... I watch my kids and then I understand why YouTube & Netflix are the main bandwidth consumers and content revenue producers on the web! https://t.co/5OGK9hB5IH
— Alex Osterwalder?? (@AlexOsterwalder) February 3, 2020
Now we know why Google was making even more of its ads look like organic search results (& therefore juicing their click-through rate): slowing revenue growth.
— Luther Lowe (@lutherlowe) February 3, 2020
This is what monopolies do when they run out of growth runway: squeeze. https://t.co/8sYJdvDGbH pic.twitter.com/reTm7wzBZk
This is no surprise to anyone who's tried to sell apps in both markets. Android is a much bigger market than iPhone, but has a much smaller customer base who actually pay for stuff. https://t.co/vY7fytgtT9
— Peter Cohen (@flargh) February 4, 2020
currently sick but wow Google started breaking out cloud revenue, it's 5.5% of total Alphabet revenue https://t.co/bmbRVZxdoX
— Jordan Novet (@jordannovet) February 3, 2020
This is why Google has no interest in fixing the problems on the platform. Promoting conspiracy theories and other hateful content is extremely good for business. https://t.co/ui53uBz5eQ
— draglikepull (@draglikepull) February 3, 2020
So basically YouTube was Schrödinger’s cat. As long as Google didn’t break out the earnings, they could let investors believe the business was going well. https://t.co/3NEVvpnplw
— Alex Webb (@atbwebb) February 4, 2020
YouTube is a $15 billion-a-year business, Google reveals for the first time. It contributes to 10% of the revenue
— Madhav Chanchani (@madhavchanchani) February 4, 2020
YouTube Premium+Music Premium (ad-free) have more than 20 mn subscribers
Over 2 million subscribers to its paid TV service
Google paid $1.6 billion for YouTube in 2006. Dummies. $goog https://t.co/S49cgfLtgI
— HowieHedge (@howardlindzon) February 3, 2020
In YouTube's early years, skeptics said we'd never make $$ bec it was just "dogs on skateboards" videos.@zamosta, YT's head of monetization comms at time, found a company selling dog helmets, so he could jokingly show there was at least one advertiser for the site.
— ???☕️ (@hunterwalk) February 4, 2020
Now $15b+ https://t.co/K7EBRMcsM1
Absolutely staggering how much power Google has. This is one revenue stream in one section of one business. https://t.co/LQ3GQUbYC3
— Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) February 3, 2020
So, that $15 billion YouTube number is gross, not net to Alphabet. Changes the story a little. https://t.co/rrPTeyxT4N
— Jay Yarow (@jyarow) February 4, 2020
$GOOGL $GOOG “In 2019 we again delivered strong revenue growth, with revenues of $162 billion, up 18% year over year and up 20% on a constant currency basis,” said Ruth Porat, CFO of Alphabet and Google.
— Atheism is Polytheism (@AutonomousCNS) February 3, 2020
Alphabet 2019 Q4 Earnings Call
Feb 3, 2020 2:00PM https://t.co/KgyQYMUmwl pic.twitter.com/Lb9oAt8EOi
Wow. Google announcing YouTube's annual ad revenue for the first time. YouTube ads generated $15 billion!
— Sarah Frier (@sarahfrier) February 3, 2020
1/ Long time @youtube bull, put @WatchMojo money where mouth was. $15B is not surprising, expect it to grow dramatically in years to come.https://t.co/Zyil7vNn3M
— Ashkan Karbasfrooshan (@ashkan) February 4, 2020
Let's go back memory lane: pic.twitter.com/2kvtn7nwzK
Google's cloud business is a fraction of that of Amazon's and Microsoft's, 53% YOY revenue growth is pretty sweet https://t.co/Oqh3wd32Mu pic.twitter.com/Z6MJ3R5dSm
— Joe Weisenthal (@TheStalwart) February 4, 2020
Sundar Pichai said Alphabet sees "significantly more room" to grow YouTube's overall revenue haul, including increasingly through new ecommerce tools and programs https://t.co/wEBOmwHQ7B
— Todd Spangler (@xpangler) February 3, 2020
Some cool new thing's in Alphabet's earnings: Co. is breaking out @YouTube and @Google Cloud revenues. Check it out.
