Embarrassing moment for Robinhood. Even if scammers are liable, it casts doubt on the stock broker's security https://t.co/3UOacuPjEo
— Josh Constine (@JoshConstine) November 5, 2019
Wow. Users of the stock trading app Robinhood discovered a glitch that allowed them to gain "infinite leverage." One trader bragged about having a $1 million position funded with just $4,000 https://t.co/XGfYpaBEJY pic.twitter.com/fWCy7jmW4G
— Joe Weisenthal (@TheStalwart) November 5, 2019
its a good internet day that /r/wallstreetbets, a place of lunacy and rudeness and bad ideas, is being covered by bloomberg https://t.co/4rcI0M6qPn
— alex (PVD) (@alex) November 5, 2019
Robinhood Traders Discovered a Glitch That Gave Them ‘Infinite Leverage’https://t.co/D0clmIZO2u $SPY $QQQ
— GuruLeaks (@Guruleaks1) November 5, 2019
What happens when coders become traders? "Infinite money cheat code." https://t.co/WwnfJMRwgC
— Lisa Abramowicz (@lisaabramowicz1) November 5, 2019
수수료 없는 걸로 유명한 온라인 주식거래 사이트 로빈훗에서 버그가 발생, 이를 발견한 레딧 유저가 ‘무한 머니 치트코드’라고 명명한 이 버그를 이용해서 자기돈 한 푼 안들이고 거액의 거래가 가능하다는 사실이 알려져. https://t.co/BR8plZKNmY
— 푸른곰 (@purengom) November 5, 2019
Robinhood working hard to compete with BitMEX
— ?????? (@Dogetoshi) November 5, 2019
Infinite Leverage > 100Xhttps://t.co/VlTy96MeFf
Just what ignorance and overconfidence needs: leverage.https://t.co/VmY7XUhUFf pic.twitter.com/1Y3CMXCTK7
— Brandon Koepke (@bdkoepke) November 5, 2019
Quick, someone try up-down-up-down-left-right-left-right-B-A-B-A-Start on ETrade https://t.co/fn4AAt4TbP via @technology
— Kevin Orland (@kevinorland) November 5, 2019
Hmm.. maybe I should withdraw my money from Robinhood: Glitch in Robinhood software allows "infinite leverage" https://t.co/hjGnfkX2Xc via @technology
— My Money Blog (@mymoneyblog) November 5, 2019
It's difficult to see a world in which this does not go very very very very VERY wrong https://t.co/UFozpSFnkF
— Will Smidlein (@ws) November 5, 2019