And encryption is about to add a wholly new complication: "In 2019, Messenger was responsible for over 80% of all reports made by Facebook. Encryption would make it much more difficult to detect the illegal imagery on Messenger." @dgolumbia @ubiquity75 @FrankPasquale
— neil turkewitz (@neilturkewitz) February 7, 2020
For the first time, child sexual abuse material (CSAM) reports of videos outweighed those of photos. via @nytimes #EliminateCSAM #DefendHappiness
— Thorn (@thorn) February 7, 2020
In a first, videos outnumbered photos in reports to the authorities last year. Facebook found the most imagery, the bulk of it on its Messenger app
— Mohammad Farooq (@MohammadFarooq_) February 7, 2020
Facebook was responsible for 60 million child abuse reports last year, most coming from Messenger. The costs of end-to-end encryption will be high #WildWestWeb
— Andy Burrows (@_andyburrows) February 7, 2020
NY Times reporters @gabrieldance and @mhkeller were able to get the first detailed data from NCMEC on the composition of automated child sexual abuse material (CSAM, aka child porn) reports. I appreciate them bringing real data to this discussion.
— Alex Stamos (@alexstamos) February 7, 2020
New data from @MissingKids shows that while tech companies are doing more to find & report images and videos, the online child exploitation crisis is still growing. Congress must take steps to address this problem. Read more about the data & my bill here:
— Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (@RepAGonzalez) February 7, 2020
"Amazon, whose cloud services handle millions of uploads and downloads every second, sent no [suspected CP] images or videos to the national center.”
— Cyrus Farivar (@cfarivar) February 7, 2020
As platforms get better at detecting child abuse videos, they’re finding more of them
— Soraya Chemaly (@schemaly) February 8, 2020
Nearly 70 million images of child abuse were reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in 2019
As platforms get better at detecting child abuse videos, they’re finding more of them
— The Verge (@verge) February 7, 2020
There is no crime so terrible that it justifies a government mandated encryption backdoor. Unfettered government access to our private communications is incompatible with a free and open democracy.
— Liz O’Sullivan (@lizjosullivan) February 8, 2020
Tech Companies Detect a Surge in Online Videos of Child Sexual Abuse@Facebook @Twitter @Snapchat @Google @Microsoft @Apple @Dropbox @discordapp
— TWITMO INMATE ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TWITMO_INMATE) February 8, 2020
New data from @MissingKids shows that while tech companies are doing more to find & report images and videos, the online child exploitation crisis is still growing. Congress must take steps to address this problem. Read more about the data & my bill here:
— Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (@RepAGonzalez) February 7, 2020
Tech Companies Detect a Surge in Online Videos of Child Sexual Abuse
— Velislava Hillman (@Velislava777) February 8, 2020
For the first time more csam videos were reported to NCMEC than still photos.
— John Carr (@johnc1912) February 8, 2020
Tech Companies Detect a Surge in Online Videos of Child Sexual Abuse - this shows why new regulation against harmful content is so important and the potential dangers of increasing encryption in messaging
— Damian Collins (@DamianCollins) February 8, 2020
Tech Companies Detect a Surge in Online Videos of Child Sexual Abuse
— Dr. Lori Handrahan (@LoriHandrahan2) February 8, 2020
In the week we discovered half of all UK 10-year olds own a smartphone ????Tech Companies Detect a Surge in Online Videos of Child Sexual Abuse.
— Tanya Goodin ☜ (@tanyagoodin) February 8, 2020
Facebook was responsible for 60million reported items last year, mostly coming from Messenger. #cybersafety
But they’re censoring & silencing Conservatives...#StopTheBias
— DrJanesDC™️ 4️⃣5️⃣ (@DrJaneRuby) February 9, 2020
It’s SO important that social media companies continue to monitor and suppress those of us talking about about IQ.
— Stefan Molyneux (@StefanMolyneux) February 9, 2020
Tech Companies Detect a Surge in Online Videos of Child Sexual Abuse - The New York Times
Tech Companies Detect a Surge in Online Videos of Child Sexual Abuse.
— Dalton (@DaltonReport) February 9, 2020
In a first, videos outnumbered photos in reports to the authorities last year. Facebook found the most imagery, the bulk of it on its Messenger app.
Tech Companies Detect a Surge in Online Videos of Child Sexual Abuse
— ????????? ????? (@ChitkwesuManetu) February 9, 2020