— Danielle Abril (@DanielleDigest) February 3, 2020
Q4 YouTube ads rev: $4.72B
2019 YouTube ads rev: $15.15B
Q4 Google Cloud rev: $2.61B
2019 Google Cloud rev: $8.92B$GOOG $GOOGL
And yet even big name creators have to rely on Patreon and Twitch for additional income. https://t.co/cTytNZhvgw
— Lik Chan (@LikChan) February 3, 2020
Holy cow. Google reveals it made over $15 billion from YouTube ads last year alone — up 36 percent from 2018 and 86 percent compared to 2017. https://t.co/vz0SWTbGeC pic.twitter.com/uqyvBnrWlv
— Brian Fung (@b_fung) February 3, 2020
Sundar Pichai's announcement of YouTube subscriber numbers is a signal to investors that Alphabet believes it has more runway to boost subscription-service revenue. Its 22 million paying subs represent just 1% of YouTube's total 2 billion monthly visitors https://t.co/wEBOmwHQ7B
— Todd Spangler (@xpangler) February 3, 2020
$15bn in ad revenue for @youtube
— Stephanie Ruhle (@SRuhle) February 4, 2020
One of the last places we are “forced” to watch ads
People joke about how much our kids watch @YouTube videos
$15bn IS NO JOKE
US tv mkt (including network = cable) is approx $ 70bn https://t.co/n94wNoWp8K
Wonder what YouTube creators think about how well its ad revenues are doing
— Ryan Browne (@Ryan_Browne_) February 3, 2020
"it generated more from ads in 2018 thank Discovery, which reported annual revenue of $10.6 billion compared to YouTube's $11.16 billion"
Seems like a far cry from "adpocalypse"
https://t.co/biWKS2IrGK pic.twitter.com/1pbVtpD3I7
YouTube is a force and unstoppable. I look forward to videos there daily and subscribe to >100 vloggers. If you don't you're missing out on the future of video content consumption and creation. https://t.co/t7VpTJjlaS
— Adam Singer (@AdamSinger) February 3, 2020
YouTube is bigger than Viacom. https://t.co/83awI8stbR
— Kevin Roose (@kevinroose) February 3, 2020
I thought Google was crazy in 2006 to buy YouTube for $1.65bn. That might be my single worst "hot take" of all time. #Google #YouTube #badfinancialadvice https://t.co/4e10c9Q056
— Tim Sneath (@timsneath) February 3, 2020
If my math is correct, YouTube ads made up nearly 10 percent of Google's entire business in fiscal 2019. https://t.co/EKJZuC1VCd
— Julia Alexander (@loudmouthjulia) February 3, 2020
Google now has a ‘multibillion-dollar’ hardware business, has paid $80B to Android app devs https://t.co/osl7zbJ69x pic.twitter.com/lBxYT73Idv
— The Verge (@verge) February 4, 2020
More thoughts on this coming soon, but in the meantime someone smart pointed this out: these are ~before~ the brand safety crisis of early 2017. (anyone have the 2016 numbers?)
— Mark Bergen (@mhbergen) February 4, 2020
also, good point from @levynews, who is smart too: https://t.co/RJUb86XSpc
"Alphabet told investors half the story by disclosing YouTube and cloud revenue numbers for the first time." -- @levynews https://t.co/npBnIc86HL
— Steve Kovach (@stevekovach) February 4, 2020
Apple has paid out nearly double the amount to developers than Google https://t.co/q6I0yxjMCC by @bst3r @cultofmac pic.twitter.com/Pyl2R8EUlm
— Cult of Mac (@cultofmac) February 4, 2020
„YouTube makes $15 billion a year from ads — and pays more than half of that to video makers” https://t.co/SLMYg1PbJE
— Marta Poslad (@MartaPoslad) February 4, 2020
YouTube makes $15 billion a year from ads — and pays more than half of that to video makers https://t.co/yIeifNpBLy
— Vox (@voxdotcom) February 4, 2020
YouTube makes $15 billion a year from ads — and pays more than half of that to video makers https://t.co/wZqngpA56K
— Recode (@Recode) February 4, 2020
YouTube made $15bn from ad revenue compared to Twitch pulling in $0.3bn. People in esports somehow surprised.
— Redeye ? (@PaulChaloner) February 3, 2020
Also, Sky is blue, more news at ten.https://t.co/R6JdqVcEnY
Alphabet Reports #YouTube Ad Revenue for First Time, Video Service Generated $15.1 Billion in 2019 https://t.co/jYjZ2gSlIU pic.twitter.com/JoTQd5o2C6
— Mark Robertson ⏩ (@MarkRRobertson) February 3, 2020
— Alex Jay (@AlexJayZA) February 4, 2020
For the 1st time, Alphabet has revealed YouTube's advertising income.
