Interesting read!
— Matthias Niessner (@MattNiessner) February 17, 2020
History of AGI discussion feels like:
- 2017: it's 1-2 years away
- 2018: it's 5-10 years away
- 2019: >10 years away
- 2020: even humans are not AGI... let's imitate them (but that's hard too!)
Still lots of progress, as Bengio says: "Science is progressive"!
Above anything else, the directors of this company should give themselves an “F” for failing to live by their own charter, with an undue concentration of power in white male leadership. A(G)I requires diversity and inclusion at the highest levels.
— Lisa Bari (@lisabari) February 18, 2020
Something of a must read, especially for those interested in how private sector labs and initiatives work
— emily bell (@emilybell) February 18, 2020
From Technology Review's interesting piece on OpenAI: Microsoft's $1b investment in it last year was split between cash and Azure credits: Nice additional detail re: their 'exclusive' multiyear partnership:
— Mary Jo Foley (@maryjofoley) February 18, 2020
OpenAI should be more open imo
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 17, 2020
A big, crunchy, meaty piece from @_KarenHao asking: who is OpenAI? The answers are complex.
— Niall Firth (@niallfirth) February 17, 2020
A critical review of OpenAI ... parts of it sobering, parts sort of positive. Definitely worth reading ...
— Dietmar Harhoff (@DietmarHarhoff) February 18, 2020
The messy, secretive reality behind OpenAI’s bid to save the world - via @techreview
OpenAI is on a race to a finish line that’s not there: short-term AGI. Time for a rethink?
— Pedro Domingos (@pmddomingos) February 18, 2020
Here's a profile of an AI startup that is also a profile of Silicon Valley itself, and of what can really be going on behind idealistic narratives of "tech for good."
— MIT Technology Review (@techreview) February 17, 2020
“There is a misalignment between what the company publicly espouses and how it operates behind closed doors...
— Janosch Delcker (@JanoschDelcker) February 17, 2020
OpenAI, for all its noble aspirations, is obsessed with maintaining secrecy, protecting its image, and retaining the loyalty of its employees.”
What a fascinating microcosm of the challenges of AI: the drive toward AGI, even though we don’t realllly know what it means; the earnest desire to be responsible (same), the lure of hype & the techno-solutionism that can’t get out of its own way. Great reporting.
— Susan Etlinger (@setlinger) February 17, 2020
By far the most interesting thing in this article about OpenAI and its goal of AGI is the recurring problem that no one has a clear idea of what constitutes AGI
— Adam J Calhoun (@neuroecology) February 18, 2020
I spent half a year digging into @OpenAI, the SF-based AI research lab, originally founded by @elonmusk. I started with a few simple questions: Who are they? What are their goals? How do they work? After nearly three dozen interviews, I found so much more.
— Karen Hao (@_KarenHao) February 17, 2020
All orgs developing advanced AI should be regulated, including Tesla
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 17, 2020
“They are using sophisticated technical practices to try to answer social problems with AI." –D&S Affiliate @drbrittparis, quoted by @_KarenHao in @techreview
— Data & Society (@datasociety) February 18, 2020
Great exposé from @_KarenHao on interestingly dressed up AI profiteering.
— Britt Paris (@drbrittparis) February 18, 2020
This is interesting, but what struck me was “In fairness, this lack of diversity is typical in AI. ...women accounted for 20% of AI professorships...”
— Dr. Sara A. Hart (@saraannhart) February 18, 2020
In my *psychology* department, women account for 31% of our professors. Absolutely no where near our PhD grad numbers.
Here's an in-depth profile by @_KarenHao of one of the darlings of the AI world, @OpenAI—an instructive tale of what happens when idealism collides with reality in Silicon Valley
— Gideon Lichfield (@glichfield) February 17, 2020
'Musk has repeatedly warned of the risks associated with creating AI that is more independent and advanced, even going so far as to call it a “fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization.”'
— Jesse Felder (@jessefelder) February 18, 2020
OpenAI’s flagging techno-utopianianism exposes tensions between business and public benefits (by @thomas_macaulay)
— TNW (@thenextweb) February 18, 2020
I spent half a year digging into @OpenAI, the SF-based AI research lab, originally founded by @elonmusk. I started with a few simple questions: Who are they? What are their goals? How do they work? After nearly three dozen interviews, I found so much more.
— Karen Hao (@_KarenHao) February 17, 2020
Article on the culture of OpenAI gave me weird flashbacks. The author couldn’t know this, but the personalities and ways of thinking are SO familiar from 1988. AI still attracts the same sort of person, subject to the same peculiar cognitive distortions.
— David Chapman (@Meaningness) February 18, 2020
The messy, #secretive reality
— Spiros Margaris (@SpirosMargaris) February 18, 2020
behind #OpenAI’s bid to save the world #fintech @techreview @_KarenHao #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning
The messy, secretive reality behind OpenAI’s bid to save the world
— Jamie King (@jamie_jk) February 18, 2020
Fascinating look behind the scenes at OpenAI
— Mark O. Riedl (@mark_riedl) February 18, 2020
This is a really interesting profile on @OpenAI , I recommend reading it - raises serious questions about what it means when a select group of narrow focus strives for 'AI for all' and 'Responsible AI', were it to actually succeed in AGI at some point.
— Tim Davidson (@im_td) February 18, 2020
“The messy, secretive reality behind OpenAI’s bid to save the world”
— Brian Roemmele (@BrianRoemmele) February 18, 2020
The messy, secretive reality behind OpenAI’s bid to save the world - via @techreview
— bramsonboudreau (@bramsonboudreau) February 18, 2020
A critical review of OpenAI ... parts of it sobering, parts sort of positive. Definitely worth reading ...
