In a statement, Equifax's CEO said that it was "increasingly difficult" to protect against nation-state hackers.
— alfred ? (@alfredwkng) February 10, 2020
Just a reminder that Equifax's hack happened because of a months-old vulnerability that it failed to patch, not a sophisticated 0-day:
Overlooked moment in the DoJ press conference today: Barr linked the Marriott breach to the Chinese. I believe that is the first time the U.S. government has publicly acknowledged a connection to Beijing.
— Dustin Volz (@dnvolz) February 10, 2020
DOJ Indicts 4 members of PLA for Equifax hack (part of 54th Research Institute).
— Dmitri Alperovitch (@DAlperovitch) February 10, 2020
One of the few publicly disclosed cyber actions from PLA since 2016 Cyber Agreement. Most activity in recent years has emanated from MSS and their contractors
Equifax stole your data, China just copied it without paying them.
— SwiftOnSecurity (@SwiftOnSecurity) February 10, 2020
Equifax statement. (It would've been nice had Equifax at least acknowledged its own massive fuckups that led to the breach in the first place.)
— Zack Whittaker (@zackwhittaker) February 10, 2020
A House report in 2018 that the breach was "entirely preventable" had Equifax bothered to patch its systems.
From the @nytimes newsroom: "The nine-count indictment accused the Chinese military of hacking into the company’s computer networks, maintaining unauthorized access to them and stealing sensitive, personally identifiable information," reports @ktbenner
— Privacy Project (@PrivacyProject) February 10, 2020
US published images of the defendants in the Equifax hack indictment, two in their Chinese military uniform...
— Thomas Brewster (@iblametom) February 10, 2020
FBI Deputy Director David Bowdich: “This is the largest theft of sensitive PII by state-sponsored hackers ever recorded.”
— Eric Geller (@ericgeller) February 10, 2020
I can't believe that Equifax is still in business
— alex (@alex) February 10, 2020
DOJ announcement of Chinese hackers ties together whole series of state-sponsored data thefts: OPM, Marriott, Anthem, and Equifax. Huge pool of data, will take decades to undo damage to US intelligence.
— Garrett M. Graff (@vermontgmg) February 10, 2020
You don’t say.
— Ajit Pai (@AjitPaiFCC) February 10, 2020
“[I]n a single breach, the [People’s Liberation Army of China] obtained sensitive personally identifiable information for nearly half of all American citizens.” From @TheJusticeDept indictment of four individuals involving @Equifax hack.
Bowdich admits that the FBI likely won't be able to apprehend these hackers any time soon.
— Eric Geller (@ericgeller) February 10, 2020
“We’ll keep putting pressure on these bad actors, making sure they understand the risks and the consequences of their actions.”
Equifax becomes the latest example of protecting privacy and customer security at scale turning into an issue of national security.
— Joe Uchill (@JoeUchill) February 10, 2020
Hello ? whatever your spy OPSEC—we will hunt you down, and send your mugshot on a WANTED poster to all your friends
— Thomas Rid (@RidT) February 10, 2020
Interesting shift of recent years is how US officials have tried to stigmatise cyber-espionage against "personally identifiable information", putting it on par with theft of commercial secrets and election interference. Recall that Michael Hayden called it "honourable espionage".
— Shashank Joshi (@shashj) February 10, 2020
The Equifax hack is yet another example of China's commitment to data theft. A warning to our allies: remember the inherent threat that accompanies incorporating Chinese technology into your infrastructure.
— Senator Mitt Romney (@SenatorRomney) February 10, 2020
The indictment is here:
— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) February 10, 2020
Nothing new on a first read. It mostly echoes the findings of a 2018 GOA report:
Update: Equifax's CISO tells me that even if they had patched that vulnerability, it's possible that the breach still would've happened, given how sophisticated the Chinese military hackers are
— alfred ? (@alfredwkng) February 10, 2020
"shifting the blame entirely to China and the broader conversation toward national security risks the country learning nothing from experience, some lawmakers warned"
— Kim Zetter (@KimZetter) February 10, 2020
The DOJ has formally charged four members of the Chinese military with the historic hack of Equifax—but the company should be held accountable too.
