This is @facebook’s former head of News Feed saying that Breitbart represents an “ideology.”
— Sleeping Giants (@slpng_giants) October 26, 2019
If you consider that working with white supremacists, harassing Roy Moore’s accusers and being the “platform for the alt-right” an ideology, you’ve lost the script.
Breitbart’s ideology, as racist & retrograde as it is, isn’t the issue. It’s that it uses the trappings of journalism to lie, warp, inflame, and demonize.
— Peter A. Shulman ? (@pashulman) October 26, 2019
The problem with Facebook is it doesn’t care which news organizations observe the norms of journalistic truth gathering.
“What else should we really expect from a company that refuses to meaningfully distinguish those who share hyperpartisan vitriol from those joyfully sharing baby pictures? When scale is the prism through which you view the world, that world becomes flat.“
— Kainaz Amaria (@kainazamaria) October 26, 2019
Two things to consider: (1) do you really want platform as big as Facebook embracing a political ideology? And (2) not as important, and this is an honest question, why such a different reaction to Breitbart being Apple News partner?
— Adam Mosseri (@mosseri) October 26, 2019
This is what happens when a platform is run by people who are truth-agnostic. I don't think anyone should want Facebook to promote/exclude outlets based on ideology. Rather, the argument is FB decisions should be made based on whether the publications are truthful and accurate.
— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) October 26, 2019
i wrote about zuckerberg’s worldview
— Charlie Warzel (@cwarzel) October 26, 2019
I'm not defending Breitbart, I'm asking if you really want a platform of our scale to make decisions to exclude news organizations based on their ideology? Put another way, do you care more about advancing your views than preserving freedom for diverse views to be on platforms?
— Adam Mosseri (@mosseri) October 26, 2019
I have always thought that whatever the issue, Facebook is the most compromised company I have ever covered, always willing to try to pretend all things were equal: Opinion | Why Will Breitbart Be Included in ‘Facebook News’? - The New York Times
— Kara Swisher (@karaswisher) October 26, 2019
Top Facebook executive doesn’t understand that deciding Breitbart is a “trusted” news source IS embracing a political ideology
— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) October 26, 2019
It's alarming that Facebook execs think the only issue is Breitbart's "ideology." Another issue would be the quality of stories it publishes. Using a website known for peddling misinformation as a source for a news tab aimed at curating "high quality" info makes little sense.
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) October 26, 2019
Very strong argument for breaking up Facebook from architect of News Feed, current head of Instagram
— Julia Carrie Wong (@juliacarriew) October 26, 2019
Two things can be true:
— Alex Stamos (@alexstamos) October 26, 2019
1) Facebook should not include Breitbart as a trusted news partner.
2) The complete silence on Apple making the same mistake says something interesting about what is considered a scandal in the tech media.
Some examples from the fêted Apple News:
if you think Breitbart is a “news organization,” you’re doing this all wrong
— Eric Boehlert (@EricBoehlert) October 26, 2019
My man, if Facebook cannot get this right it should not exist
— Kelsey D. Nuclear Aftermatherton (@AthertonKD) October 26, 2019
It's a race to the bottom. If one platform allows it, Facebook feels like it should be able to allow it--even if that means having harassment, racism, misogyny, fake news, and more.
— Ellen K. Pao (@ekp) October 26, 2019
All of us journalists need to consider what’s going on with Facebook’s approach to news and authority - because they currently get to legitimise, and we need to express our views about what actually grants status to a news outlet. Now.
— Bill Thompson (@billt) October 26, 2019
It’s also the ideology. It should not be taboo to say “Neo-Nazi outreach outlets have no place in the public sphere,” and its astonishing that @mosseri is agnostic on this.
— Eli Valley (@elivalley) October 26, 2019
I'll just be the eleventy-millionth person to say: it's not the ideology, it's the inaccuracy, the utter disregard for truth or fairness or other journalistic principles.
— David Roberts (@drvox) October 26, 2019
Another highly miscalculated move — yesterday FB announced Facebook News, because they're trustworthy when it comes to news, and also they're still not a media company.
— Scott Galloway (@profgalloway) October 26, 2019
via @cwarzel
What Does Mark Zuckerberg Actually Believe? “His only consistent ideology is that connectivity is a universal good. And his only consistent goal is advancing that ideology, at nearly any cost.”
— Steve Case (@SteveCase) October 27, 2019
“It’s telling that Facebook would look to Mr. Carlson or Breitbart and interpret a large audience and influence as a stand-in for authority and credibility.”
— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) October 26, 2019
Why Will Breitbart Be Included in ‘Facebook News’?
— Michael Hall (@AugustEve2012) October 26, 2019
"When scale is the prism through which you view the world, that world becomes flat."
— Roger the Dutch ?? Resister ?? (@Roger_J_Postma) October 26, 2019
Exactly. For Zuckerberg, it's about Facebook growth without morality.
It's private profit from the public good - just like the GOP.
"The real threat to Facebook isn’t bad P.R., it’s alienating its user base. Through this lens, it makes perfect sense that Facebook should want to publicly court conservative audiences that seethe at what they perceive as Facebook’s liberal bias."
— Jay Rosen (@jayrosen_nyu) October 26, 2019
Facebook’s “trusted” sources include Breitbart, a far-right site whose co-founder Steve Bannon once described it as a platform for the white nationalist “alt-right.” Breitbart has been criticized for repeated inaccurate and incendiary reporting.
