? “Facebook is expected to generate $19 billion in profits this year. Call me biased, but spending a small fraction of that to please publishers seems like a decent investment.” - @pkafka https://t.co/8VpRQGKcjw
— Jason Kint (@jason_kint) October 24, 2019
Thing you don't expect to hear from someone who doesn't work for Rupe: “We should all be sending Robert Thomson and Rupert Murdoch thank you notes." https://t.co/dSDAd8ztxB
— Peter Kafka (@pkafka) October 24, 2019
Will @facebook pay for the “Diversity is not our strength” and the “Immigrants make our country poorer and dirtier” op-eds, too? https://t.co/VSGqr2bey2
— Sleeping Giants (@slpng_giants) October 24, 2019
Here's the full transcript of the six hour #Zuckerberg hearing on Libra. https://t.co/IKJMM1qUoP
— Balaji S. Srinivasan (@balajis) October 23, 2019
“If you click on a Wall Street Journal article via Facebook’s news section, you’ll be able to read that one story, but if you click on a subsequent WSJ piece, you’ll be asked to pay up.” https://t.co/roBaROF4Ug
— The (ring door) bell tolls for thee... (@hypervisible) October 25, 2019
Rupert Murdoch wanted Mark Zuckerberg to pay him for news stories — and now Facebook is going to do just that https://t.co/HHnVifliCo
— Peter Kafka (@pkafka) October 24, 2019
Facebook News debuts today: https://t.co/rkKQyV0koe
— Pew Research Center (@pewresearch) October 25, 2019
In our recent survey, 52% of U.S. adults said they get news on Facebook: https://t.co/trNsjrjl52 pic.twitter.com/ah0iU3HVKY
‼️?‼️ Facebook News launches with hand-picked stories from major publishers https://t.co/8egODEbrBm ❗️?❗️ #Followback #SiguemeYTeSigo pic.twitter.com/iNbVEcXCXc
— ? Ojos al Saber ? (@Ojos_al_Saber) October 25, 2019
What’s that thing Suckerberg said about FB being a platform, not a publisher?
— random facts girl. (@soychicka) October 25, 2019
pretty sure that when you have journalists on staff and pay to distribute content... you aren’t covered by 230 anymore, ‘ya dumb shits.https://t.co/dJBfZlDRhs
Facebook, which has long resisted both hiring journalists and paying publishers, will do both as part of a new News section being announced today. https://t.co/TKcmlqAFih
— Axios (@axios) October 25, 2019
Zuckerberg's news pitch https://t.co/iB9iDm6E4I
— Sara Fischer (@sarafischer) October 25, 2019
“Rupert Murdoch wanted Mark Zuckerberg to pay him for news stories — and now Facebook is going to do just that” https://t.co/cxAsySpnTG
— JD (@JDawsonTweets) October 25, 2019
Rupert Murdoch wanted Mark Zuckerberg to pay him for news stories — and now Facebook is going to do just that. Facebook’s news project will pay some publishers millions of dollars for content. It’s a major shift. https://t.co/iBgGGIarHq
— D.K.R. Boyd (@ReflectingMan) October 25, 2019
Facebook is launching a news section — and will pay some publishers millions https://t.co/5vKytlnenr vía @voxdotcom
— Miguel H Otero (@miguelhotero) October 25, 2019
Facebook is launching a news section — and will pay some publishers millions https://t.co/LAmHaURJhs via @voxdotcom
— Greta Van Susteren (@greta) October 25, 2019
— Dan Kaminsky (@dakami) October 25, 2019
Good. I know, not the dogma.
Couple of interesting details so far:
— Michael Nuñez (@MichaelFNunez) October 25, 2019
- Zuck admits "majority of people don't use [secondary tabs]” meaning Marketplace, Groups, Watch, Dating, etc.
- Zuck says News Tab will start small (200K US users) but he says “I think we can get to 20-30 million”
Some news publishers will be paid for providing their content to Facebook, but others will not.
— CNN International (@cnni) October 25, 2019
And some local newsrooms, already struggling, are worried about being left behind. https://t.co/MCV4PotTg1
Great question from @sarafischer to MZ: Will FB's human editors for the news tab include stories that are critical of FB? She points out that Bloomberg News doesn’t cover Mike Bloomberg, a policy MZ didn’t know about…
— Alex Heath (@alexeheath) October 25, 2019
In short: Thompson et al can be bought.
— Jeff Jarvis (@jeffjarvis) October 25, 2019
Just to remind everyone , News Corp is boosting a new product from Facebook for journalism , hailing it as a new platform. Is this journalism’s Free Basics moment? Where it hands over it’s development to an unaccountable business ...or is it politically significant ahead of 2020
— emily bell (@emilybell) October 25, 2019
This is something Apple News and the Washington Post wrestle with as well, obviously. It's good that Zuck doesn't plan to prohibit Facebook coverage in FB News. But if you're curating news for FB for a living, hard to imagine you don't at least think twice.... https://t.co/qmNCgbuWcP
— Will Oremus (@WillOremus) October 25, 2019
Thompson puts Zuckerberg on the spot and asks whether FB can pay local papers. He touts the separate product they've been developing: Today In, a local tab. He says he hopes to have financial relations there. Then he touts FB's $300m commitment to news.
