More than 40 people received the warning through the MyShake app, which was created by @UCBerkeley and released publicly in October. Via @latimes
— UC (@UofCalifornia) December 18, 2019
In a milestone, California’s new statewide earthquake early warning cellphone app sent out its first public alert for a magnitude 4.3 earthquake that ruptured Tuesday in the mountains between the Central Coast and San Joaquin Valley.
— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) December 18, 2019
Yesterday in California, the @USGS_ShakeAlert earthquake early warning system sent the very first public alert to smartphones when a magnitude 4.3 earthquake struck on the San Andreas fault near Paso Robles.
— PNSN (@PNSN1) December 19, 2019
By Jove it Works! Earthquake triggers California's early warning app for the first time, giving users 8.7 seconds of warning,
— Bill Schrier (@billschrier) December 18, 2019
Good news ... it works!
— FutureShift (@futureshift) December 18, 2019
캘리포니아 판 긴급 지진 속보 앱이 가동 후 처음으로 실제 지진 경보를 발신.
— 푸른곰 (@purengom) December 19, 2019
A milestone: Earthquake early warning system sends first public alert to smartphones in California
— Rich Tehrani (@rtehrani) December 19, 2019
Yesterday in California, the @USGS_ShakeAlert earthquake early warning system sent the very first public alert to smartphones when a magnitude 4.3 earthquake struck on the San Andreas fault near Paso Robles.
— PNSN (@PNSN1) December 19, 2019
A milestone: Earthquake early warning system sends first public alert to smartphones in California
— Phyllis Ryherd (@RyherdPhyllis) December 19, 2019
A milestone: Earthquake early warning system sends first public alert to smartphones in California
— Zach Ross (@zross_) December 18, 2019
The @MyShakeApp earthquake early warning system became available to the public in Oct. Two months later, it successfully sends out its first alert. #shakealert
— Moore Foundation (@MooreFound) December 18, 2019
A milestone: Earthquake early warning system sends first public alert to smartphones in California. @MyShakeApp delivered that alert across central California.
— Richard Allen (@RAllenBerkeley) December 18, 2019
A milestone: Earthquake early warning system sends first public alert to smartphones in California
— Greenspaceguy (@greenspaceguy) December 19, 2019
A milestone: Earthquake early warning system sends first public alert to smartphones in California
— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) December 18, 2019
the system took 8.7 seconds to issue an alert. #MyShake delivers early warning alerts in CA for magnitude 4.5 #earthquakes and greater#earthquake #shakealert
— James White (@itsjameswhite) December 18, 2019
A milestone: Earthquake early warning system sends first public alert to smartphones in California - via @UCBerkeley app #MyShake
— Robert Sanders (@bobthesciguy) December 18, 2019
Earthquake triggers California's early warning app for the first time via @Mashable #disasterrecovery #emergencymanagement #earthquake #smem #California #DigitalTransformation #egov
— ☎️ Crisis Comms (@CrisisSocMedia) December 19, 2019