Wacom tablets are sharing your app usage with Google Analytics https://t.co/SSRIwxbfM1 pic.twitter.com/ka9Qd4M97J
— The Verge (@verge) February 6, 2020
Wacom drawing tablets track every app you open | ZDNet https://t.co/sjBKFMAnmI@mclynd @AlaricAloor @todddlyle @fogle_shane @gvalan @ApsisInc @ChuckDBrooks @AghiathChbib @NigelTozer @envescent @DrJDrooghaag @HarbRimah @FrankStrasbourg
— Philippe Vynckier - CISSP (@PVynckier) February 6, 2020
Wacom drawing tablets will track every app you open or close on your computer: https://t.co/UE2ZoFNAQx
— Adam Levin (@Adam_K_Levin) February 6, 2020
Wacom drawing tablets track every app you open https://t.co/1gyot8mH3m by @campuscodi
— ZDNet (@ZDNet) February 6, 2020
Do you read the privacy policy for your mouse when you install it? Your keyboard? Your drawing board? Maybe you should… because it might set you off on a journey where you’ll discover surprising things are happening with your privat... https://t.co/LPpSkYJYOD via @InfoSecHotSpot pic.twitter.com/NELYgfMo5R
— Sean Harris (@InfoSecHotSpot) February 6, 2020
Wacom drawing tablets are spying on every app you open, and sending the data back to Wacom https://t.co/oaAL3gCqkN
— Philippe Vynckier - CISSP (@PVynckier) February 6, 2020
Wacom drawing tablets are spying on every app you open, and sending the data back to Wacom https://t.co/cQGkR9oUki via gcluley
— BrianHonan (@BrianHonan) February 6, 2020
"But Wacom’s request made me pause. Why does a device that is essentially a mouse need a privacy policy? I wondered", https://t.co/yR2Kmb8xEb
— DHH (@dhh) February 5, 2020
My Wacom drawing tablet asked me to accept a privacy policy. Why does a device that is essentially a mouse need a privacy policy? I wondered.
— Robert Heaton (@RobJHeaton) February 5, 2020
The answer is “so that they can track the name and time of every application that you open.”https://t.co/Nso2jdv0xF
"What requires more explanation is why Wacom think it’s acceptable to record every time I open a new application, including the time, a string that presumably uniquely identifies me, and the application’s name."https://t.co/NaC4SSL2HJ
— Martin Fowler (@martinfowler) February 5, 2020
Artists! This is your occasional reminder that unless you opt out, Wacom sends a log of every single time you change apps to Google Analytics. Open up the Wacom app and opt out of the “Wacom Experience Program”.https://t.co/80lWV4hreN
— Margaret Trauth is mostly on Mastodon now. (@egypturnash) February 5, 2020
"Wacom drawing tablets track every app you open
— Roger Chang (@jollyroger) February 6, 2020
But there's a way to disable it."https://t.co/18oWHyB2jO
와콤 태블릿의 드라이버에 구글 애널리틱스가 탑재되어 있어서 사용자가 실행하는 모든 앱의 이름과 실행 시간을 와콤 계정으로 보낸다고.. https://t.co/9mMRUuWdtP
— 김정현 (@gluebyte) February 6, 2020
추적을 끄는 법: Wacom Desktop Center 앱을 열고 More → Privacy Settings로 가서 Wacom Experience Program 참여 거부 pic.twitter.com/Y3BI8s9ewO
in other "every company is spying on you" news, wacom tablets phone home on every app you open https://t.co/kUzxliHwyn
— jordan santell (@jsantell) February 6, 2020
Wacom drawing tablets reportedly tracking every Mac app you open https://t.co/mAmovdYka8
— iMore (@iMore) February 6, 2020
— もも (@bossleomomo) February 7, 2020
Wacom tablets are sharing your app usage with Google Analytics https://t.co/p8sUj3PKWR pic.twitter.com/gRFibxrIjk
— The Verge (@verge) February 7, 2020
Oof! This should be more up front. I had no idea my Wacom tablets are so nosy.
— Aaron Rutten (@AaronRutten) February 7, 2020
The Verge: Wacom tablets are sharing your app usage with Google Analytics.https://t.co/gdwCLq8cYS
— Kurt Michael Russell (@kmichaelrussell) February 6, 2020
Wacom tablets are sharing your app usage with Google Analytics.https://t.co/ueNfAEjV2e
Wacom drawing tablets track the name of every application that you open : https://t.co/vzt5aTfPkK cc @RobJHeaton
— Binni Shah (@binitamshah) February 7, 2020
Wacom drawing tablets track the name of every application that you open https://t.co/s5duwA5ktG #programming #softwareengineering #bigdata #datascience #analytics #ai #python #javascript
— Lewis Gavin (@GavLaaaaaaaa) February 7, 2020
"Wacom drawing tablets track the name of every application that you open"
— 伊藤暢達/Masahiro Ito (@adsk4) February 7, 2020
05 Feb 2020https://t.co/0lFmdDzSOx
— らるど (@rarudocom) February 6, 2020
データが送られてるのはGoogle Analyticsで、Google Analyticsにデータを送るかのOn,Offをワコムのサーバーから制御できる作りっぽい
It is really horrible that @wacom is spying on all the artists that, for all intents and purposes, have no choice but to use their hardware:https://t.co/iPVoxAtiKA (via BlueMax)
— Casey Muratori (@cmuratori) February 7, 2020
This is pretty bad. Wacom tablets sending names of open apps. @Datatilsynet
— Erlend Oftedal (@webtonull) February 7, 2020
Why does a drawing tablet need a privacy agreement?https://t.co/AJI3I9J8lU
— EΨ=ĤΨ (@sean_t_ellis) February 7, 2020