To perfect the social credit platform, you need a better system to track people and objects than GPS: that is why China is building its own with centimeter accuracy
— Tariq KRIM (@tariqkrim) December 28, 2019
China decouples from US in space with 2020 'GPS' completion
— Amit Paranjape (@aparanjape) December 29, 2019
70% of Chinese smartphones now compatible with Beidou (...and Huawei is building their own smartphone O/S as well, to move away from Android).
China decouples from US in space with 2020 'GPS' completion
— Charles Mok 莫乃光 (@charlesmok) December 30, 2019
70% of Chinese smartphones now compatible with Beidou
#USChinaGreatDecoupling Huuuuge.....China decouples from US in space with 2020 'GPS' completion
— Paul Triolo (@pstAsiatech) December 30, 2019
중국이 오는 6월 마지막 위성 2개를 발사하여 총 35개의 위성으로 구성된 자체 위치정보 시스템 '베이더우'를 완성할 예정
— H. Kim (@metavital) December 30, 2019
#China decouples from #US in space with completion by June 2020 of its GPS alternative, BeiDou, gaining independence in its military, industrial, and trading sector, including the global #BeltAndRoad initiative.
— The Wolf Report (@thewolfreports) December 27, 2019
China announced Friday that it is just months away from completing its #Beidou satellite-based positioning system as it moves to reduce its reliance on America's GPS in both in telecommunications and for its military.
— Bruno J. Navarro (@Bruno_J_Navarro) December 28, 2019
#China decouples from US in space with 2020 'GPS' completion #Satellites #5G #IoT #Network #Telecom
— Paula Piccard ?? ?? (@Paula_Piccard) December 29, 2019
China decouples from US in space with 2020 'GPS' completion
— Rich Tehrani (@rtehrani) December 28, 2019
China's alternative to GPS should be complete by mid-2020
— #AI (@AI__TECH) December 30, 2019
China's alternative to GPS should be complete by mid-2020
— Miguel Angel Martin (@ma_martin) December 30, 2019
via @engadget
China's alternative to GPS should be complete by mid-2020
— dez blanchfield (@dez_blanchfield) December 30, 2019
GPS에 대한 중국의 대안은 2020 년 중반까지 완료되어야 합니다
— editoy (@editoy) December 31, 2019
• 북두칠성의 이름을 따서 명명된 이 현재 Beidou(北斗)는 중국의 세 번째 시도입니다. 마지막 실행은 2012 년에 폐지되었습니다.