sashay away
— John deBary (@jnd3001) December 9, 2019
Sorry, WHAT?!
— Eric King (@erickingdavid) December 10, 2019
"Away has replaced CEO Steph Korey with former Lululemon executive Stuart Haselden, following an investigation from The Verge into the company’s toxic culture", times are changing! Whatever vc twitter says, abusing workers is starting to have consequences.
— DHH (@dhh) December 9, 2019
Steph Korey stepped down as CEO of Away:
— Zoe Schiffer (@ZoeSchiffer) December 9, 2019
Cool. A New York publication got a New York executive fired from a New York startup selling a product to realistically just New Yorkers. Real change!
— Filip Guo (@filipgwriting) December 10, 2019
Breaking: Away replaces CEO Steph Korey after Verge investigation
— The Verge (@verge) December 9, 2019
I guess Steph Korey is getting a lesson in accountability this time, huh? Turns out tyranny and sociopathy aren't good "leadership" qualities after all. Excellent work by @verge and all the CX (and other) Away staff who endured abuse for way too long.
— Danielle Smith (@DaniMcSmith) December 10, 2019
we think *a lot* internally @verge about what kind of impact our work has, and I don’t know if there’s a better example of this in action than @ZoeSchiffer’s excellent reporting on Away
— dan seifert (@dcseifert) December 9, 2019
Damn @ZoeSchiffer gets results
— nilay patel (@reckless) December 9, 2019
One week from the story breaking.
— Lars ? (@Lars) December 10, 2019
Away replaces CEO Steph Korey after Verge investigation
Former Lululemon...well...this doesn't sound like it could go wrong at all...
— ❄Mikki Kendall❄ (@Karnythia) December 9, 2019
This is why ESG matters. Yes it’s a private company, but if you had drilled down you’d have seen the huge governance and social issues here.
— NT (@nicolatheron) December 10, 2019
“One aspect of this story that continues to interest me personally is how executives may begin rethinking the use of Slack. The kind of type-first, think-later style of communication that it inspires is categorically different than email”, bingo!
— DHH (@dhh) December 10, 2019
“One aspect of this story that continues to interest me personally is how executives may begin rethinking the use of Slack. The kind of type-first, think-later style of communication that it inspires is categorically different than email.” Agreed.
— section4 (@section_four) December 10, 2019
The Away scandal is a moment of reckoning for Slack
— The Verge (@verge) December 10, 2019
"The kind of type-first, think-later style of communication that [Slack] inspires is categorically different than email"
— Eleanor Barkhorn (@eleanorbarkhorn) December 10, 2019
“Unfortunately, any time a founder resigns in disgrace, it does tend to overshadow the rushed announcement of their successor.”
— Sean O'Kane (@sokane1) December 10, 2019
Away CEO steps down days after investigation revealed she perpetuated cutthroat culture of bullying and burnout at the buzzy luggage startup
— bobbie lee swagger (@essdotX) December 10, 2019
. @Away CEO Steph Korey is stepping down, just four days after an investigation from The Verge highlighted the company’s toxic #culture. via @ZoeSchiffer
— Brian Solis (@briansolis) December 10, 2019
You don’t hire a CEO over the weekend especially not poaching the COO of a company like Lulu Lemon without it being in the works for months. You can barely replace a product manager or support engineer at that pace, let alone the CEO.
— Dare Obasanjo (@Carnage4Life) December 10, 2019
Well well
— Peyton Hayslette (@peytonhayslette) December 10, 2019
LOL if y’all think a nasty article got the Away CEO fired. High level exec searches don’t happen over a few weekend emails. (But don’t put it past a board to make sure an article like this drops to sway public opinion before they enact a months-long plan.)
— Joshua Blankenship (@blankenship) December 10, 2019
— イシケン, donc 石田 健 (@ishiken_bot) December 11, 2019
I dunno. I feel like the moment of reckoning was when Slack and Campfire messages were used out of context to bankrupt a media company.
— Christina Warren (@film_girl) December 10, 2019
Why do people who suck ass keep getting cake jobs where all they have to do is not suck ass but they just can't help themselves
— Superkick Paulty (@paulbensonsucks) December 10, 2019
The Away scandal is a moment of reckoning for Slack @ZoeSchiffer @CaseyNewton No, there's no such thing as a neutral platform, but harassment and toxic cultures have existed well before Slack.
— Phil Simon (@philsimon) December 10, 2019
?? Away CEO Korey resigns after abusive practice allegations
— Neil Saunders (@NeilRetail) December 10, 2019