From inside Facebook, speaking truth to power&insisting that untruths by politicians be checked—this cry for accountability mirrors my letter&others. Being a politician shouldn’t be a license to lie—especially to spread hatred. If Facebook employees get it so should Zuckerberg.
— Richard Blumenthal (@SenBlumenthal) October 28, 2019
People like working at Facebook because of the open culture where everyone knows what everyone's doing. There are chats and groups for everything. A letter like this, a document with signatories delivered to execs, is unusually formal for Facebook and signals real discomfort.
— Sarah Frier (@sarahfrier) October 28, 2019
here is a story on the brewing dissent inside Facebook over Mark Zuckerberg’s decision to allow political candidates and office holders to run FB ads with false information
— rat king (@MikeIsaac) October 28, 2019
Exactly! The opaque system of hypertargeting negates the “marketplace of ideas” argument.
— Kim-Mai Cutler (@kimmaicutler) October 28, 2019
fwiw no one i have spoken to really feels there are wholly satisfying answers for any of these problems
— rat king (@MikeIsaac) October 28, 2019
but some number of people inside of these companies are not happy with a free-for-all approach
fb says it will continue the Internal discussion
"Free speech and paid speech are not the same thing."—Facebook employees, in a letter to Mark Zuckerberg
— Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) October 28, 2019
Facebook is really lost on this issue
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) October 28, 2019
Facebook’s policy that politicians can say basically anything on the platform also extends to anybody *running for office.*
— Derek Thompson (@DKThomp) October 28, 2019
That makes running for (or pretending to run for) any political seat a kind of invincibility cloak for false propaganda.
Good for them. Working for the ruin of democracy and the death of truth is not something to put on your resume, unless you want a job at RT.
— Ruth Ben-Ghiat (@ruthbenghiat) October 28, 2019
More than 250 Facebook employees have signed a letter to Mark Zuckerberg taking issue with the company's policy that allows politicians to lie in ads.
— Kevin Roose (@kevinroose) October 28, 2019
Courageous workers at Facebook are now standing up to the corporation’s leadership, challenging Zuckerberg’s disturbing policy on allowing paid, targeted disinformation ads in the 2020 election:
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) October 28, 2019
It's really interesting what Facebook employees realize about their own power over conversation. In this letter they explain that if politicians target ads specifically enough to people who want to see them, nobody is going to call out their lies.
— Sarah Frier (@sarahfrier) October 28, 2019
and heres a copy of the open letter circulating inside of Facebook signed by hundreds of employees who disagree with the policy
— rat king (@MikeIsaac) October 28, 2019
Facebook employee protest is my favorite kind of tech protest. They pioneered the invisible walkout during the travel ban (it turned into an all-hands), and now they've invented the secret open letter, shared only with other employees.
— Pinboard (@Pinboard) October 28, 2019
That’s a cute slogan and a terrible principle. Any time speech reaches farther than a human voice, *someone* is paying the cost of making that happen.
— Connor, the android sent by CyberLife (@normative) October 28, 2019
fwiw, in the letter itself there’s a line that says “This is still our company”
— rat king (@MikeIsaac) October 28, 2019
it is a reference to the presentation and laptop sticker employees get during new hire orientation that says “This is now your company."
Facebook employees 'strongly object' to policy allowing false claims in political ads
— Guardian US (@GuardianUS) October 28, 2019
Facebook employees 'strongly object' to policy allowing false claims in political ads
— Michael (@therightarticle) October 28, 2019
All republicans and most independents, only 4 in 10 Americans support socialism. Personally I think the whole dichotomy is silly and parts of both capitalism and socialism are necessary, but the label "socialist" is still toxic to many Americans.
— Dmit0820? (@dmit0820) October 28, 2019
Trade deadline is Tuesday. It’s been active this week with five deals. Let’s look ahead to more deals with this Washington Post column. []
— John Clayton (@JohnClaytonNFL) October 25, 2019
A face-scanning #algorithm increasingly decides
— Spiros Margaris (@SpirosMargaris) October 26, 2019
whether you deserve the #job #fintech #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #FacialRecognition #futureofwork @washingtonpost @guzmand @simonlporter @jaypalter @TamaraMcCleary
I've read he was captured and also read he blew himself up....typical day with the media! I'm going with dead by suicide and praying it's true! We don't want him thriving in Gitmo for 30 years! We know how the American justice system works!
