Each of these needs to be addressed more thoroughly by STS and tech+law scholars: 1) “Europe and our allies should avoid heavy handed innovation-killing models, and instead consider a similar regulatory approach,” said the White House OSTP https://t.co/ulViXIUEOS
— Meg Leta Jones (@MegLeta) January 7, 2020
Each of these needs to be addressed more thoroughly by STS and tech+law scholars: 1) “Europe and our allies should avoid heavy handed innovation-killing models, and instead consider a similar regulatory approach,” said the White House OSTP https://t.co/ulViXIUEOS
— Meg Leta Jones (@MegLeta) January 7, 2020
White House encourages hands-off approach to AI regulation https://t.co/uJJGA0zc6C pic.twitter.com/2Zg8TP5dEs
— The Verge (@verge) January 7, 2020
This is correct ??https://t.co/jTGUU7KJuV pic.twitter.com/SopBEGE1zI
— Caleb Watney (@calebwatney) January 7, 2020
Reason number 483,937,938,001 to tell Trump to GTFO of the WH in November: his stance on AI regulation. Taking cues from Bezos/Zuck et al., the administration urged “Europe and our allies [to] avoid heavy handed innovation-killing models.” /1https://t.co/lKF7l5J4vK
— Liz O’Sullivan (@lizjosullivan) January 7, 2020
White House proposes #regulatory principles
— Spiros Margaris (@SpirosMargaris) January 7, 2020
to #govern #AI use https://t.co/Kg2dY493pv #fintech #insurtech #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #robotics @davidshepardson #regulation #ethics #BigData #privacy @reuters pic.twitter.com/Nb21ruxIe2
White House encourages hands-off approach to AI regulation #DigitalTransformation #AI via https://t.co/a3S60mPHCE https://t.co/tC2UX94uEP
— Navishaa.com (@NavishaaCloud) January 8, 2020
White House encourages hands-off approach to AI regulation https://t.co/1oAyzqRaic pic.twitter.com/Ixai4pB6gq
— The Verge (@verge) January 8, 2020
Why #WhiteHouse encourages
— Spiros Margaris (@SpirosMargaris) January 8, 2020
hands-off approach to #AI #regulation https://t.co/Lx0Oa597Lp #fintech #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #robotics @jjvincent @verge @ahier @Thomas_Harrer @Ronald_vanLoon @jblefevre60 @pierrepinna @UrsBolt @YuHelenYu pic.twitter.com/jk1i1eldU4
White House proposes regulatory principles to govern #AI use https://t.co/pKbibgRN8F via @Reuters
— Matthew Miller (@matthewjmiller7) January 7, 2020