— Linda Hill (@bulldoghill) October 27, 2019
When the right puts out a wrong story that may affect certain people - it's incendiary & must never be seen. When the left puts out news stories that are wrong & affect certain people, no one questions it, retractions rarely made, advertisers still pay in
— Wayne (@diyordievaping) October 27, 2019
Now that FACEBOOK has decided to put Breitbart ( an alt-right platform promoting WHITE SUPREMACY) created by Steve Bannon as a “ trusted news source”, it’s time to #DeleteFacebook DO IT!#DeleteFacebookNow #OneVoice1 @Waveblue5
— Wave_blue (@Waveblue5) October 26, 2019
Now that FACEBOOK has decided to put Breitbart ( an alt-right platform promoting WHITE SUPREMACY) created by Steve Bannon as a “ trusted news source”, it’s time to #DeleteFacebook DO IT!#DeleteFacebookNow #OneVoice1
— ???Liberty Belle ???? (@roxyoak) October 26, 2019
You are right. Every day it gets worse!
— Coprocracia Mundial (@CoprocraciaM) October 27, 2019
BoltharTheMinionSlayerNews Dept: "Mark Zuckerberg struggles to explain why Breitbart belongs on Facebook News." - The Verge
— D.K.R. Boyd (@ReflectingMan) October 27, 2019
Time to DELETE Facebook, Zuckerberg is all about $$$ GREEDY SOB #DeleteFacebook #DeleteFBNow
— London Spencer (@LondonSpencer) October 26, 2019
Mark Zuckerberg is struggling to explain why Breitbart belongs on Facebook News
Too little too late !
— Afsoon Azadi (@AfsoonAzadi) October 25, 2019
Breitbart will be a publisher in Facebook News.
— Stacey??Grab Them By The Ballots? (@StaceyBeeBlue) October 25, 2019
A conspiracy theory spinning, lie spitting, trash rag will now be featured among legitimate news sources.
Let that sit for a minute. Breitbart, a news source? #DeleteFacebook #OneVoice1
Ms.MaggieMay, this is an excellent idea and one most Canadians should, will support. Let us know what the next steps are.??Very frustrated that now Facebook is a "news" outlet n have friends/family quoting from it; case in point --
— TLDarby ??? (@darbyTL) October 26, 2019
Just in time for next year’s elections ...
— Richard Steigmann-Gall (@Notorious_RSG) October 26, 2019
— (((Al ????➊))) (@Gdad1) October 25, 2019
It's time.#DeleteFacebook
Facebook’s News Tab Will Include Stories From Breitbart
Facebook policy since March is to ban white nationalist content.
— The Loyal Opposition ?? (@TheLoyalO) October 25, 2019
Until today, when they launched Facebook News and included Breitbart as a trusted source.
Here's a past Breitbart headline: “Bill Kristol: Republican Spoiler, Renegade Jew." #Untrustworthy
Bitch, bye. Take your Nazi propaganda with you out the goddamn door.
— Sinned Perkins (@DennisPerkins5) October 25, 2019
Seriously @facebook? Breitbart? “The far-right news site has a record of running and failing to correct inaccurate stories and of disseminating misogynistic and white nationalist viewpoints."
— Randi Weingarten (@rweingarten) October 26, 2019
Whaaaat!!! #socialmedia #facebook #instagram #impeachtrump #mybrainhurts @Warrenolizer
— Hilary Jones (@Hilamey) October 26, 2019
I’ll keep saying this because I feel so sorry for young people whose future world is being warped by Facebook.
— Dear Friend? (@diannemando) October 25, 2019
We now know FB will be partnering w/extreme right, hate media outlet, Breitbart
Facebook is an evil force in the world.
Facebook’s attempt to elevate reliable information will include Breitbart.
— caroline cherry ?#ShortCummings#FBPE? (@stroppypanda) October 25, 2019
This is utterly terrible news & will mean that the far right will increase the terrible fake stories that they rely on to get the results they want ?#FridayFeeling
What could possibly go wrong?
— Max Tundra (@MaxTundra) October 26, 2019
i turned this thread into content
— Charlie Warzel (@cwarzel) October 26, 2019
Facebook and Breitbart. As if we needed any more confirmation that Facebook is a biased cesspool of right-wing grossness.
— Nova, half-orc mom but in spooky ⚧ (@GiftnovaGaming) October 28, 2019
Mark Zuckerberg is struggling to explain why Breitbart belongs on Facebook News
— Matteo G.P. Flora (@lastknight) October 28, 2019
Mark Zuckerberg struggles to explain why Breitbart belongs on Facebook News.
— Trial Lawyer Richard (@TrialLawyerRich) October 27, 2019
Mark Zuckerberg is struggling to explain why Breitbart belongs on Facebook News via @Verge
— John Iadarola (@johniadarola) October 26, 2019
There is a simple explanation for this: Facebook genuflects to governments in power, regardless of how much false information they put out or endorse. India, Turkey, Cambodia, China, U.S. are case studies. Trump likes Breitbart so Zuckerberg promotes it.
— Vindu Goel (@vindugoel) October 28, 2019
Breitbart is trusted news to Facebook
— Marc Canter - Storytelling Meme Beings (@marccanter4real) October 27, 2019
Says it all - Thiel on board
Dear @facebook: please see International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights, Arts. 19-20. As a business, these define your #humanrights responsibility, not your own warped ideology / but instinct. (See also: UN Guiding Principles on #bizhumanrights)
— Dr Tara Van Ho (@TaraVanHo) October 28, 2019