— Zee Zembry ? ?? ❌ ❤ (@zeefa64) October 27, 2019
And the dirty deals keep coming! #RebelResisters
— purple teacher #ProtectOurDemocracy (@peaceandteachin) October 26, 2019
Company with ties to Trump’s brother Robert awarded $33 million government contract - The Washington Post
Lies...lies...lies. I just did a Google search and get this
— Jenn (@jennS012) October 27, 2019
I even believe Trump knew *nothing* and about this #AbuBakrAlBaghdadi raid until it was over
— Juliana L'Heureux (@julianawriter) October 27, 2019
Facebook employees "strongly object" to company’s political ad policy
— The Verge (@verge) October 28, 2019
? This morning @adrielhampton registered as a candidate in California's 2022 gubernatorial election -- not with the primary goal of becoming governor, but so he can run false Facebook ads.
— Donie O'Sullivan (@donie) October 28, 2019
This is a very thoughtful letter from @facebook employees about the dangers of recent decisions by the leadership of the company with some very interesting proposals about where to go from here
— Dan Pfeiffer (@danpfeiffer) October 28, 2019
Facebook's own employees know just how dangerous their policy allowing politicians to lie in political ads will be for our democracy. Mark Zuckerberg should listen to them—and I applaud their brave efforts to hold their own company accountable.
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) October 28, 2019
Well done to Facebook employees who have taken exception to its policy of allowing fake claims in political ads. The policy will allow Johnson to push more lies having become his favourite medium
— Ian collins (@Iancoll94354676) October 29, 2019
Facebook employees strongly object to policy allowing false claims in political ads
— Socialist Voice ? (@SocialistVoice) October 29, 2019
A letter to Mark Zuckerberg says the exemption is a threat to what FB stands for and called for the same standards as other adverts
Read the Letter Facebook Employees Sent to Mark Zuckerberg About Political Ads
— donna avocado ? (@ladalavara) October 28, 2019
These are good ideas, from people with a very good idea about how they might be implemented. Read the Letter Facebook Employees Sent to Mark Zuckerberg About Political Ads
— Peter Kafka (@pkafka) October 28, 2019
Dear Mark #Zuckerberg,
— Alice Stollmeyer (@StollmeyerEU) October 28, 2019
"Free speech and paid speech are not the same thing."
your own @Facebook employees
Hey @Facebook, listen to your employees. These are the voices we need to protect our democracy and uphold truth—especially when leaders at the top lack urgency and action.
— Michael Bennet (@MichaelBennet) October 29, 2019
Reading the internal Facebook letter again, it really is calling for a radical overhaul of how Facebook runs political ads. Bigger than the call for fact-checking is this: stop allowing targeted ads:
— Donie O'Sullivan (@donie) October 29, 2019
Letter from more than 250 @facebook employees to Zuckerberg:
— Minh Ngo (@minhtngo) October 28, 2019
"Free speech and paid speech are not the same thing."
"We strongly object to this policy as it stands. It doesn’t protect voices, but instead allows politicians to weaponize our platform ..."
as a @facebook alum, i'm proud of my former coworkers today for standing against current FB political ad policies, which allow misinformation (e.g. lies) from politicians to run on the platform. i hope facebook leadership listens.
— nell thomas (@nellwyn) October 28, 2019
and heres a copy of the open letter circulating inside of Facebook signed by hundreds of employees who disagree with the policy
— rat king (@MikeIsaac) October 28, 2019
Read the Letter Facebook Employees Sent to Mark Zuckerberg About Political Ads
— Valerie Jarrett (@ValerieJarrett) October 28, 2019
This letter that Facebook employees sent to Mark Zuckerberg is powerful. I’m really proud of them.
