We recently discovered our iOS app incorrectly launched in landscape. In fixing that last week in v246 we inadvertently introduced a bug where the app partially navigates to the camera screen when a photo is tapped. We have no evidence of photos/videos uploaded due to this.
— Guy Rosen (@guyro) November 12, 2019
The Facebook app caught using the camera while scrolling the feed, described as "likely" a bug: https://t.co/1YPwBcLkQh
— Federico Viticci (@viticci) November 12, 2019
I always apply a modified Hanlon's razor with Facebook lately:
"Never attribute to bugs that which is adequately explained by malice"
Another workaround is to delete Facebook https://t.co/2kUL2HyCMY
— Sam Sabri (@samsabri) November 12, 2019
A friendly reminder to always revoke camera/photo permissions from any Facebook product after use, if you must use them at all.https://t.co/fXCBhY92hf
— Jordan (@jordan) November 12, 2019
Another workaround would be to delete your account and then the app, because quite honestly...that’s what it’s going to take to get rid of this roach of a company. https://t.co/A2YGdMQBHN
— drew olanoff (@yoda) November 12, 2019
1. Bug or feature, Facebook keeps immolating itself and us when it comes to dignity and privacy.
— Rene Ritchie (@reneritchie) November 12, 2019
2. Also need a Mac-style indicator light on iPhone and iPad, locked to the Secure Enclave, so you absolutely know when a camera or mic is hot. https://t.co/mspymPXeZP
Omg what? The Facebook app was remotely switching on your camera while you scrolled the FB feed!? If you haven’t already #DeleteFacebook then do this in settings https://t.co/dZ0lksJSlC pic.twitter.com/LfaheGDU1d
— Mike Butcher - Gov.UK/registertovote ☒ (@mikebutcher) November 12, 2019
“Likely a bug” seems too generous to me when it comes to the Facebook app using the camera in the background. https://t.co/tdC1oUu1eQ
— Stephen Hackett (@ismh) November 12, 2019
Deleting my facebook account a while back was absolutely the right decision. That company is trash. Sooner it’s gone the better. https://t.co/wC9kcY5gPj
— Ed Moore BSC (@edmoore) November 12, 2019
If you still trust Facebook, here ya go.
— Canoopsy (@Canoopsy) November 12, 2019
“Likely a bug”
Ok https://t.co/mdOQ3Jeumm
We’re submitting a fix for this to the App Store today.
— Guy Rosen (@guyro) November 12, 2019
Good, hope they all see me picking my nose https://t.co/8PeRh3jb8D
— Brooke Binkowski (@brooklynmarie) November 12, 2019
Facebook’s iOS app might be opening the camera in the background without your knowledge https://t.co/z66VgxRMeP pic.twitter.com/xNhtnCxAPm
— The Verge (@verge) November 12, 2019
Facebook’s iOS app might be opening the camera in the background without your knowledge ?, details in the article.https://t.co/Z5bw6G3kWt
— ⌚️The Tek Effect ? (@TheTekEffect) November 12, 2019
There's a raging debate over tech and trust--how much info do we have to give up to enjoy tech that profits off our data, and should Big Tech respect our privacy? There needs to be a balance, but gaffes like these make finding middle ground difficult. https://t.co/pd7BtxdPZq
— Salim Ismail (@salimismail) November 12, 2019
Also managed to replicate this bug. The @Facebook app has been switching on your iPhone's camera in the background while you scroll through your Facebook feed. Not just when you take a picture. So, there's that? ? #security #privacy #GDPR https://t.co/wj9CYZgANI
— Alasdair Allan (@aallan) November 12, 2019
"Bug" in Facebook activates the camera when you use the app. "Bug"... Uh huh. #cybersecurity https://t.co/7z2sL7JpMs
— AI6YR (@ai6yrham) November 12, 2019
New: Facebook's iOS app has a bug showing the camera is activated in the background while you're scrolling on your feedhttps://t.co/iLhCd1fJ41 pic.twitter.com/kKttBLHFXH
— alfred ? (@alfredwkng) November 12, 2019
unsurprised: https://t.co/a0bGrsImJ7
— Todd Greco (@mrBallistic) November 12, 2019
Facebook ‘secretly’ uses your iPhone’s camera for no good reason https://t.co/6QMLGB9l2J by @killianbell pic.twitter.com/xleYQaQep1
— Cult of Mac (@cultofmac) November 12, 2019
Facebook iOSアプリが裏でひっそりカメラを開いているというバグが判明。Facebookは「意図しないバグ」だと言うが、ただでさえ「Facebookはマイクで声を拾ってる」という噂もあり怪しさは残る。
— あまど@Timers inc. CTO (家族アプリFamm運営) (@amado_tech) November 13, 2019
https://t.co/IxMAu8maBF pic.twitter.com/sabcN3Wm64
No! No, it's not sinister that Facebook opens your camera when you're using the iOS app and that it doesn't tell you.
— James Barisic ?? ?? ?? #FBPE (@jamesmb) November 12, 2019
Also, put some clothes on.#Privacy #Facebook #Againhttps://t.co/kOkjBqlFNu via @Verge
— 預科傢伙™ Not THAT Dude, I’m... (@PreppyDude) November 12, 2019
hear me out.
Delete facebook altogether
Turn Off Facebook's Camera Privileges on iOs Right Now https://t.co/xQJWRyZIc2
Facebook caught using your camera in the background. Surprised? #DeleteFacebook
— iTouchAppReviewers (@iTouchAppReview) November 12, 2019
Bug in Facebook App Accesses the Camera in the Background https://t.co/XGboCxSqTK
Why is Facebook's iOS app accessing my camera while I do unrelated things, users ask https://t.co/iLOgtlUcBF pic.twitter.com/wsGg0pexai
— Masque of the Red Death (@doctorow) November 13, 2019
Why is Facebook's iOS app accessing my camera while I do unrelated things, users ask https://t.co/8Jszscb9S5 なんでiOSのFacebookアプリは、関係ないことしてる間もカメラにアクセスするんだ? という話。ワタシも設定でカメラは許可しないにしている
— yomoyomo (@yomoyomo) November 12, 2019
it's totally a feature and not a creepy as fuck bug. and why does anyone still use facebook? honest question.
— brixton accidental (@brixtronix) November 13, 2019
Facebook bug shows camera activated in background during app use https://t.co/Hjnh7TsWGh
One man's bug is another company's feature.#privacy #facebook #instagramhttps://t.co/IcT6ngsH4t
— F-Secure FREEDOME VPN (@FreedomeVPN) November 13, 2019
Bug. Right!
— Janhavi (@IAmTrillian) November 13, 2019
Facebook bug shows camera activated in background during app use https://t.co/3SCBPedsWd via @CNET
Surprised by this "little" tidbit?? Nahhh...
— Yuval Brisker (@yuvalb) November 13, 2019
#Privacy concerns run rampant across every aspect of the Facebook/Insta/WhatsApp mega-complex. @GetMezu combats the deterioration of privacy in the world with #privatepayments.#privacymatters #mobilepaymentshttps://t.co/notO7MVwoM
ICYMI: Facebook ‘secretly’ uses your iPhone’s camera for no good reason https://t.co/6QMLGB9l2J by @killianbell pic.twitter.com/X2EbSfUqWs
— Cult of Mac (@cultofmac) November 12, 2019