“Neither patients nor doctors have been notified. At least 150 Google employees already have access to much of the data on tens of millions of American patients...”https://t.co/wPKzmWS23V
— Nick Short ?? (@PoliticalShort) November 12, 2019
In partnership w/ Ascension, Google amasses complete health record for millions of Americans.
— One Ring (doorbell) to surveil them all... (@hypervisible) November 11, 2019
“Neither patients nor doctors have been notified.”
doctors ??? https://t.co/APwJ9wPrm9
Hospital records.
— Rob Copeland (@realrobcopeland) November 11, 2019
Doctor's diagnoses.
Names. Dates of Birth.
Google is secretly amassing all of this data on millions of Americans.
Code name: "Project Nightingale"https://t.co/J6jxsCJ8Eq
A @wsj bombshell: Google is collecting and analyzing health records from tens of millions of Americans in 21 states through an agreement with the country's second-largest healthcare system, the story says. Patients and doctors haven't been informed. https://t.co/zR9v56JA2Y
— Laura J. Nelson ? (@laura_nelson) November 11, 2019
Just revealed: #Google is secretly collecting health data on millions of Americans from hospitals nationwide without patients or doctors knowing - WITH patient names - including, maybe, YOURS. You can't make this sh*t up. #BeAfraid https://t.co/Qho9V9ccVq
— Dr. Robert Epstein (@DrREpstein) November 12, 2019
Google has secretly mined the health records of tens of millions of Americans to drive up costs to patients. Blatant disregard for privacy, public well-being, & basic norms is now core to Google’s business model. This abuse is beyond shameful. https://t.co/BO41AHyfDa
— Richard Blumenthal (@SenBlumenthal) November 12, 2019
How do we all feel about Google gathering and analyzing our health data
— Samantha Nerove (@USAMattersSam) November 12, 2019
And not telling us?https://t.co/emwbRSxTiV
when will someone go to Jail? That would stop this shit real fast.
— David C Lowery (@davidclowery) November 11, 2019
Google’s secret “Project Nightingale” gathers personal health data on millions of Americans https://t.co/4gurOtrUw4
The best part about "Project Nightingale" is that it sounds less Orwellian than "Project massive invasion of privacy and we totally won't do ANYTHING else with the data, trust us we promise" - otherwise it's just damn terrifying... https://t.co/k0ifMqU9dJ
— Jake Williams (@MalwareJake) November 11, 2019
No no no no no no FUCKING NO!!!!! Do you people not realize how dangerous and disturbing this is?! Not to mention, I'm pretty sure it's a HIPPA violation because the "loophole" they are using is absolute bullshit, fuck you @Google https://t.co/5HXBOK6ql0
— Socal (Gobble Gobble) (@Socal_crypto) November 11, 2019
(1) This is scary. HIPAA wasn't written with privacy protection as its main goal, it's a lot more permissive than people realize.
— Irenes (many) (@ireneista) November 11, 2019
(2) It's noteworthy that the WSJ, normally a business-friendly publication, is running a story like this.
Google’s ‘Project Nightingale’ Gathers Personal Health Data on Millions of Americans.https://t.co/QDAVPumr5v
— FurorRises (@FurorRises) November 12, 2019
'Google is engaged with one of the U.S.’s largest health-care systems on a project to collect and crunch the detailed personal-health information of millions of people across 21 states. Neither patients nor doctors have been notified.' https://t.co/xHGlEdE3K8
— Jesse Felder (@jessefelder) November 12, 2019
Google has partnered w/Ascension, one of the U.S.’s largest health-care systems, in an initiative ("Project Nightingale") to collect & crunch the detailed personal-health info of millions of Americans.?
— Minh Ngo (@minhtngo) November 12, 2019
Neither patients nor doctors have been notified.https://t.co/D5zdMxFHEK
Wall Street Journal exposes Google’s Project Nightingale: At least 150 Google employees can access data for tens of millions of patients. The doctors & patients had no idea their names, DOB, medications, lab tests, diagnosis’s & more were given to Google. https://t.co/AIczKsdEUE
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) November 12, 2019
Google’s ‘Project Nightingale’ Gathers Personal Health Data on Millions of Americans
— Culttture (@culttture) November 12, 2019
Search giant is amassing health records from Ascension facilities in 21 states; patients not yet informed.https://t.co/XklWmfrtFz
This is why (a) we need a federal privacy law and (b) @google can’t be trusted and (c) neither can some giant hospital networks. Note that patients’ were in the dark and consent wasn’t obtained. https://t.co/b78Os0S1sK
— Walt Mossberg (@waltmossberg) November 12, 2019
?Patients nor doctors have been notified. At least 150 Google employees already have access to much of data on tens of millions of patients,according to a person familiar w/the matter&the documents
— Tiger Girl (@pudding2312) November 11, 2019
As a nurse I'm telling all of you this is BEYOND SCARY‼ https://t.co/RLeL0PTNRx
I'm so torn on this- all for "improving outcomes, reducing costs, and saving lives." and scale is needed, and consent at scale not feasible, and yet it feels... icky.