— VICE (@VICE) February 10, 2020
State-Sponsored Mass Data Abuse Remains Undeterred, Goes on Unabated — Not having a national data protection law enforced by a muscular regulatory regime is a massive national security vulnerability. It’s why #DataRights are worth demanding.
— David Carroll ? (@profcarroll) February 10, 2020
Even if the DOJ just charged Chinese hackers for allegedly breaching Equifax, that's no reason at all to forgive the company
— Joseph Cox (@josephfcox) February 10, 2020
It's great we've identified who was behind the Equifax hack.
— Karl Bode (@KarlBode) February 10, 2020
But shifting the focus too sharply to national security risks us learning nothing from the experience:
Shorter DOJ:
— Raúl Carrillo (@RaulACarrillo) February 10, 2020
"We swear to god. If you screw around with Americans' privacy 17 or 18 more times, the U.S government ? will ? continue ? to ? erode ? privacy ? across ? the ? board. You have been warned."
DOJ Charges China With Hacking Equifax. That's No Reason to Forgive Equifax via @vice
— toomas hendrik ilves (@IlvesToomas) February 10, 2020
The DOJ charged four members of the Chinese military with hacking Equifax. But that doesn't take the company off the hook.
— Motherboard (@motherboard) February 10, 2020
The breach exposed the data of about 145 million people
— FutureShift (@futureshift) February 10, 2020
Reason 647 why I don’t trust the Chinese Communist.
— Tim Burchett (@timburchett) February 10, 2020
.@TheJusticeDept charged 4 members of China’s military with stealing millions of American's personal data from #Equifax. If true, China owes American consumers and Equifax considerable compensation. The U.S. should not take this attack sitting down.@WSJ
— Congressman Denver Riggleman (@RepRiggleman) February 10, 2020
These criminals are different than many of the other indictments of chinese spies. This is the chinese military and therefore CCP government stealing personal financial information of just about all Americans with a job. #liecheatsteal #CCP @HuXijin_GT
— ?Kyle Bass? (@Jkylebass) February 10, 2020
Equifax hack disclosed in 2017 compromised data on roughly 145 million Americans via @WSJ
— KerriKupecDOJ (@KerriKupecDOJ) February 10, 2020
This is a big deal:
— Dustin Volz (@dnvolz) February 10, 2020
I am curious about the legal strategy behind releasing these indictments now. It is likely a sign the US govt is giving up on actually arresting these PLA members. via @WSJ
— Julian Ku 古舉倫 (@julianku) February 10, 2020
And the Trudeau government is still considering Huawei? Insanity! Four Members of China's Military Indicted Over Massive Equifax Breach - WSJ
— Observer (@NewCynicismInc) February 10, 2020
Trusted third parties are not just security holes. They are strategic targets for hostile nations
— nic carter (@nic__carter) February 10, 2020
Dear #AGBarr,
— Charles W - Text TRUMP to 88022 ?? (@CW33433) February 10, 2020
This is great!
However, THIS is not the news we want to hear!!
Where are the indictments for the people who RUINED this country?
These #DeepState scum are roaming the streets freely!
This ain’t about “free trade.” It’s a coordinated military-economic assualt on YOU, your job, your kid’s future. Wake up and smell the coffee.
— Greg Autry ????????? (@GregWAutry) February 10, 2020
Four Members of China's Military Indicted Over Massive Equifax Breach
— Mark Hemingway (@Heminator) February 10, 2020
Big news in cybercrime prosecutions!
— Mieke Eoyang (@MiekeEoyang) February 10, 2020
4 members of #China’s military have been indicted by US Gov’t on charges of hacking into #Equifax & plundering sensitive data on nearly 150million Americans as part of a massive heist that also stole trade secrets from the credit reporting agency.#Decouple
— Dan DiMicco (@DanRDimicco) February 10, 2020
Whoa: "Four members of China’s military have been indicted by the U.S. government on charges of hacking into the credit reporting agency Equifax Inc. and plundering sensitive data on nearly 150 million Americans, the Justice Department said."