— Jeff Jarvis (@jeffjarvis) October 25, 2019
@sarafischer asks how News curators will handle stories about the company
— Jeremy Barr (@jeremymbarr) October 25, 2019
Zuck: "The team is going to be independent. For better or worse, we're a prominent part of the news cycle. I don't think it would be reasonable to have a News tab that didn't cover what Facebook was doing"
Oy again. Breitbart will be include in the news tab. Won't be paid, says The Times, but articles Breitbart posts to FB will be eligible for inclusion. https://t.co/g7m38wifah
— Jeff Jarvis (@jeffjarvis) October 25, 2019
Zuckerberg: "This is going to be the first time that we're forming long-term, stable relationships and partnerships with publishers." Nailing the rug down so it can't be pulled is critical for publishers!
— Jeff Jarvis (@jeffjarvis) October 25, 2019
Also: "local newsrooms fear being left behind" is kind of a grotesque understatement of the problem of no local news.
— Zephyr Teachout (@ZephyrTeachout) October 25, 2019
Isn't it more "humans fear democracy being dismantled?" https://t.co/TFutf6Nxs4
"You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in" https://t.co/qotIzbo9ps
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) October 25, 2019
This Nixon-to-China Facebook-to-News Corp presser is such a big deal that @gaberivera has left Brooklyn to attend.
— Peter Kafka (@pkafka) October 25, 2019
The timing is curious to me. Facebook rolled out a big new product for publishers in late 2015 (FB live) and paid them to use it. Now we're heading into 2020 and a similar story seems to be playing out.
— David Eads (@eads) October 25, 2019
BuzzFeed CEO @Peretti says "it's a good day for the internet" because Facebook is paying $$ for access to publishers' content. "For the first time, we're seeing the platforms step up and take responsibility for their role in the news ecosystem," he says https://t.co/QpTo40mTzt
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) October 25, 2019
Publishers can run their own ads on their news tab content and keep the revenue or they can use FB's ad network and still get "the vast majority of the revenue."
— Jeff Jarvis (@jeffjarvis) October 25, 2019
“Turn down millions of dollars for work you’ve already done, because previous Facebook deals were not very good!” — media biz dev geniuses in my timeline today
— Casey Newton (@CaseyNewton) October 25, 2019
Thompson making this sound like the Holy Grail of news, because Facebook is paying a handful of news companies a sum of money that for Zuckerberg is the equivalent of me giving the guy outside the bus station a quarter for coffee https://t.co/jxkqaklf09
— Mathew Ingram (@mathewi) October 25, 2019
Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook News won’t provide data to advertisers https://t.co/www3W1xu9k pic.twitter.com/K819Vus4SC
— Ace Computer (@Acecomputer5) October 25, 2019
Congrats to Daily Wire and Diamond and Silk! https://t.co/MI88987ndY
— Adam Smith (@asmith83) October 25, 2019
Facebook News is here. But will an audience show up for it? https://t.co/Lsng75hN8v pic.twitter.com/OGb86JCBks
— Casey Newton (@CaseyNewton) October 25, 2019
"Facebook stole all the news we gave them in a desperate attempt to reach the young people who haven't used this platform in 10 years, and now we have no money to deliver the paper to people who have been customers for 6 decades." -- media company execs, 6 months from now. https://t.co/aseOKFhWgD
— Allison Hantschel (@Athenae) October 25, 2019
Still not a media organization. Nope, not one bit. Who would think of such a thing?! https://t.co/EvnSLxbeBs
— Mark Scott (@markscott82) October 25, 2019
Facebook is clearly trying to help the media by giving them lots of untruthful political ads to write about. Thanks Mark! https://t.co/FlJD87Fuga
— Mathew Ingram (@mathewi) October 25, 2019
Zuckerberg deciding to partner with News Corp for this event on the day of the launch of a major Facebook news product really says it all. they reminisced on time spent with Rupert Murdoch and Mark defended the inclusion of Breitbart as a “high quality journalism” partner
— Matt Binder (@MattBinder) October 25, 2019
This comes less than a fortnight after an Oireachtas committee heard several social media corps deny that they were publishers with editorial control https://t.co/x3eSziwbvL
— Ciarán Mc Mahon (@CJAMcMahon) October 25, 2019
“We feel acute responsibility because there’s obviously an awareness that the internet has disrupted the news industry business model,” Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s chief executive, said in an interview. https://t.co/nOxdsC4iiz via @mikeisaac @marctracey
— CeciliaKang (@ceciliakang) October 25, 2019
is this also not gonna be fact checked by a legit third party? https://t.co/K4y2ZoMXqE
— Lindsay Schnell (@Lindsay_Schnell) October 25, 2019
A positive development on the surface, but the massive power imbalance ensures that news organizations, bargaining *individually* with Facebook, will not capture anything close to their marginal revenue product or forgone advertising revenues.https://t.co/Dnfebe4KhF
— Hal Singer (@HalSinger) October 25, 2019
Facebook is finally giving some publishers what they want: $$. But how many people will really visit a separate tab to get news? Story w/ @sarahfrier https://t.co/s8bkSJ1Dgk
— Gerry Smith (@gerryfsmith) October 25, 2019
Facebook will pay publishers, including @nytimes
— Edmund Lee (@edmundlee) October 25, 2019
What’s more notable is this rare mea culpa from Zuckerberg:
“We feel acute responsibility because there’s obviously an awareness that the internet has disrupted the news industry business model,” https://t.co/n4Q82A4vHr
Facebook’s new section of “trusted” news sources will include Breitbart, a website that featured a section on “black crime” and laundered white nationalist talking points https://t.co/TSxjca3IVG
— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) October 25, 2019
I concur with @CaseyNewton’s assessment here about the potential of Facebook’s News tab https://t.co/HNHwWQaF3j pic.twitter.com/x9OQgh9bfi
— Matt Navarra (@MattNavarra) October 25, 2019
Facebook often says it shouldn't be treated like a publisher.
