Apple reunites with iPhone graphics chip partner to license technology
— The Verge (@verge) January 2, 2020
It's a great start to the year for Imagination Technologies. The UK chip designer was pretty much crippled after Apple, its biggest customer, ditched it and moved GPU design in-house. Now they've agreed a "new multi-year license agreement."
— Ryan Browne (@Ryan_Browne_) January 2, 2020
More here ?
If Apple can't build GPUs without infringing on IMGs designs, I wonder what Intel can do by comparison. Are they going to have to license a few things to get going (or is someone going to challenge Intel's design in court?)
— Dr. Ian Cutress ? (@IanCutress) January 2, 2020
Up next on judge judy Here’s a sad tale. UK’s Imagination Tech saw its shares collapse in 2016-17 as main customer Apple signalled it was pulling out. It was then sold to a China-linked private equity fund. Now a new deal with Apple has been signed
— Rory Cellan-Jones (@ruskin147) January 2, 2020
What a weird way to start 2020. It definitely answers the whole "how is Apple still making backwards-compatible GPUs without infringing on IMG tech" question, but after the 2017 breakup, I was not expecting the two companies to ever sign any further agreements
— Ryan Smith (@RyanSmithAT) January 2, 2020
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) January 2, 2020
애플, 법적소송과 직원 빼가기 끝에 이메지네이션과 변경된 GPU 칩 계약 체결
- 2017년 애플, 2년 내 iPhone과 iPad에 사용하는 GPU 의존 중단할 것이라고 경고
- 그 후 애플, iPhone 8 및 X에 내장된 A11 칩과 함께 자체 첫 GPU 론칭하고 애플이 지불하는 수입 크게 줄어
PowerVR GPU로 유명한 이매지네이션, 애플과의 IP 라이센싱 계약 재연장했다고 밝혀. 2017년, 애플 측이 2년 내 계약 해지를 통보했다는 소식에 회사 주가가 폭락해 같은 해 중국 자본 사모펀드가 인수했죠.
— 나가토 유키 (@nagato708) January 2, 2020
Apple reunites with iPhone graphics chip partner to license technology
— The Verge (@verge) January 3, 2020
Apple’s Imagination Technologies deal is all about ray tracing and AR. The realistic lighting and shadowing capabilities of advanced ray tracing are demonstrated in Cyberpunk 2077.
— The Tek Effect (@TheTekEffect) January 3, 2020
Apple’s Imagination Technologies deal is all about ray tracing and AR
— Augmented Reality B. (@AR_bulletin) January 2, 2020