What’s more than a swarm? 13.2.3 is buggy AF https://t.co/FaOreT8ZPZ
— Runner (@Nithin) November 21, 2019
Apple has weighed delaying some iOS 14 features until 2021 — for an update called “Azul +1” or iOS 15 — to focus more on quality. Still, iOS 14 is expected to rival iOS 13 in its breadth of its new features. https://t.co/ldaunD2GpC
— Mark Gurman (@markgurman) November 21, 2019
Apple rethinking software quality for next version of their OS is becoming a recurring narrative. You can’t be both date driven (annual releases) & feature driven (specific feature X must ship). They have lost discipline here over time. https://t.co/BNkm8aI547
— Dare Obasanjo (@Carnage4Life) November 21, 2019
I've heard promises like this before. But if they get it right this time, more power to them. Undoubtedly, what they're doing now is completely unacceptable. https://t.co/AcJpgBRTqf
— Jonathan Mosen (@JonathanMosen) November 21, 2019
My wish list is still *less quantity* coupled with more quality. iOS 12 was a great template. That, but move from “coming September” to “starting in September”. Then, rollout in stages for the next 9 months. https://t.co/WFthfYEnj0 https://t.co/FDRRDrVB2p
— Rene Ritchie (@reneritchie) November 21, 2019
Literally my iPad Pro froze when I was reading this story from @markgurman https://t.co/bOkfzrA9uF
— Dieter Bohn (@backlon) November 21, 2019
Inside Apple’s iPhone Software Shakeup After Buggy iOS 13 Debut // This is great but kind of (a lot) surprised this wasn’t already in place. Maybe if they had a “registry” they would have feature flags? :-) https://t.co/Y9LUtAhGWP pic.twitter.com/hgfrjMJigA
— Steven Sinofsky (@stevesi) November 21, 2019
35 iOS 13 updates later https://t.co/neYQtDQRVA
— Scott Stein (@jetscott) November 21, 2019
My biggest pet peeve with iOS 13 is how fundamental things like apps running in the background is now broken. I can’t watch a YouTube video, switch apps then come back to YouTube without losing my place because the process was killed in the background. ?
— Dare Obasanjo (@Carnage4Life) November 21, 2019
I seem to remember reading this same story after iOS 11, which was also a disaster in terms of bugs (and what prompted the "boring" iOS 12 update) feels kind of like we're just destined to have boring/buggy/boring/buggy cycles forever https://t.co/zWWB9AyAQE
— Karissa Bell (@karissabe) November 21, 2019
iOS 13 has had 8 updates in its first two months, the most in that same period since Craig Federighi took over development with iOS 7. See chart. https://t.co/ldaunD2GpC pic.twitter.com/uku1k1IGLK
— Mark Gurman (@markgurman) November 21, 2019
Apple's OS development teams are going to 'Build Different' https://t.co/yiZOOm5dQm via @computerworld
— jonny evans (@jonnyevans_cw) November 21, 2019
Inside Apple’s iPhone Software Testing Shakeup After Buggy iOS 13 Debut — Apple is said to be shifting how it tests its software, starting with iOS 14, to avoid another buggy software cycle: https://t.co/ldaunD2GpC
— Mark Gurman (@markgurman) November 21, 2019
In August, Apple engineers decided to mostly abandon work on iOS 13.0 and focus on iOS 13.1. Apple privately considered iOS 13.1 the “actual public release.” The company expected only die-hard Apple fans to load iOS 13.0 onto their phones. https://t.co/ldaunD2GpC
— Mark Gurman (@markgurman) November 21, 2019
Inside Apple’s iPhone Software Shakeup After Buggy iOS 13 Debut https://t.co/XipmYi2jpb
— Rich Tehrani (@rtehrani) November 21, 2019
Feature flags in teat releases are Apple’s answer to the software quality issue?
— Peter Steinberger (@steipete) November 21, 2019
What about automated testing? And opening up hiring outside of Cupertino, to deal with the amount of radars and missing documentation. https://t.co/OB3JNVsGZ0
Full Steam Ahead, But With Feature Flags: https://t.co/PS1KysnGEf #mjtsaiblog
— Michael Tsai (@mjtsai) November 21, 2019
블룸버그: 애플, 내부 테스트 빌드 시스템 개편으로 전체적 상황을 잘 볼 수 있게 하는 정책 채용해 차년도 iOS 개발에 적용키로. 내년 iOS는 올해와 비슷한 수준의 기능 추가. iOS 13.0은 iPhone 납기일에 맞춰 끊고 13.1을 '진정한 전체 릴리즈'판으로 생각하고 작업. https://t.co/LtnYRi9jG4
— 나가토 유키 (@nagato708) November 21, 2019
Apple shifts iOS 14 development strategy to cut buggy releases https://t.co/RSFflekXuh pic.twitter.com/pSNOm5wNxC
— Apple Streem (@applestreem) November 21, 2019
Apple Has Another Huge Quality Problem (Premium) - https://t.co/Fuy67xdoju pic.twitter.com/GPOXncpzAt
— Paul Thurrott (@thurrott) November 21, 2019
Apple reportedly focusing on its buggy iOS problems again with iOS 14 https://t.co/YIdoELHERZ pic.twitter.com/fApIqrHB5l
— The Verge (@verge) November 21, 2019
iOS 13 has been so buggy, it's causing Apple to overhaul software releases (via @verge) https://t.co/vs79FEOzOG
— IPVanish (@IPVanish) November 21, 2019
Apple is focusing on its buggy iOS mess for iOS 14. It will reportedly include software flags to turn features on / off just like Google does with Chrome and Microsoft with Windows. All the details here: https://t.co/reFsSq8xEx pic.twitter.com/IoS4hfLp3f
— Tom Warren (@tomwarren) November 21, 2019
This is a fascinating story by @markgurman with a lot of detail about Apple's software development process. https://t.co/5oqqmoiajc
— Stephen Nellis (@StephenNellis) November 21, 2019
Apple rethinking software quality for next version of their OS is becoming a recurring narrative. You can’t be both date driven (annual releases) & feature driven (specific feature X must ship). They have lost discipline here over time. https://t.co/BNkm8aI547
— Dare Obasanjo (@Carnage4Life) November 21, 2019
Today in @markgurman scoops: going behind the scenes of Apple's iOS 13 debacle + how iOS 14 will be different. https://t.co/Trh3uyflu3
— Vlad サボ (@vladsavov) November 21, 2019
Great to hear. https://t.co/eVd6Lbb6bJ
— Aaron Zollo (@zollotech) November 21, 2019
애플이 iOS의 버그를 줄이기 위해, 미완성 기능은 기본적으로 사용 불가능하도록 개발중 버전의 시험 방식을 바꿀 것이라고... https://t.co/ruWpT4EjsC
— H. Kim (@metavital) November 22, 2019
iOS 버그 줄이는 데 집중하겠다는 다짐은 몇 년째 듣고 있는 것 같은데...
“The company expected only die-hard Apple fans to load iOS 13.0 onto their phones.”
— Ella (@latentexistence) November 22, 2019
WTF Apple why would you expect people not to update when you boast about how quickly iPhone owners update https://t.co/zM3mpRSjvg