— Linz DeFranco (@LinzDeFranco) October 28, 2019
this memo about political ads is really heartening, signed by hundreds of thoughtful Facebook employees
— Charlie Warzel (@cwarzel) October 28, 2019
Stunning comments from Facebook employees. “It is common for political advertisers to upload voter rolls (which are publicly available in order to reach voters) & then use behavioral tracking tools (such as pixel) & ad engagement to refine ads further.“
— Marc Benioff (@Benioff) October 28, 2019
HUNDREDS OF @FACEBOOK EMPLOYEES TO ZUCKERBERG: “Free speech and paid speech are not the same thing. Misinformation affects us all.” ????
— The Tennessee Holler (@TheTNHoller) October 28, 2019
Beautiful letter with a conscience about what is decent and just. What Facebook should be! Safe and a protector of democracy! Not the engine to its death on earth! via @NYTimes
— John Leguizamo (@JohnLeguizamo) October 28, 2019
Read the Letter Facebook Employees Sent to Mark Zuckerberg About Political Ads - The New York Times
— Sherrilyn Ifill (@Sifill_LDF) October 28, 2019
Zuckerberg should listen to his employees
— Indivisible Chicago (@IndivisibleChi) October 29, 2019
Watch out. Deception is just keeping going from 2016.
— (W.A.) Bob ???? (@gundam_cat) October 29, 2019
Pro-Trump super PACs draw scrutiny for Facebook ads seeking voter registration data
sign of the times. three Facebook reads this AM:
— Tony Romm (@TonyRomm) October 28, 2019
--us, on pro-Trump voter registration 'data-bait' on FB:
-- @donie on more lies in political ads:
-- @JuddLegum on how Daily Wire is gaming the platform
NEW: Pro-Trump super PACs ran Facebook ads that made it seem like viewers hadn't properly registered to vote. But it wasn't really true -- it was actually a data-grabbing operation -- and it violated FB rules.
— Tony Romm (@TonyRomm) October 28, 2019
Story w/@isaacstanbecker:
Pro-Trump super PACs have been running social media ads in swing states that may have caused users to believe their voter registration is incomplete. The ads then led individuals to a page that collected their personal information
— (@OpenSecretsDC) October 28, 2019
NEW: Pro-Trump super PACs ran Facebook ads that made it seem like viewers hadn't properly registered to vote. But it wasn't really true -- it was actually a data-grabbing operation -- and it violated FB rules.
— Tony Romm (@TonyRomm) October 28, 2019
Pro-Trump super PACs draw scrutiny for Facebook ads seeking voter registration data
— Kim Masters (@kimmasters) October 28, 2019
Fuck you, Facebook.
— Wolfgang Bremer (@WolfgangBremer) October 28, 2019
"Eye-catching, fear-mongering content." In the @washingtonpost, @uw_sjmc professor Young Mie Kim talks about some of the "data-bait" Facebook ads the company pulled down over the weekend.
— UW-Madison L&S (@UWMadisonLS) October 28, 2019
Pro-Trump super PACs draw scrutiny for Facebook ads seeking voter registration data -- via @tonyromm @isaacstanbercker
— Michelle Ye Hee Lee (@myhlee) October 28, 2019
Scare tactics in ads aren't new: We've seen similar in direct mail for a long time. But neither is lying in a political ad. What unites these two controversies is the power and pervasiveness of FB tracking/targeting and the responsibilities that entails
— Tony Romm (@TonyRomm) October 28, 2019
Four additional ads -- run by another pro-Trump org, Great America PAC -- have been sent to fact checkers after claiming Dems purged voter roles for Trump backers. (They did not.) These, like the Committee's ads, also were a data-grab effort
— Tony Romm (@TonyRomm) October 28, 2019
Specifically, four ads belonging to the pro-Trump Committee to Defend the President have been removed for violating FB rules because it improperly claimed it knew about/targeted using personal attributes.
