rest in pieces andy rubin's last project anyone will care about
— David Ruddock (@RDRv3) February 12, 2020
Breaking: Essential, Andy Rubin’s phone company, is shutting down
— The Verge (@verge) February 12, 2020
Andy Rubin's Essential, smartphone start-up, to shut down and cease operations. Story here w @eringriffith
— Daisuke Wakabayashi (@daiwaka) February 12, 2020
While yes, it's easy to make fun of Essential going out of business, really their story is exhibit A on how IMPOSSIBLE it is to build a feature complete phone as a small company
— Ben Einstein (@BenEinstein) February 12, 2020
phones folding
— Brian Barrett (@brbarrett) February 12, 2020
so much waste.
— stacy-marie ishmael (@s_m_i) February 12, 2020
Phone company Essential shuts down. Betting the farm on Andy Rubin, a deeply flawed personality, turned out to be fatal.
— Sascha Segan (@saschasegan) February 12, 2020
Essential, the Andy Rubin-led phone startup that just shut down, had raised $330 million from a giant list of backers. They include Tencent, Foxconn, Amazon, Redpoint, and Rubin's own Playground Global.
— Dan Primack (@danprimack) February 12, 2020
$330 million in funding for one phone that didn't sell very well.
— Steve Kovach (@stevekovach) February 12, 2020
Inessential, as it turns out.
— M.G. Siegler (@mgsiegler) February 12, 2020
Gem's dead. And so is Essential. This is the end of the road for Newton Mail, too. And the weird stick-phone.
— Roland Quandt (@rquandt) February 12, 2020
essential first to market with the folding smartphone....
— ???☕️ (@hunterwalk) February 12, 2020
Now Dead and Never Coming, Essential Previews Its Gem Phone in Series of Videos.
— Droid Life (@droid_life) February 12, 2020
Essential Throws in the Towel -
— Paul Thurrott (@thurrott) February 12, 2020
Essential shutting down after failing to launch radical ‘GEM’ smartphone by @technacity
— (@9to5mac) February 12, 2020
turns out it was inessential after all.
— Julia Alexander (@loudmouthjulia) February 12, 2020
Andy Rubin’s Essential shuts down
— Mark Gurman (@markgurman) February 12, 2020
Well, this was entirely expected.
— Mishaal Rahman (@MishaalRahman) February 12, 2020
Essential is dead.
— Alex Dobie (@alexdobie) February 12, 2020
Unsurprising to see that a co. whose brand value was so closely tied to Andy Rubin's reputation, has no future.
RIP weirdo phonestick. Also RIP Essential Phone updates.
Posting videos of an un-launched device the day that you admit it will never launch and shutter the company has a certain strong kind of tech melancholy. I'm sure there's a german word for it.
— Matthew Panzarino (@panzer) February 12, 2020
it's very weird that the meaningful result of a phone company shutting down is that I'll have to find a new email app to use
— dan seifert (@dcseifert) February 12, 2020
I hate to speak ill of the “dead” but wow those videos make this device seem truly awful. This is not a good form factor for a touch screen device.
— Paul Haddad (@tapbot_paul) February 12, 2020
A company getting this far with a product (and extremely slick marketing materials!) and then folding points to extreme mismanagement. But *damn* that GEM phone looks really interesting. I would have loved to see it come to market.
— Cassidy James ? Migraine (@CassidyJames) February 12, 2020
What could have been. Check out these videos of the now dead essential phone 2
— Brandon Miniman (@BrandonMiniman) February 12, 2020
Androidの生みの親、Andy Rubin氏のEssentialが活動を終了。同社はEssential Phoneを2017年に発売しましたが、同スマホの販売が低迷し、それ以降新製品が登場することは残念ながらありませんでした。
— NANA☃️令和2年生まれ (@NANA_CoRRiENTE) February 12, 2020
Check out this preview of the work-in-flight by the team at Essential before they shut down.
— Danny Trinh (@dtrinh) February 12, 2020
A tip of the hat to them for daring to try.
Some interesting kernels in here ... and then that keyboard.
Given this, we have made the difficult decision to cease operations and shutdown Essential.
— ʎɐsʇɐd ʎdɯnɹƃ (@alexmak) February 12, 2020
The Essential Phone’s amazing track record of software updates is over
— The Verge (@verge) February 12, 2020
2年くらい使ったEssential Phone、神がかったアップデートももうおしまいか。そろそろ次を考えないと。スマホは過去三代がどれもお買い得機種(Nexus5、Robin、Essential)だったので、キープコンセプトだとOnePlusかPoxel4aとかかねー。
— yamakei (@yamakei35) February 13, 2020
안드로이드의 창업자인 앤디 루빈이 이끈 새로운 스마트폰 회사였던 에센셜이 사실상 사업 정리를 발표하는 글을 포스팅 유일한 폰인 PH-1의 업데이트는 2월이 마지막이고 고객지원도 종료. 흥미로운 회사였는데 아쉬움도 남네요
— 박수민 / Soomin Park (@minist) February 12, 2020
アンディルービンが立ち上げたスマホメーカーのエッセンシャルが終了。Project Gemはこの手で触りたかった。次に期待!
