And Huawei put out a video a few weeks ago saying they became the top telecom vendor through innovation alone. Nope. Through CCP free money, undercutting all western vendors and what did the EU do? Cancel it’s investigation into this very thing.
— Steve Conlon (@stevenconlon) December 25, 2019
Surprise. China's Huawei has benefited from $75B in state subsidies.
— Jeff M. Smith (@Cold_Peace_) December 26, 2019
From 2013-2018 the incentives "were 17 times as large as similar subsidies reported by [Finland's] Nokia...Sweden’s Ericsson AB, the third-largest, posted [no subsidies] in the period."
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) December 26, 2019
화웨이, 중국정부로부터 최대 750억 달러 보조금 지원 받았다는 WSJ 보도 부인.
- WSJ: 공개 문서를 통해 화웨이, 국영대출기관에서 460억 달러 융자/신용한도액과 16억 달러 보조금 받아
- 2008년부터 2018년까지 테크 회사 대상으로 한 보상으로 250억 달러 세금절감해
— P???? ??????????®©™ (@SeekingSEO4u) December 27, 2019
Huawei denies receiving billions in financial aid from Chinese government..@grattongirl @grattonboy@antgrasso @evankirstel@enricomolinari @chidambara09@docassar @nodexl@Nicochan33 @mvollmer1#AI #DataScience #5G#FUTUREWORLD
“Huawei reportedly had ‘access to as much as $75 billion in state support.’”
— Mark O'Henly - Oil Baron (@SeeClickFlash) December 27, 2019
The stakes are high for China as well as western democracies. But we simply cannot afford to let Huawei build Canada’s telecom infrastructure. #nationalsecurity #cdnpoli
How is "large company given tax breaks and grants by its government over the years" considered news? Because China is scary?
— Corbin Davenport (@corbindavenport) December 26, 2019