— Tony Romm (@TonyRomm) October 28, 2019
.@MikeIsaac obtained a letter signed by hundreds of Facebook employees protesting the company’s decision to allow politicians to lie in ads
— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) October 28, 2019
As happened #Google when 20k workers walked out over #sexual harassment, employees at #Facebook use their collective voice: “Dissent Erupts at Facebook Over Hands-Off Stance on Political Ads”
— Maya Wiley (@mayawiley) October 28, 2019
Many employees have been discussing Zuckerberg’s decision to let politicians post anything they want in Facebook ads because those ads can go viral and spread misinformation widely. The worker dissatisfaction has spilled out...
— Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) October 28, 2019
“In an open letter, the social network’s employees said letting politicians post false claims in ads was “a threat” to the company.
— Belinda Barnet (@manjusrii) October 29, 2019
Facebook employee's send letter of dissent over the social companies recent policy to allow false ad's on their platform.
— Linda Marie FL? (@adnilxa) October 28, 2019
Dissent Erupts at Facebook Over Hands-Off Stance on Political Ads
here is a story on the brewing dissent inside Facebook over Mark Zuckerberg’s decision to allow political candidates and office holders to run FB ads with false information
— rat king (@MikeIsaac) October 28, 2019
Dissent eurpts at Facebook.
— Rula Jebreal (@rulajebreal) October 28, 2019
In an open letter aimed at Mark Zuckerberg & his accomplices, Facebook employees decried the company’s policy of allowing politicians to post any claim, even false ones, in ads, saying it was “A threat to what FB stands for.”
Facebook employees: Free speech and paid speech are different and refusing to accept money to publish lies is not censorship
— Eric Geller (@ericgeller) October 28, 2019
Facebook: We will not censor political speech
It’s happening.
— Mike Monteiro? (@monteiro) October 28, 2019
#BREAKING:There you have it folks--#Facebook employees are ALSO FED UP with CEO #Zuckerberg allowing #Trump to place ads riddled with FALSEHOODS on their platform. GOOD!!#TheResistance #CNN #MSNBC #FoxNews #Yahoo #Google #mondaythoughts #FBRParty
— Emoluments Clause (@Emolclause) October 29, 2019
Dissent Erupts at Facebook Over Hands-Off Stance on Political Ads
— Ben Elgin (@ben_elgin) October 28, 2019
He's just evil. But I support the employees that are trying their best to stop this madness.
— JKA ???❄? (@Mafhoney) October 29, 2019
There’s a movement building within tech.
— Firefox ? (@firefox) October 28, 2019
Workers, like these folks at Facebook, are demanding higher standards from their companies.
This stunt comes amid mounting pressure internally on the fake ad policy too, as @MikeIsaac reports.
— Donie O'Sullivan (@donie) October 28, 2019
Facebook employees sent a letter to Mark:
— Miguel de Icaza (@migueldeicaza) October 28, 2019
All of the steps laid out by Facebook employees in this letter seem either totally reasonable or obviously common sense. You should read 'em.
— Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) October 28, 2019
Facebook employees to Mark Zuckerberg: the company's election-integrity teams "made hard choices on what to support and what not to support, and this policy will undo much of that work."
— David Ingram (@David_Ingram) October 28, 2019
Finally. Welcome to the fight — “Hundreds of Facebook employees have signed a letter to executive Mark Zuckerberg decrying his decision to allow politicians to post advertisements on the platform that include false claims.”
— daniel horrorvey (@dancharvey) October 29, 2019
Even Facebook Employees Think the Company's Political Speech Policy Is Awful
— Lillian (@lillith6) October 29, 2019
Trump wants ISIS decimated.
— Edward J. R. Black (@EdwardJRBlack) October 28, 2019
Putin wants ISIS decimated.
Pelosi is willing to do anything to hinder Trump.
Ilhan is an ISIS sympathizer.
