Elliott Management has quietly built up a more than $2.5 billion stake in SoftBank & is pushing for changes at the company, including better management of investment decisions at its $100 billion Vision Fund: sources https://t.co/HjfBIvQ8yr
— Lisa Abramowicz (@lisaabramowicz1) February 6, 2020
Wow I want a front row seat to this! #masa Son vs Paul Singer #softbank #SoftBank学割 #activist investing! https://t.co/h5Ro1Vx4e1
— Susan Li (@SusanLiTV) February 6, 2020
New @SoftBank Vision Fund was supposed to be a record $108 billion, but after a series of debacles (ie @WeWork) it could end up being less than half that, with nearly all the cash coming from SoftBank itself
— Heather Somerville (@heathersomervil) February 7, 2020
From @RolfeWinkler https://t.co/djZGfBwC2M
Hailed by SoftBank last summer as a $108 billion sequel to its $100 billion Vision Fund, the new pool could end up being less than half that size, with nearly all of its capital coming from SoftBank itself https://t.co/QOKOmp6GuA via @WSJ
— Jason Zweig (@jasonzweigwsj) February 7, 2020
Lots of scoopy nuggets in here on the ever-changing, ever-fascinating SoftBank story
— Liz Hoffman (@lizrhoffman) February 7, 2020
*going bigger into public stocks
*LPs want one-off deals (fee free)
*borrowed against Alibaba shares to free up cash & now trying to raise ~$5bn on Arm stakehttps://t.co/IiuqX1D5YW
Nobody wants to invest in Vision fund now.
— Third Row Podcast (@thirdrowtesla) February 7, 2020
Hailed by SoftBank last summer as a $108 billion sequel to its $100 billion Vision Fund, the new pool could end up being less than half that size, with nearly all of its capital coming from SoftBank itself. https://t.co/JYrPBvIJI9
Core backers of SoftBank’s first Vision Fund aren’t interested in the second; it may be left w only its own money to invest. https://t.co/ez68oW259d
— Rolfe Winkler (@RolfeWinkler) February 7, 2020
What are potential 1st & 2nd order effects of a credible activist campaign targeting this ecosystem?https://t.co/EgqBmnj5VE
— Bluegrass Capital (@BluegrassCap) February 7, 2020
— しいたけさんB《漢》 (@chome_0310a) February 7, 2020
I'd like to say 'in news surprising no one', but it's actually more like breathing a sigh of relief that complete lunacy doesn't always get rewarded.
— Lauren Cochran (@LaurenSCochran) February 8, 2020
New @SoftBank Tech Fund Falls Short of $108 Billion Fundraising Goal @WSJ https://t.co/PMwwURhA0J
New SoftBank Tech Fund Falls Far Short of $108 Billion Fundraising Goal https://t.co/ngmzRqwJpc 孫正義氏のビジョンファンド,$100Bの1号ファンドが今の所$10Bしか生んでなくて,$108Bの2号ファンドがその半分も組成できないそう.2号に1号の投資家は参加せず,ほぼ日台の会社だけになるかもと.
— Yuta Kashino (@yutakashino) February 8, 2020
두번째 소프트뱅크비전펀드가 108B펀드 목표의 절반밖에 못채울 것이고 그 자금도 대부분 소프트뱅크 자체에서 온다는 WSJ기사 https://t.co/RqUR8WZx1U 소뱅에 대해 부정적인 뉴스가 많이 나오는데 엘리엇의 주식매입은 오히려 반전의 기회가 될지도.
— 에스티마 (@estima7) February 8, 2020
Both of these ways to make a decision are equally wrong: "Billion-dollar investment decisions were made in minutes rather than by committees after months of research" https://t.co/kh242kTm30
— Niki Scevak (@nikiscevak) February 7, 2020
これが現実。BABAなど保有株式の評価益に比べてSBGの時価総額が著しく低く評価されてると言っても実際に時価で売ることなど困難。含み益など所詮は張子の虎。 https://t.co/FlNIdqZDxs
— 吾唯知足 (@dadoftaft) February 8, 2020
— 酒井大輔@Quesqu (@daisuke1218) February 7, 2020
New SoftBank Tech Fund Falls Short of $108 Billion Fundraising Goal https://t.co/9d2GN9dHMr
IMPAIRED VISION: Not so fast on that $108 billion for a new Vision Fund. Great reporting from @RolfeWinkler @lizrhoffman @bradleyhope (and @miriamgottfried, an early skeptic https://t.co/pUYReFAT7h). https://t.co/yEntskC9xc
— Dana Cimilluca (@danacimilluca) February 7, 2020
WSJ declares the second Vision Fund basically a corpse of the first one
— Teddy Schleifer (@teddyschleifer) February 7, 2020