— Yuki Kanayama 金山裕樹 (@yukiller) February 13, 2020
Trying to sneak this one out while everyone's talking about #MWC2020, eh
— Holly Brockwell (@holly) February 12, 2020
Andy Rubin's Essential shuts down:
— erin (@eringriffith) February 12, 2020
It didn't live long. Andy Rubin's @essential shuts down
— Francisco Jeronimo (@fjeronimo) February 13, 2020
We updated our story on Essential. A few companies had expressed interest in buying Essential in 2018 including Amazon and Walmart -- but ultimately the interest disappeared because of "headline risk" with Andy Rubin.
— Daisuke Wakabayashi (@daiwaka) February 12, 2020
Essentially, hardware is hard. Even after $330 Mn.
— Subrahmanyam KVJ (@SuB8u) February 13, 2020
안드로이드의 아버지, 앤디 루빈이 만든 스마트폰 스타트업 이센셜 Essential이 폐업 2005년 안드로이드를 구글에 매각한 사람. 이센셜 창업으로 기대를 한 몸에 받으며 330M이나 투자받아 기업가치는 1조넘는 유니콘이 되기도 했지만 결국 실패.
— 에스티마 (@estima7) February 12, 2020
Essential Products, a consumer electronics start-up founded by the former Google executive Andy Rubin, said on Wednesday that it was ceasing operations.
— Madhav Chanchani (@madhavchanchani) February 12, 2020
Essential had raised $330 million in outside funding and was once valued at $1 billion
guess they weren't really that... essential ?
— Mike Murphy (@mcwm) February 12, 2020
Andy Rubin's Essential is shutting down
— Rob (@robdaemon) February 12, 2020
I feel bad for the employees at Essential but I do not feel bad for Rubin.
The fact Andy Rubin's startup to create the next great phone failed after raising $330M likely indicates that a big part of Android's success was because Google acquired it. Food for thought as FTC decides to revisit old acquisitions by big tech companies.
— Dare Obasanjo (@Carnage4Life) February 13, 2020
Essential、閉鎖…>Andy Rubin's Essential Products is shutting down - 9to5Google
— Kenji Iguchi (@needle) February 13, 2020
안드로이드社 공동창업자인 앤디 루빈이 설립한 스마트폰 제조사 Essential이 영업을 중단하고 청산 예정이라는 뉴스
— H. Kim (@metavital) February 13, 2020
And just like that, Essential is done.
— Juan Carlos Bagnell (@SomeGadgetGuy) February 13, 2020
"Ceasing operations and shutting down."
(HT @fatproduce)
[タレ]アンディ・ルービン氏のEssential、廃業へ 発売したスマートフォンは2017年の「Essential Phone (Essential PH-1)」1機種のみ。しかも発売から数か月後には製品よりルービン氏のGoogle時代の女性問題が注目を浴びることになる。昨年10月には
— Plus (@slashplus) February 12, 2020
— Keiji ARIYAMA (@keiji_ariyama) February 12, 2020
"we have made the difficult decision to cease operations and shutdown Essential."
今日の大ニュースは #MWC の中止ですが、こちらも。#Android の生みの親として知られるアンディ・ルービン氏が設立したスマホスタートアップ、Essentialが事業停止を発表しました。新製品について「顧客に届ける明確な手段がない」とのこと。色々と考えさせられる話です。
— 奥平和行(日本経済新聞) (@kazokudaira) February 13, 2020
Essential終了のお知らせだ|An Update from Essential
— ねこ吸い (@8796n) February 12, 2020
毎月Pixelと同タイミングで降ってきてたEssential PH-1のセキュリティアップデートも2020年2月のが最後らしい
— はんぺん (@hnpn914) February 12, 2020
Thanks for the good times@essential is shutting down operations. #essentialphone
— AndroidStud #Mamba4Life (@AndroidStud) February 12, 2020
An Update from Essential
— 楓々 (@froseiun) February 13, 2020
So essential support has come to it's end. Long live the #essentialphone
— daze_one (@dazeone81) February 12, 2020
If you're still holding on to your essential and want monthly updates, it's time to go custom.
米Essential社が営業を終了する(shutdown)と発表しました。Essential社は、旧Android社の創業者であるAndy Rubin氏が創業して注目されましたが、初号機となる「PH-1」のリリースだけで終わってしまいました。「Gem」は世に出ず、「Newton Mail」は4月30日で終了予定。
— 日経Linux | ラズパイマガジン (@nikkei_Linux) February 13, 2020
> Your PH-1 will continue to work but we will not be providing any additional updates or customer support.
— kofuk (@man_2_fork) February 13, 2020
The Essential Phone’s amazing track record of software updates is over
— The Verge (@verge) February 13, 2020
Andy Rubin's Essential folds, ending its phone business #Essential
— Neowin (@NeowinFeed) February 12, 2020