Nope....not buying it....- Morgan Stanley estimates Amazon Logistics will reach a volume of 6.5 billion packages per year by 2022, far exceeding its estimate for UPS at 5 billion packages per year and FedEx at 3.4 billion packages per year.
— Cathy Roberson (@cmroberson06) December 13, 2019
Amazon also not so low key dominating the Japan shipping universe (even just the number of companies delivering packages in japan seems to have doubled in the last two years):
— Craig Mod (@craigmod) December 14, 2019
Amazon is delivering half its own packages as it becomes a serious rival to FedEx and UPS - The Verge
— Evan Kirstel #CES2020 (@evankirstel) December 14, 2019
Amazon is delivering half its own packages as it becomes a serious rival to FedEx and UPS
— deray (@deray) December 14, 2019
Amazon is delivering half its own packages as it becomes a serious rival to FedEx and UPS
— The Verge (@verge) December 13, 2019
아마존, 패키지 절반 이상 자체적으로 배달해 FedEx와 UPS에 심각한 경쟁업체가 돼.
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) December 13, 2019
- 아마존, 지난 10년 간 물류 운영 크게 늘렸고 이제 미국 내 패키지 절반 이상 자체 배달해
- 자체 화물트럭들과 화물항공기 운영으로 전체 물류 체인 소유를 목표로 하고 있어
Amazon is delivering half its own packages as it becomes a serious rival to FedEx and UPS
— Thomas Power (@thomaspower) December 14, 2019
— 柿元崇利 / VOD屋 / U-NEXT (@tKackey) December 14, 2019
✔︎ Amazon Logisticsが運送業を担っている
✔︎ 都市部を中心に担当。1年前と比べ20%増加したと見られる
✔︎ 2022には65億個の荷物を配送しUPSとFedEx(各々50億、35億)を超える見込み
This is fun because Amazon Logistics screwed up our TV delivery so badly this week that my husband just got in a cab and bought one at Micro Center.
— Adi Robertson (@thedextriarchy) December 13, 2019
Morgan Stanleyの推計によると、Amazon Logisticsが配送する小包は年間25億個で前年比20%増で、国内のAmazonの小包の約半分をすでに自社で配送している計算になるそう。UPSとFedExはそれぞれ47億個、30億個の小包を配送しているが、2022年には両社を抜くだろうとのこと。
— 今村咲 (@saki_imamura) December 12, 2019
— Stefan Constantine (@WhatTheBit) December 12, 2019
"[Morgan Stanley] estimates Amazon Logistics will reach a volume of 6.5 billion packages per year by 2022, far exceeding its estimate for UPS at 5 billion packages per year and FedEx at 3.4 billion packages per year."
"Amazon Logistics is more focused than its competitors on densely populated areas" I have said for a long time that they are a very, very serious competitor..not "a strategic partner" or a "fantastic customer" as the PR machines co…
— Charles Brewer (@BrewerEcom) December 12, 2019
Amazon Logistics' package volumes by area, per Morgan Stanley estimates:
— J.R. Reed (@JRReed) December 12, 2019
—Suburban: 61%
—Urban: 28%
—Rural: 11% (vs. industry average of 20%)
(via @thesheetztweetz)
This headline should read:
— Bezostown (@bezostown) December 15, 2019
Non-union Amazon labor force threatens decent union jobs at UPS and FedEx.
Amazon is delivering half its own packages as it becomes a serious rival to FedEx and UPS
— Bevil Wooding (@bevilwooding) December 14, 2019
$AMZN now handling close to half of its own U.S. package deliveries, per Morgan Stanley. Major implications for the economics of 1-day Prime shipping and Amazon Fresh.
— Eric Jhonsa (@EricJhonsa) December 14, 2019