해
- 빠르면 2021년 전반기에 출시 https://t.co/xsnk0W4JMp
Apple may not always “love you back” with things like long-term support and backwards compatibility.... but I LOVE their ability to make bold moves.
— Chris Maddern (@chrismaddern) February 25, 2020
They are literally the ONLY company in the world that could make ARM processors mainstream.https://t.co/nLl08VkU7v
Apple may be transitioning to an ARM platform for their laptop. ARM is the future for laptops. https://t.co/DhvbeMieVn
— Jeremy Morgan ???? (@JeremyCMorgan) February 25, 2020
This actually makes sense: Apple Mac adopting ARM processors. "Mobile First" has created the fastest innovation cycle in computing, with mobile CPU and mobile OS leading the way.https://t.co/EBVyIWPUGR
— Bruce NKN (@zbruceli) February 24, 2020
Apple’s first ARM-based Macs may start showing up as early as next year https://t.co/0NuzHuzymX pic.twitter.com/6SzgvFf8Fe
— The Verge (@verge) February 25, 2020
so mac on ARM is coming, but not for maybe a year and a half. not sure my five year old laptop can wait that long.https://t.co/GsrrWyTYBD
— steve o'grady (@sogrady) February 24, 2020
New Mac with Apple processor coming in 2021, top analyst Kuo says https://t.co/7jlyETYOjE
— CNBC Tech (@CNBCtech) February 24, 2020
I remain skeptical that a Mac w/Apple ARM processor will SHIP in 2021, especially first half as alluded to here. We all know its coming, but I think if anything 2021 would be the announcement year to get devs working well in advance of a hardware releasehttps://t.co/WanaZnq0S3
— Ryan Reith (@ryanreith) February 24, 2020
“I do not think x86 apps running in emulation on ARM Macs are going to perform well. I wonder, really, if Apple will even offer x86 emulation at all.” — @daringfireball // Agree. It’s more than recompile—it is recompile to Mac app store. And touch? https://t.co/DRJwKv7lVn
— Steven Sinofsky (@stevesi) February 25, 2020