Oklahoma mom credits Apple Watch with detecting SVT heart rhythm in her 13 year-old son https://t.co/mGXzheP6xA via @ChanceHMiller
— Bo Snerdley (@BoSnerdley) February 16, 2020
Oklahoma mom credits Apple Watch with detecting SVT heart rhythm in her 13 year-old son https://t.co/mu0ZCekLbk via @ChanceHMiller
— the real TheCreativeOne (@DavidDiFranco) February 15, 2020
ICYMI: Apple Watch detects teen’s rare heart ailment https://t.co/RYfBtGqQlM by @edfromfreelance pic.twitter.com/a3zMFkmsnA
— Cult of Mac (@cultofmac) February 16, 2020
Apple Watch detects teen’s rare heart ailment https://t.co/RYfBtGqQlM by @edfromfreelance pic.twitter.com/weClEtXEFS
— Cult of Mac (@cultofmac) February 15, 2020
Apple Watch, 십대의 드문 심장 질환 감지 https://t.co/ZNP9ifVKXy
— lunamoth (@lunamoth) February 17, 2020
애플 워치가 비정상적으로 높은 심박수를 경고한 후 13 세의 생명이 구해졌다. 상실성 빈맥 즉 SVT 라고 진단했습니다. 이것은 심장을 가속시키는 질환