The company made over $1 billion per month last year!#WorkZone2 @jacarandafm https://t.co/wIz18LOdxf
YouTube made $15.1 Billion in ad revenue in 2019... ? https://t.co/YdipwT4L9n
— Brandon Butch (@BrandonButch) February 3, 2020
YouTube Ad Revenue Was $15.1 Billion in 2019, Alphabet Discloses – ? ? Insane https://t.co/Pi64v96WQ7
— iDeviceHelp (@iDeviceHelpus) February 3, 2020
Alphabet Reports @YouTube Ad Revenue for First Time, Video Service Generated $15.1 Billion in 2019 https://t.co/5SRyKinBXg
— Todd Spangler (@xpangler) February 3, 2020
YouTube makes more money from advertising than the ABC, NBC and Fox broadcast networks combined https://t.co/tXltihF17m
— Mathew Ingram (@mathewi) February 4, 2020
YouTube makes more money from advertising than the ABC, NBC and Fox broadcast network combined. https://t.co/kcjikkd4gx pic.twitter.com/6dY07Ahpg5
— David Wessel (@davidmwessel) February 4, 2020
this is pretty insane: "YouTube makes more money from advertising than the ABC, NBC and Fox broadcast networks—combined." https://t.co/44Uq4dIAGF
— Michael Cervieri (@RonautDreams) February 4, 2020
"YouTube makes more money from advertising than the ABC, NBC and Fox broadcast networks -- combined." https://t.co/QMwrJopm04 via @theinformation @brianstelter
— JohnnyJet (@JohnnyJet) February 4, 2020
Whoa! @YouTube is a $15 BILLION-a-year business, @Google reveals for the first time
— Rasu Shrestha MD MBA (@RasuShrestha) February 4, 2020
YouTube is a $15 billion-a-year business, Google reveals for the first time https://t.co/jLrrrh1LHj pic.twitter.com/lQLcO45TIn
— The Verge (@verge) February 3, 2020
So YouTube ad biz, which makes $15 billion a year, is:
— Nick Statt (@nickstatt) February 3, 2020
- 20% the size of Facebook's
- contributes 10% of all Google revenue
- 6x bigger than Twitch
- about 20 percent the size of entire US TV ad spent
And Google bought it for *only* $1.65 billion in 2006 https://t.co/JhtrYd6cEa
유튜브의 151억불/18조원 매출이 얼마나 큰거냐하면,
— 박수민 / Soomin Park (@minist) February 3, 2020
- 페이스북 전체 매출의 20%
- 구글 전체 매출의 10%
- 경쟁사 트위치의 6배 이상
- 미국 TV 광고 시장 전체의 20%
- 작년 한국 TV/라디오 광고 3.4조원,온라인 광고 6.5조원,옥외/인쇄까지 합친 한국 광고 시장이 14조원https://t.co/MUWG4YThU2 pic.twitter.com/blqlfLW8K9
YouTube is a $15 billion-a-year business, Google reveals for the first time https://t.co/4QY9mOPr56
— Erik Hoffman (@lillerik) February 3, 2020
알파벳(구글) 실적발표. 처음으로 유튜브의 광고매출을 공개. 지난 4분기 4.7B, 2019년 전체는 15.15B매출. 구글전체매출의 10%정도, 미국 전체 TV광고시장의 20%정도 규모. 여기에 2천만명의 프리미엄 가입자 수입도 더해야 유튜브 전체매출. https://t.co/d1vViv4aDr
— 에스티마 (@estima7) February 3, 2020
see my previous post on my experiences as a YouTube content creator and imagine this how this does not surprise me.
— MissionDeep (@thebriandunaway) February 4, 2020
YouTube is a $15 billion-a-year business, Google reveals for the first timehttps://t.co/KIvTkYOOGf
YouTube is a $15 billion-a-year business https://t.co/zJqKpkd1be
— Matt Navarra (@MattNavarra) February 3, 2020
YouTube is a $15 billion-a-year business, Google reveals for the first time - The Verge (https://t.co/UeRbcg7HXm) - On an annual basis, Google says YouTube generated $15 billion last year and contributed roughly 10 percent to all Google revenue. Those figures make YouTube’s ad bu
— TWiT Links (@links_for_twit) February 4, 2020
If YouTube were independent, it’d be the third-largest seller of digital ads https://t.co/2alCVoWEYb
— Patience ? (@patiencehaggin) February 4, 2020
There's still a lot we don't know about YouTube's business, including whether it even turns a profit for Google. https://t.co/KrgOAupUIt
— Sahil Patel (@sizpatel) February 4, 2020
I yakked about Alphabet's earnings on a podcast and the market's response to the earnings report https://t.co/D3w4zQsgIN…
— Bowdeya Tweh (@BowKnowsBiz) February 4, 2020
Also, did ya know YouTube is a $15 billion ad machine? Check out @patiencehaggin on how this stacks up with other online ad titans https://t.co/enIAneBmg8
$15bn a year: YouTube reveals its ad revenues for the first time | YouTube | The Guardian https://t.co/uhAGwbJDhb
— Mathias Vermeulen (@mathver) February 4, 2020
“Google’s YouTube advertising revenues topped $1bn a month in 2019, the company announced on Monday, the first time it has revealed how much money the streaming service brings in.” https://t.co/lrdK5aPXsy
— Frederik Borgesius (@fborgesius) February 4, 2020
$15bn a year: YouTube reveals its ad revenues for the first timehttps://t.co/qwgsRDYxBh
— Steve Song???? (@stevesong) February 3, 2020
The Guardian @guardian: $15bn a year: YouTube reveals its ad revenues for the first time. #AI #dataresponsible #aistrategy https://t.co/rKM1aMfF1h
— Nordic AI Artificial Intelligence Institute (@nordicinst) February 4, 2020
YouTube promises more transparency, reveals its ad revenue. https://t.co/awCSj6pRje
— Patricia G. Lange (@pglange) February 3, 2020