Guess why Trump told Putin of the operation, but not Pelosi and the gang.#BaghdadiDiedLikeADog#Trump2020
Facebook employees "strongly object" to company’s political ad policy
— The Verge (@verge) October 29, 2019
It’s not misinformation. It’s DISinformation - a lie meant to manipulate. Read the Letter Facebook Employees Sent to Mark Zuckerberg About Political Ads
— Maria Ressa (@mariaressa) October 29, 2019
The letter Facebook employees sent to Mark Zuckerberg about Political Ads is more nuanced than its coverage
— Martin Moore (@martinjemoore) October 29, 2019
Letter from FB staff to Zuckerberg. Definitely worth a read.
— Brian Mahon (@_BrianMahon_) October 29, 2019
On the #Facebook dissent letter, based on my time working on political ads there: Key point is tension between integrity teams working to fix issues & higher ups making political decisions that hurt the company & morale. Three key take-aways (thread):
— Yael Eisenstat (@YaelEisenstat) October 29, 2019
Problem is fact checkers define truth along political lines. Well documented. Zuck's trying to avoid being the enemy of everyone by simply opting out of defining "truth". It's just self preservation. FB employees do not understand what they are demanding.
— Michael Arrington (@arrington) October 28, 2019
Facebook employees have really sharp ideas around how to manage political ads on the platform, including restrict targeting for political ads and making it clearer to users that politicians can lie through Facebook ads.
— Deepa Seetharaman (@dseetharaman) October 28, 2019
Codetermination for tech. The employees have a better handle on the equities and stakes than the C-suite.
— Gaurav Laroia (@GauravLaroia) October 28, 2019
This is the best kind of public letter, because it clearly articulates BOTH the argument and plausible solutions.
— Amy Webb (@amywebb) October 29, 2019
Read the Letter Facebook Employees Sent to Mark Zuckerberg About Political Ads #DeleteFacebook
— Gerd Leonhard (@gleonhard) October 29, 2019
Pro-Trump super PACs draw scrutiny for Facebook ads seeking voter registration data.
— PatrioticDan (@PatrioticDan) October 29, 2019
No surprise! Trump defaults to fraud in effort to rig the election. Fraudulent collection of voter registration data but Trump & GOP.
Pro-Trump super PACs draw scrutiny for Facebook ads seeking voter registration data
— ohiomail (@ohiomail) October 29, 2019
RT @ohiomail: Pro-Trump super PACs draw scrutiny for Facebook ads seeking voter registration data #blacktwitter #MorningJoe #MSNBC #CNN
— PortCityPisces (@PortCityPisces) October 29, 2019
I hope Zuckerberg will start to listen to his own employees? Letting politicians spread their lies is a danger to democracy.
— Guy Verhofstadt (@guyverhofstadt) October 29, 2019
Dissent at Facebook Over Hands-Off Stance on Political Ads
— Molly Scott Cato MEP (@MollyMEP) October 29, 2019
Facebook staff think:
⚠️ Lying political ads should not be hosted
⚠️ Position on political ads a threat to what FB stands for
⚠️ Strongly object to policy
Business model is destroying democracy
Dissent Erupts at Facebook Over Hands-Off Stance on lying Political Ads - The New York Times
— Fionna O'Leary, ? #FBPE (@fascinatorfun) October 29, 2019
I hate to say this, but I am beginning to think that Facebook has to be shut down until it sorts itself out.
This position is reprehensible. It has lost its way
Dissent erupts among Facebook employees over Zuckerberg’s hands-off stance on political ads, which allows politicians lying on the platform — “Free speech and paid speech are not the same thing”
— Alfons López Tena #FBPE (@alfonslopeztena) October 28, 2019
More than 250 Facebook employees have signed a letter to Mark Zuckerberg protesting the company's decision to allow politicians to lie in advertisements on the platform.
— Jay Rosen (@jayrosen_nyu) October 29, 2019
The labor union world does not have the infrastructure necessary to translate tech employee activism into legit large scale union campaigns and they need to build that infrastructure like yesterday
— Hamilton Nolan (@hamiltonnolan) October 28, 2019
In an open letter, Facebook's employees call out the company on its recent decision to let politicians post any claims they wanted, even if false, in ads on the site.
— Access Now (@accessnow) October 29, 2019