OK wtf this appears to be real@virgilgr (US citizen, works for @ethereum foundation iiuc, correct me if I’m wrong) was arrested, charged for assisting North Korea in evading sanctions (presumably by giving talks in North Korea about using Ethereum?)https://t.co/J8iWtSOBR0 https://t.co/sH9ntDNioB
I'm no lawyer, but it strikes me that there must be plenty of precedent for attending scientific conferences across sanction lines. All through the Cold War, to physics conferences prior to and during WW2.
— Emin Gün Sirer (@el33th4xor) November 29, 2019
According to the complaint, Griffith applied for permission from the State Department to travel to DPRK, was denied, then did so anyway.
— Chad Loder ➐ (@chadloder) November 29, 2019
DPRK is a murderous and genocidal regime which has worldwide sanctions in place for a reason.
They murdered an innocent American citizen. https://t.co/X5PfqA67S5
Manhattan U.S. Attorney announces arrest of United States citizen for assisting North Korea in evading sanctions https://t.co/PL0f0e8o6y
— US Attorney SDNY (@SDNYnews) November 29, 2019
Virgil was a friend of Aaron Swartz too - I can't help but think of the deja vu here of US prosecutors overstretching the law. They want to put him in jail for 20 years for giving a talk on blockchain tech at a conference in North Korea. https://t.co/p66E2LhwhH
— Mustafa Al-Bassam (@musalbas) November 29, 2019
Overall, the government's case looks misdirected.
— Emin Gün Sirer (@el33th4xor) November 29, 2019
It also doesn't look strong.
As an aside, there are many ways for a young techie to have a positive impact on the world that do not create an image problem for crypto.
The US just charged @virgilgr with trying to help North Korea evade sanctions. Maximum sentence is 20 years.https://t.co/DKILba8qYJ
— Emin Gün Sirer (@el33th4xor) November 29, 2019
Not very smart…why the need to go to NK? Seriously dumb… https://t.co/D5uZ5FWMRl
— fG! (@osxreverser) November 30, 2019
Does North Korea need help evading sanctions? Absolutely not, they do fine on their own.
— Emin Gün Sirer (@el33th4xor) November 29, 2019
Is a public conference talk by a young techie a national level threat? Absolutely not.
Who busts sanctions? Corporations working behind the scenes, with a profit motive.
Explicitly saying that you're there to teach people how to evade sanctions is poking a beehive with a stick. The bees will not understand the full context of your words. That doesn't excuse the bees for being overzealous, but it also wasn't wise to mention these words.
— Emin Gün Sirer (@el33th4xor) November 29, 2019
As expected. This is how MSM is covering Virgil’s role for EF. This isn’t good...https://t.co/z5L2XOFL56 pic.twitter.com/IjnQ1bn17V
— ?????? (@Dogetoshi) November 30, 2019
#cryptocurrency community always be lit ?”The best move is not to play.” #Ethereum https://t.co/WawGOjxBww
— Sergio Caltagirone (@cnoanalysis) November 30, 2019
American citizen arrested for educating North Korea on blockchain and crypto ? https://t.co/XLo3cFRzby#FCoin #FCoinJP #FCoinEurope #FMEX #Bitcoin #BTC #ETH #XRP #TRX #Crypto
— FCoin Europe (@EuropeFcoin) November 30, 2019
Here's a fairly decent article. https://t.co/InC7P965Zd
— 2600 Magazine (@2600) November 30, 2019
根拠が怪しいものの、Decryptは北朝鮮でVirgilの逮捕に関して、彼自身が北朝鮮で話した内容を(He discussed) use Ethereum “smart contracts” to develop an extra-judicial court system. と報道している。https://t.co/g7y2D0tkzo
— Yudai Suzuki (@9dai_5) November 29, 2019
Context: https://t.co/9LchYGgsjf
— Tim Copeland (@Timccopeland) November 29, 2019
FBI arrests #Ethereum Foundation special projects director Virgil Griffith (@virgilgr) on suspicion of aiding North Korea evade US sanctions using @Ethereum.
— Misha Lederman (@mishalederman) November 29, 2019
If convicted, the crime carries a maximum sentence of 20 years.