— Jessie Tenenbaum (@jessiet1023) November 12, 2019
Google’s “Project Nightingale” gathers personal health data on millions #ELSI https://t.co/TM2Jt6W2sP via @WSJ
구글이 미국내 2위 민간 의료 네트워크인 Ascension과 비밀리에 손잡고 수백만명의 환자 데이터를 수집한 것으로 드러나. 구글 입장은 합법적인 절차를 따랐다는 것. 의료 민영화 만세. https://t.co/bu2vCG8nPo
— 푸른곰 (@purengom) November 11, 2019
We talked to half-a-dozen folks involved with Google/ Ascension’s Project Nightingale to answer some big open questions about how the patient data was shared, the scope of the project and more.
— Christina Farr (@chrissyfarr) November 12, 2019
Our deep dive: https://t.co/WgxaMF5YMl @jenn_elias
Our politicians focus on impeachment hoaxes daily while Google breaks privacy laws through ‘Project Nightingale’ gathering personal health data on millions of Americans.
— ?? Kim ?? (@kimfreethinker) November 13, 2019
How about protecting Americans against the REAL threat in our backyard? https://t.co/Quf8GgCYHI
— Zach Vorhies (@Perpetualmaniac) November 12, 2019
This is a very big deal.
Vacuuming up your health information is forbidden by the HIPAA law. See the attached image. How @Google is able to just simply ignore this legal barrier is beyond me. pic.twitter.com/IOGGPdtwUU
Sick Of The Surveillance State #EvilGoogle https://t.co/kbgASDirYm #NoMore #Enough #IBOR
— ?LANK LONDON✨ (@LankLondon) November 13, 2019
#4A Americans have a property right in their data. Tech giants have made billions with corrupt plays like this one. Congress must pass #ItsYourData Act to restore privacy protections across all platforms, websites, apps, devices, etc. #DefendFreedom https://t.co/9eONJydPGT
— Warren Davidson (@WarrenDavidson) November 12, 2019
Google’s secret “Project Nightingale” gathers personal health data on millions of Americans https://t.co/NJ3vyK5Kkp
— Jason Zweig (@jasonzweigwsj) November 11, 2019
Google health data deal helps identify ways to make money off patients. Ascension “also hopes to mine data to identify additional tests that could be necessary or other ways in which the system could generate more revenue from patients, documents show.” https://t.co/oiFm4QtfA5
— Frank Bajak (@fbajak) November 11, 2019
ICYMI @hessiejones @AlaricAloor Big tech doesn’t believe that patients have a right to privacy, consent, and protection against potential misuse of PII ? “Google’s ‘Project Nightingale’ Gathers Personal Health Data on Millions of Americans”
— Mia Dand (@MiaD) November 12, 2019
Google’s ‘Project Nightingale’ Gathers Personal Health Data on Millions of Americans
— James Wilson (@jamewils) November 13, 2019
Search giant is amassing health records from Ascension facilities in 21 states; patients not yet informedhttps://t.co/NcTgjMB2CA
Good follow-up on yesterday's WSJ story on Ascension's deal with Google. As I suspected, this looks like fairly standard, if very large, health IT cloud transformation deal. https://t.co/sa8E5M2BPd
— George Scriban (@scribandotcom) November 12, 2019
It doesn’t have to be de-identified if this is a BA arrangement. Not sure Google could do the scope of work without PHI. At any rate, I think the reports on this have been conflicting - CNBC’s seems to have the most detail and strikes me as more accurate. https://t.co/BySPrktyJE
— Deven McGraw (@HealthPrivacy) November 12, 2019
If you're following the Google hospital "Project Nightingale" flap, this from @chrissyfarr and @jenn_elias is a must-read -- Google's got a serious trust deficit and it may not be totally warranted: https://t.co/9IRgabfbPF tip @Techmeme
— Matt Rosoff (@MattRosoff) November 12, 2019
We really need a peoples' movement for fully #informedconsent when it comes to our #health #data, or these kinds of revelations will just keep happening. #BigTech https://t.co/s08WSYKruB
— (((Leah Ida Harris))) (@leahida) November 12, 2019