— Dietmar Harhoff (@DietmarHarhoff) February 18, 2020
The messy, secretive reality behind OpenAI’s bid to save the world - via @techreview
#RUSCI Assistant Professor of Library & Information Science, Britt Paris @drbrittparis was featured in an article published by the MIT Technology Review @techreview #ReadItHere:
— Rutgers School of Communication and Information (@RutgersCommInfo) February 18, 2020
The messy, secretive reality behind OpenAI’s bid to save the world.The AI moonshot was founded in the spirit of transparency.This is the inside story of how competitive pressure eroded that idealism.#AI @mirko_ross @PhilippBohn @NeilMilliken @MiaD @tguemes
— Antonio Vieira Santos #️⃣#LB20? (@AkwyZ) February 18, 2020
Elon Musk says all advanced AI development should be regulated, including at Tesla via @techcrunch #AI #artificialintelligence #digitalhealth
— John Nosta (@JohnNosta) February 18, 2020
Food for thought: @elonmusk says all advanced #AI development should be regulated, including
— Shashank Randev (@ShashankRandev) February 18, 2020
at @Tesla
via @GoogleNews
"Elon Musk says all advanced AI development should be regulated, including at Tesla"
— Roger Chang (@jollyroger) February 18, 2020
Elon Musk: Everyone developing AI must be regulated — even Tesla (by @thomas_macaulay)
— TNW (@thenextweb) February 18, 2020
Elon Musk: Everyone developing AI must be regulated — even Tesla (by @thomas_macaulay)
— TNW (@thenextweb) February 18, 2020
세상을 구하기 위한 OpenAI의 노력 뒤에 있는 지저분한 비밀스러운 현실
— editoy (@editoy) February 19, 2020
• 직원의 기록에 따르면 OpenAI는 모든 고귀한 포부를 위해 비밀 유지, 이미지 보호 및 직원 충성도 유지에 집착하고 있습니다.
OpenAI’s struggles expose tensions between profit and purpose
— Asher Wolf (@Asher_Wolf) February 19, 2020
The messy, secretive reality behind OpenAI’s bid to save the world
— Bradley Leimer (@leimer) February 18, 2020
The AI moonshot was founded in the spirit of transparency. This is the inside story of how competitive pressure eroded that idealism.
Fascinating read.
"They are using sophisticated technical practices to try to answer social problems with AI [but] it seems like they don’t really have the capabilities to actually understand the social." Fascinating, disturbing piece about OpenAI
— Devon Powers (@devjpow) February 18, 2020
The messy, secretive reality behind OpenAI’s bid to save the world - MIT Technology Review
— Evan Kirstel at #NateUnite2020 (@evankirstel) February 19, 2020
1) Ok so dramatic new revelations (not) — After OpenAI became ClosedAI, and sold out to Big Tech, it stopped being so open after all … egads, my faith in the benevolence and transparency of Silicon Valley elites is shattered ;p @_KarenHao
— Ben Goertzel (@bengoertzel) February 18, 2020
why is speculative fiction a useful framework for understanding AI today? because the people who make AI are basically writing it when they ask for funding:
— jonathan zong ?? (@ohnobackspace) February 19, 2020
The messy, secretive reality behind OpenAI’s bid to save the world - via @pommedeterre33 @techreview
— Lefebvre Sarrut Lab Prospective (@elsitlab) February 19, 2020
.@ElonMusk, responding to the article, by @_KarenHao:
— Amit Paranjape (@aparanjape) February 19, 2020
"The messy, secretive reality behind @OpenAI’s bid to save the world
AI moonshot was founded in the spirit of transparency. This is the inside story of how competitive pressure eroded that idealism"
.@ElonMusk says all advanced #AI development should be regulated, including at @Tesla
— Bob E. Hayes (@bobehayes) February 18, 2020 @openai #regulation
Why @ElonMusk says all advanced #AI development
— Spiros Margaris (@SpirosMargaris) February 19, 2020
should be #regulated, including at #Tesla #fintech #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning @etherington @psb_dc @sallyeaves @KirkDBorne @HaroldSinnott @pierrepinna @YuHelenYu @jblefevre60
Elon Musk says all advanced AI development should be regulated, including at Tesla
— Christophe Tricot (@ctricot) February 19, 2020
He believes advanced #AI development should be regulated both by individual national governments as well as by international governing bodies
#ElonMusk says all advanced #AI development should be regulated, including at #Tesla.@techcrunch Via @PawlowskiMario|#ArtificialIntelligence #SpaceX #OpenAI #aiethics #OpenAI #DigitalTransformation #data #AIEthics #IoT #MI #MachineLearning #tech #ML|
— Mario Pawlowski (@PawlowskiMario) February 19, 2020
Elon Musk says all advanced AI development should be regulated, including at Tesla. 18th February 2020.
— Roy Eacups (@RoyEacups) February 18, 2020
Elon Musk says all advanced AI development should be regulated, including at Tesla | TechCrunch
— Transhumanism Australia (@transhumanismAU) February 18, 2020
Think he's just riffing off my @melbournepursuit article from yesterday?
— Kobi Leins (@Kobotic) February 19, 2020
Elon Musk says all advanced #AI development should be regulated, including at #Tesla:
— Brandon A (@techdesigntrend) February 19, 2020
Elon Musk: Everyone developing AI must be regulated — even Tesla (by @thomas_macaulay)
— TNW (@thenextweb) February 19, 2020
Elon Musk: Everyone developing AI must be regulated — even Tesla (by @thomas_macaulay)
— TNW (@thenextweb) February 19, 2020