Care to comment @VitalikButerin?https://t.co/uLWI3uiabj
FBI arrests Ethereum Foundation official on suspicion of aiding North Korea - Decrypt https://t.co/rmaaMawEie
— $Salty ™ Trump 2020 (@SaltyTruth_) November 30, 2019
Woah: "Investigators say that during a trip to North Korea earlier this year, Virgil Griffith “provided highly technical information to North Korea.""
— Tim Copeland (@Timccopeland) November 29, 2019
https://t.co/9LchYGgsjf @ethereum
— $shu_?シュウまっする (@shu_BSV) November 30, 2019
Context: https://t.co/9LchYGgsjf
— Tim Copeland (@Timccopeland) November 29, 2019
Code is not law. Because code is made by individual humans, and no matter how powerful the technology they create, those with real power can deal with them individually.
— BitcoinSV Train (@BitcoinSVtrain) November 30, 2019
Lesson in realpolitik, via the Ethereum Foundation & US Justice Dept.https://t.co/FSV1i8G8rP@RealCoinGeek
Sanctions are an act of war.
— Roger Ver (@rogerkver) November 30, 2019
People enacting sanctions are waging war.
People opposing sanctions are opposing war.#FreeVirgil #NorthKorea #USA https://t.co/1HuW535OyU pic.twitter.com/wQKWMKnDHu
U.S. arrests American citizen for teaching North Korea how to evade sanctions by using cryptocurrency and blockchain technology:https://t.co/d6ok7mfDIP
— Martin Fackler (@martfack) November 30, 2019
Wow@virgilgr was just arrested for traveling "to one of the United States’ foremost adversaries, North Korea, where he taught his audience how to use blockchain technology to evade sanctions."
— Ryan Sean Adams - rsa.eth (@RyanSAdams) November 29, 2019
The DOJ is paying attentionhttps://t.co/S9yu7gx77s
First my ex-agent John Brockman is a Jeffrey Epstein enabler; then my old friend Lee Smith turns Nunes propagandist; & now Virgil Griffith, whom I’ve known for ages, is arrested for helping North Korea dodge sanctions. I know how to pick ‘em.
— Virginia Heffernan (@page88) November 29, 2019
Manhattan U.S. Attorney announces arrest of US citizen Virgil Griffith for assisting North Korea in evading sanctions https://t.co/t9S5nhd2MH going to the DPRK crypto conference and giving a talk on, literally, how to evade sanctions
— David Gerard (@davidgerard) November 29, 2019
Life comes at you fast. https://t.co/LDzAwTrAFg pic.twitter.com/fMpBxqbDib
— Ankit Panda (@nktpnd) November 29, 2019
Seems important. @thespybrief @911CORLEBRA777 Manhattan U.S. Attorney Announces Arrest Of United States Citizen For Assisting North Korea In Evading Sanctions https://t.co/jz4NBTN6tL
— K. Louise Neufeld (@ninaandtito) November 30, 2019
.@virgilgr, a member of the etherum foundation, has been arrested. He “provided highly technical information to North Korea, knowing that this information could be used to help North Korea launder money and evade sanctions“ https://t.co/obGsyL7lec
— Elliot Alderson (@fs0c131y) November 30, 2019
Manhattan U.S. Attorney Announces Arrest Of United States Citizen For Assisting North Korea In Evading Sanctionshttps://t.co/QxMEzohCk8
— ?⚔️?Kari {⭐️⭐️⭐️}?? (@kadajoza) November 30, 2019
Manhattan U.S. Attorney Announces Arrest Of United States Citizen For Assisting North Korea In Evading Sanctions
— File411 (@File411) November 29, 2019
Remember that time some of us said: “if you want to evade sanctions - cryptocurrency is how to do it”
Yeah fun times being called crazy https://t.co/ohQD0ZNRNe
Manhattan U.S. Attorney announces arrest of United States citizen for assisting North Korea in evading sanctions https://t.co/PL0f0e8o6y
— US Attorney SDNY (@SDNYnews) November 29, 2019
Ethereum guy arrested at LAX after speaking at a crypto conference in DPRK, Manhattan USAO alleges “GRIFFITH and other attendees discussed how the DPRK could use blockchain and cryptocurrency technology to launder money and evade sanctions” https://t.co/itJ56uttly
— Jason Wilson (@jason_a_w) November 30, 2019
Dumb: "supporting" #WhiskeyWarrior556 by encouraging him to have a standoff with the cops for *no reason whatsoever*.