— Elizabeth Joh (@elizabeth_joh) February 10, 2020
The US Justice Department has levied charges against four Chinese nationals for the Equifax data breach that saw the information of 147 million Americans compromised. #databreach #EquiFail #cybersecurity #infosec
— Troy Wilkinson (@Troy_Wilkinson) February 10, 2020
NEW: Justice Dept. has charged four Chinese military hackers with the 2017 Equifax data breach, which saw the theft of 147 million consumer credit records.
— Zack Whittaker (@zackwhittaker) February 10, 2020
Justice Dept. charges four Chinese military hackers over the Equifax data breach
— PENNSYLVANIA 4 TRUMP (K) Q-ARMY ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ (@RED_IN_PA) February 10, 2020
When companies have an unquenchable thirst for our personal data, this isn't just a privacy concern -- it can also pose serious risks to our national security.
— Rohit Chopra (@chopraftc) February 10, 2020
BREAKING: DOJ charges four Chinese military hackers for Equifax hack
— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) February 10, 2020
DOJ charges four Chinese military hackers for Equifax hack | ZDNet @AlaricAloor @todddlyle @fogle_shane @gvalan @ApsisInc @ChuckDBrooks @AghiathChbib @NigelTozer @envescent @DrJDrooghaag @HarbRimah @FrankStrasbourg
— Philippe Vynckier - CISSP (@PVynckier) February 10, 2020
DOJ charges four Chinese military hackers for Equifax hack
— Celonis Panda (@Panda_Lv0) February 10, 2020
DOJ charges four Chinese military hackers for Equifax hack by @campuscodi
— ZDNet (@ZDNet) February 10, 2020
미국은 2017 년 Equifax 해킹에 4 명의 중국군 멤버를 기소
— editoy (@editoy) February 11, 2020
• “현재 우리는 PLA 해커의 범죄 행위에 대해 책임을 지게 하고 있으며, 인터넷의 익명성 망토를 제거하고 그 국가가 우리에게 반복적으로 배치하는 해커를 찾을 수있는 능력이 있음을 중국 정부에 상기시킵니다.
DOJ Charges China With Hacking Equifax. That's No Reason to Forgive Equifax #cybercrime #cyberattacks #hacker #hack #breach #phishing #dos #ransomware #malware #virus #apt #pii #nist #fcc #finra #hipaa #pci
— Rich Tehrani at @ITEXPO, Feb 11-14, FL (@rtehrani) February 11, 2020
Motherboard DOJ Charges China With Hacking Equifax. That's No Reason to Forgive Equifax: We’ve identified the culprits. But corporate accountability and meaningful victim compensation remains nowhere in sight. #china #Hacking #Equifax Via @motherboard
— Bradley Jon Eaglefeather (@bjeaglefeather) February 11, 2020
We’ve identified the culprits. But corporate accountability and meaningful victim compensation remains nowhere in sight.
— Motherboard (@motherboard) February 11, 2020
This. The Trump Admin is far more willing to point the finger at China than actually force US companies to better protect our data:
— brianweeden (@brianweeden) February 10, 2020
AG Barr Indicts 4 Chinese Militants in Equifax Theft
— Audra❤ Marley Puppy (@MinazotaGurl) February 10, 2020
NEW: Our updated story on the U.S. indicting 4 members of China’s PLA for hacking Equifax to steal nearly 150 million Americans' personal data as well as the credit-reporting agency's trade secrets with @aviswanatha @dnvolz @catstupp
— Kate O'Keeffe (@Kate_OKeeffe) February 10, 2020
It's just what most #databreach and #identitytheft insiders suspected, and answers the question "why hasn't anyone found the data?". (Yet no one should assume state-sponsored hacking means a breach still won't lead to data misuse!) Breach Clarity
— Jim Van Dyke (@JimVanDyke) February 10, 2020