1.5TB of Ram cos you clearly want to run a real life version of sims https://t.co/qpzB9CcQIz
— Jollof Papi ?? (@OfficialEnam) December 10, 2019
You need an Apple specific cleaning cloth to clean your new Pro Display. There’s a support article. If you lose yours you’re told to contact support. https://t.co/7xC3f9H9LT
— Mark Twomey (@Storagezilla) December 10, 2019
See and I wanted the “poor” one that’s $11,000.??? https://t.co/SDy8nssMgh
— ????? (@thetrudz) December 10, 2019
The Mac Pro truly is the perfect machine for creators who get 28 core $40k machines for free from Apple.
— Paul Haddad (@tapbot_paul) December 10, 2019
Configured my new Mac Pro with all the best components and added a new Apple monitor. The more expensive version is still "coming soon." pic.twitter.com/WkYx16SYi8
— Reed Albergotti (@ReedAlbergotti) December 10, 2019
I don’t know how much this stuff is supposed to cost nowadays but the $400 wheels part isn’t a great signal https://t.co/8EwV8AzPaN
— Jodi Beggs (@jodiecongirl) December 10, 2019
"We really need to get a Mac Pro. Our build step has been slow to crawl lately..." pic.twitter.com/k4eTGHD1uo
— Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) December 10, 2019
Apple's XDR display with nanoglass (+$1000) can only be cleaned with an Apple cloth.
— Rohit (@romiem) December 10, 2019
"Never use any other cloths to clean the nano-texture glass. If you lose the included polishing cloth, you can contact Apple to order a replacement polishing cloth."https://t.co/3vUlCwrQ5f
Trivia note: Apple's roundtable with press in which it recommitted to the Mac and admitted that the trash can Mac Pro would have to be replaced was 980 days ago. So close!
— Jason Snell (@jsnell) December 10, 2019
When released in March 1990, the base configuration of the Mac IIfx cost $9,000, which is $17,930 today. (The Mac Pro's base config is $6000.) https://t.co/9Ok9gW0sHT
— Jason Snell (@jsnell) December 10, 2019
Apple's New Mac Pro and Pro Display XDR Go on Sale - by @mehedih_ - https://t.co/GiBom94XmJ pic.twitter.com/596qXMN3ra
— Paul Thurrott (@thurrott) December 11, 2019
Apple’s most expensive Pro Display XDR requires a special, Apple-made cloth to clean it https://t.co/ibi1ZALjGb pic.twitter.com/TaeoTF25N0
— The Verge (@verge) December 10, 2019
Apple Pro Display XDR 소유자는 장치의 청소시에 특수 천을 사용하는 것이 좋습니다 https://t.co/q9tDXwSnGA
— editoy (@editoy) December 12, 2019
• 제공된 연마포(研磨布, polishing cloth)를 분실 한 경우, 애플에 연락하여 교체용 연마포를 주문할 수 있습니다.
• 식기 세제와 물로 연마포를 손으로 빠십시오.