— Tyrone Jackson (@cashmoneyglock) November 30, 2019
Totally missed: man that went to North Korea and arrested by Feds for attending bitcoin conference.https://t.co/bvA0jZzSMF
FBI says blockchain expert aided North Korea:
— Nouriel Roubini (@Nouriel) November 30, 2019
Virgil Griffith arrested over alleged Pyongyang presentation on cryptocurrencies https://t.co/U72bnQQnes via @financialtimes
'American investigators have arrested Virgil Griffith, a 36-year-old cryptocurrency specialist, for allegedly helping North Korea use blockchain technology in violation of US sanctions, the justice department has announced.'https://t.co/JDa2lfG9XN
— Trevor Warner ? (@trevorw1953) November 30, 2019
FBI says blockchain expert aided North Korea https://t.co/2zg0AO9RfN
— Financial Times (@FT) November 29, 2019
Virgil Griffith, who has lately been working at the #Ethereum Foundation, has been arrested for allegedly going to a conference in North Korea and sharing his expertise in using #cryptocurrencyhttps://t.co/cvtr6vloo4 pic.twitter.com/EoWUehYs0v
— ICO Drops (@ICODrops) November 30, 2019
US Arrests Ethereum Developer for Training North Koreans to Evade Sanctions - CoinDesk https://t.co/vfb3jmjPjU
— ?CRYPTO MOON? (@manianban) November 30, 2019
US arrests Ethereum developer for training North Koreans ?
— 4C Trading (@4C_Trading) November 30, 2019
➡️Virgil Griffith, linked to the Ethereum Foundation, has been arrested for allegedly going to a conference in North Korea and sharing his expertise in using cryptocurrency.
?Read more here : https://t.co/F6Vgfza7Bm
US Arrests Ethereum Developer for Training North Koreans to Evade Sanctions https://t.co/DfrpCMhIDP pic.twitter.com/wxf2p0OhIO
— Bit • ΞTH Finder (@bitethfinder) November 30, 2019
이더리움 과학자 Virgil Griffith, 북한 방문으로 체포 https://t.co/JpH0eEui27
— editoy (@editoy) December 1, 2019
• GRIFFITH는 최대 20 년의 징역형을 받는 IEEPA를 위반 한 것으로 기소되었습니다.
• GRIFFITH는 어제 로스 앤젤레스 국제 공항에서 체포되었으며 오늘 후일 로스 앤젤레스 연방 법원에 보내질 예정입니다.
American Citizen Arrested for Educating North Korea on Blockchain and Cryptohttps://t.co/75bydUiYAE
— AmiQimA (@amiQima) December 1, 2019
American Citizen Arrested for Educating North Korea on Blockchain and Cryptohttps://t.co/LJvgxcAgA7
— twinkle (@twinkle00544201) November 30, 2019
Ethereum foundation arrested to educate North Korea governments on the creation of self sovereign stablecoin.https://t.co/VwTDA8ijCS
— ChristopheOzcan (@ChristopheOzcan) November 30, 2019
Ethereum scientist Virgil Griffith arrested for North Korea visit - CoinGeek https://t.co/FPRlhOAFCD
— Calvin Ayre (@CalvinAyre) November 30, 2019
I think this accurately depicts the Ethereum Foundation's response to the North Korea incident https://t.co/DwNSMMEuws pic.twitter.com/HNoY4AppPg
— Charles Hoskinson (@IOHK_Charles) December 1, 2019
This story seems very biased but I am interested in this part:
— ☠l̶̫͚̍̃͊́͐e̷̛̊́x̸-̴́̿n̷̛̜̣̥͛̋͛̓ǒ̶̾̿̒͂̈́̍d̸͛̔̀̽ë̵́☠ (@lex_node) December 1, 2019
"The Swiss based foundation used to have a canary at the footer of the ethereum site . That canary disappeared in May following a site redesign."
