I just went to post a link to an article in slack that said IBM just became Slacks biggest customer and this happened https://t.co/jDV7OMGnKv pic.twitter.com/e1ICQR7gRw
— NINK (@NINK) February 10, 2020
Wow, @SlackHQ booked @IBM and will roll out to 350k IBM employees, making IBM its biggest customer.
— Artem Russakovskii (@ArtemR) February 10, 2020
The stock is up 14% at the moment.https://t.co/R0Q2bA8t9M
IBM will begin rolling out its platform to all of its 350,000+ employees, expanding on a 2016 partnership; @SlackHQ stock jumps https://t.co/8PIdbVjMfO
— Dave Michels (@DaveMichels) February 10, 2020
Slack is here to stay, This is why we chose it for our trading room, better to start with the best app & go through the tough initial process of moving than having to move big rooms multiple times imo! https://t.co/ei7BsyfSnE
— Penny Machine (@_PennyMachine_) February 10, 2020
Hope Google acquires them before IBM does ?? https://t.co/cxGv8Ekh2y
— Nick Caldwell ???=?? (@nickcald) February 10, 2020
Slack lands a big whale: IBM will deploy the messaging platform throughout its organization worldwide—all 350,000 employees…and Slack investors are happy.https://t.co/8nAgOGG1WU
— Ken Yeung (@thekenyeung) February 10, 2020
IBM Adopts Slack for All 350,000 of Its Employees - by @mehedih_ - https://t.co/u6pRGOxNad pic.twitter.com/SomsbuqBtS
— Paul Thurrott (@thurrott) February 10, 2020
IBM은 IT를 현대화함에 따라 Slack에 올인하고 있습니다 https://t.co/Q7mPOpIZzI
— editoy (@editoy) February 11, 2020
• IBM은 실제로 2014 년부터 실제로 Slack을 사용해 왔지만 이제는 회사 자체를 현대화하려는 더 큰 노력의 일환으로 Slack을 내부적으로 주요 커뮤니케이션 도구로 채택하고 있습니다.
#IBM が最大顧客になるというニュースで グループウェアの #スラック 株価約20%アップ?
— 米国株 viva (@miwabamzai) February 10, 2020
強いバックがついたことで、#マイクロソフト とのシェア争奪戦、どうなることやら。#米国株 #アメリカ経済https://t.co/UUK7SgYXUh pic.twitter.com/y6EFChuzQZ
Who would have thunk that @IBM will help @SlackHQ against the @MicrosoftTeams onslaught? #enterprisecollaboration #productivity https://t.co/wsBdJftZ2P
— Nitish Mittal (@NitishMittal) February 10, 2020
Big news for @SlackHQ - rolling out to 350,000 IBM employees - https://t.co/AK2rubsDHy. Will be a heck of a showcase for size/scale #TeamCollaboration
— Irwin Lazar (@imlazar) February 10, 2020
— touya (@touya_huji) February 11, 2020
Slack skyrockets 21% after making IBM its biggest account, adding about 350,000 new users. https://t.co/335zs2mgJE
— Brad Michelson (@BradMichelson) February 10, 2020
Incredible https://t.co/PN9d7uC43I
— David Millsaps (@eyevariety) February 10, 2020
IBM goes all-in on Slack, becoming its largest customer. Prelude to an acquisition? https://t.co/ToVdoDC3hu
— Daniel Tunkelang (@dtunkelang) February 10, 2020