This new report by @cecianasta is full of wild details about the CEO of Razer, who seems like a lovely man
— Jason Schreier (@jasonschreier) December 5, 2019
Razer's CEO admitted to throwing prototypes on the floor, yelling at employees and threatening to punch an employee in the face ("in jest," apparently). So you should hear what 14 former employees had to say about working for him:
— Cecilia D'Anastasio (@cecianasta) December 5, 2019
I think my favorite former employee quote here starts with: "Razer looks like this cool place to work..."
— Jason Maestas (@jasonmaestas) December 5, 2019
Let me finish that for you: "...but the fans don't work." Hey-yooo.
Somehow I'm not surprised to see a Singaporean billionaire behaving like his employees(read: nameless resources) are far behind in delivering what's rightfully owed to him: more billions.
— esKahn™ (@esKahn) December 5, 2019
Singapore, just like the US apotheosizes financial success, even at the expense of a lot.
I thought nobody cared about FastCompany and its awards ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
— Jon Russell (@jonrussell) December 6, 2019
Every freakin' time
— Tanner @ Late December back in '63 (@KingHippo42) December 5, 2019
If you liked the Away piece, there’s more!
— Renaud Haccart (@RHaccart) December 6, 2019
Asshole culture, exibit 2: gaming industry & Singapore edition
Razer CEO Berated And Threatened His Staff, Former Employees Say -- @Kotaku
— Digg (@digg) December 6, 2019
"This myth of Min Liang-Tan as a revolutionary auteur of gaming PC peripherals helps him draw power over his employees, many of whom have described him as dictatorial or abusive as a boss."
— Dinesh Nair (@alphaque) December 6, 2019
The shiny sheen around another techbro flakes off.
In the intervening weeks, I'll be taking time off to work on a tabletop role-playing game, bake pies, play bass, travel, I don't know. Human stuff. Say hi at and read my last @Kotaku article here:
— Cecilia D'Anastasio (@cecianasta) December 5, 2019
Razer CEO Berated And Threatened His Staff, Former Employees Say
— Gwee Li Sui (@gweezilla) December 6, 2019
Why is there often this pattern of asshole bosses and “successful” companies?
— Ario Tamat - (@barijoe) December 6, 2019
— ポル之助のゲームニュース (@pornoski_news) December 6, 2019
Following The Verge's Away exposé, we have Kotaku going after Razer. Horrendous corporate HR management unfortunately exists all around, but these things usually come in threes...
— Jules Wang (@PointJules) December 7, 2019
What's that? *Another* CEO of a hot tech company turns out to be a toxic sociopathic asshole?
— rossipedia (@rossipedia) December 6, 2019
I'm shocked. SHOCKED, I tell you.
Exposé on Razer CEO Tan Min-Liang. As a wag once said, a lot of CEOs aspire to be like Steve Jobs but they only get the asshole part right.
— JipabanInvestor (@JipabanInvestor) December 6, 2019
Fun fact: I took a module in NUS in 2001 and Tan was in the same class. Too bad didn't get to know him then. LOL.
Away is wild but don't sleep on this one
— Geomancer Stan Account (@RyneIsMean) December 6, 2019
Not to steal AWAY’s thunder, but this came out this week too.
— Eric ???? (@ericlin) December 6, 2019
Silicon Valley HBO needs more ep about abusive CEOs. I mean, just look at @away and @Razer .
— Woo Huiren and 314 others (@woohuiren) December 6, 2019
I'm not asking, and by the looks of it not many other people are either. On another note, it's hard to believe how little likes, replies and retweets somebody with 250K followers has. Don't worry, my 5 paid followers don't reply to me either.
— my 2 cents (@tangledshadow) December 6, 2019