Has anyone commented on the canary removal?https://t.co/BiU1CGweis
Exclusive: @TrustNodes has no idea how legal counseling works in extreme situations and publishes some crap to spread hate.
— María Paula, not Maria (@MPtherealMVP) December 1, 2019
What the hell is wrong with this outlet. https://t.co/Ns48BneUyZ
"Griffith provided highly technical information to North Korea, knowing that this information could be used to help North Korea launder money and evade sanctions."https://t.co/01ypdDtrVs
— Matthew Wilson (@diakopter) December 1, 2019
— Yudai Suzuki (@9dai_5) November 29, 2019
The US gov't doesn't play. Griffith faces up to 20 years in prison. The EF better take this seriously because they could now be in the crosshairs as coconspirators given Griffith's high-profile role in the EF.https://t.co/VF2eodhCKa
— Cardano Nation (@CardanoNation) December 1, 2019
— ひらしん (@hirashindaze_) November 29, 2019
— ibe@コント社会 with Cash & Stablecoin (@iibbee__) December 1, 2019
— xbox360 kyrie (@kyrie16) November 29, 2019
米国 #FBI は #国際緊急経済権限法 違反容疑で #イーサリアム 財団のVirgil Griffith氏を逮捕したと発表。#北朝鮮 の #暗号通貨 関連カンファレンスに出席し #経済制裁 回避に結びつく技術に関して議論したと言う。https://t.co/PlZIshAh1z
— Yoshimasa Mine (@Yoshimasa_Mine) December 1, 2019
— Obi / 大日方 祐介 (@obnty) November 30, 2019
https://t.co/apKkxPugSo Crazy story. One of the most important research scientists of Ethereum Foundation is accusing by helping North Korea for money laundering and to evade sanctions by using cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. #virgilgriffith #Ethereum
— Emir (@YavuzAyral) December 1, 2019
Insane arrest and indictment of Virgil Griffith (known for tor2web and other stuff) for giving a blockchain/cryptocurrency talk in DPRK. This is totally disgraceful. https://t.co/RGBOqMHqz3
— Kevin Gallagher (@ageis) November 30, 2019
This is an attack on all of us. Virgil is a friend, a 2600 writer, a HOPE speaker, & a true hacker who has always stood up for freedom & democratic ideals. https://t.co/NW7X1x2FZv
— 2600 Magazine (@2600) November 29, 2019
Ethereum FoundationリサーチサイエンティストのVirgil Griffith氏が逮捕された。
— 星 暁雄 (@AkioHoshi) November 30, 2019
The Blockの記事https://t.co/TBPIQNicMr
Virgil Griffith arrested for aiding North Korea: https://t.co/6znOz1tBEZ
— jae kwon (@jaekwon) November 29, 2019
“Manhattan U.S. Attorney announces arrest of American for traveling to North Korea to deliver a presentation & technical advice on using cryptocurrency & blockchain technology to evade sanctions.”
— Mark Dubowitz (@mdubowitz) November 29, 2019
Warning to anyone enabling sanctions evasion. https://t.co/fZK4Lfxrxi
Well certainly not the best article... But certainly most eye opening and one the scariest things I've read in a very longtime.https://t.co/SAz3DuRcLY
— Rain Bitcoins (@RainBitcoins) November 30, 2019
US investigators have arrested Virgil Griffith, a 36-year-old hacker and cryptocurrency specialist, for allegedly helping North Korea use #blockchain technology in violation of US sanctions
— Edward White (@edwardwhitenz) November 30, 2019
https://t.co/9QnPs6sY3q via @financialtimes & @kiranstacey
US Arrests Ethereum Developer for Training North Koreans to Evade Sanctions #cryptocurrencies #bitcoin #crypto #cryptocurrency https://t.co/XuRQQZCRHe
— CoinMarketDaddy (CMD) (@coinmarketdaddy) December 1, 2019
US Arrests Ethereum Developer for Training North Koreans to Evade Sanctions https://t.co/SP3L4LzF7I via @coindesk
— Bitcoin Dood (@BitcoinDood) December 1, 2019