— Bill Grueskin (@BGrueskin) October 25, 2019
With this deal, Facebook will be paying for news, curating news, making editorial judgments around news and ... publishing news.https://t.co/tL3n4KSuZX
In 2016, Steve Bannon called Breitbart a "platform for the alt-right."
— Christopher Mathias (@letsgomathias) October 25, 2019
In 2017, @Bernstein published a blockbuster piece on how Breitbart was smuggling white nationalism into the mainstream.
Now @facebook is set to list Breitbart as a "trusted" news source https://t.co/zwQmNUtJOr
siri, show me the most tone deaf thing https://t.co/onBGqwWYxm
— Joeltergeist (@notdetails) October 25, 2019
"We want to set a different standard here, that’s not a mix of news that your friends and family want to share." https://t.co/ci16RnHS9J
— Peter Kafka (@pkafka) October 25, 2019
One between the lines note: Regular Facebook newsfeed is Trump Trump and more Trump. New Facebook News, not so much. https://t.co/HOeNyMnQh5
— Peter Kafka (@pkafka) October 25, 2019
Ah yet another payoff attempt! https://t.co/uhIQBN0Tiy via @NYTimes
— Kara Swisher (@karaswisher) October 25, 2019
Breitbart is included in this list of “trusted” publishers. It’s a site that absolutely does not adhere to the guidelines, and yet ??♀️ https://t.co/qHt98j03Dg pic.twitter.com/SdE3H9zrCI
— Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) October 25, 2019
Why would ANY kind of publisher trust FB ever again? Smh https://t.co/FCnpzTz308
— Aaron Nagler (@AaronNagler) October 25, 2019
For the third time in my thirteen year Twitter existance, I will post a link to TechCrunch (this article is *good*):
— Zach Leatherman (@zachleat) October 25, 2019
“Meet users where they are, but pull them back to where you live.” https://t.co/NKFfWsQAJH on the inevitable future calamity that will be Facebook News.
A timely reminder why news publishers should think twice about jumping back into bed with fickle Facebook https://t.co/wJ46z1ua4e
— Matt Navarra (@MattNavarra) October 25, 2019
Facebook has finally decided that the best way to deliver news is to act like a newspaper https://t.co/2IITXAlMYz
— Jeffrey Levin (@jilevin) October 25, 2019
Facebook has finally decided that the best way to deliver news is to act like a newspaper https://t.co/FjgupaMxio
— Recode (@Recode) October 25, 2019
Another Left Leaning News Media Created: - B32B
— Betty Boo - I Voted #PPC Thank you #MaximeBernier (@Betty32Boo) October 25, 2019
“Facebook’s News section launch means Facebook is actually a newspaper” https://t.co/Oi2hOTIMGM
Facebook has finally decided that the best way to deliver news is to act like a newspaper https://t.co/Hv8aVxQC7K
— Vox (@voxdotcom) October 25, 2019
Facebook has finally decided that the best way to deliver news is to act like a newspaper https://t.co/mbewCa57cv
— Samidha Sharma (@samidhas) October 25, 2019
Smart take, @JoshConstine. “But increasingly it feels like the company is in an abusive love/hate relationship with users, catering to their attention while exploiting their privacy.” https://t.co/VWcVFFZ4I6
— Jason Kint (@jason_kint) October 25, 2019
“Like playing bocce in an earthquake”. My feature piece on Fb’s News Tab, launching tomorrow https://t.co/VyajWWwi3U
— Josh Constine (@JoshConstine) October 25, 2019
I wrote about 5 ways Facebook has screwed publishers before today’s News tab launch https://t.co/oLImGjgklT tip @Techmeme
— Josh Constine (@JoshConstine) October 25, 2019
Probably the only thing to read about Facebook News. https://t.co/EPdML4AsNW
— Molly Wood (@mollywood) October 25, 2019
Why the Facebook News tab shouldn’t be trusted – TechCrunch
— Red T Raccoon (@RedTRaccoon) October 25, 2019
A timely reminder why news publishers should think twice about jumping back into bed with fickle Facebook https://t.co/wJ46z1ua4e
— Matt Navarra (@MattNavarra) October 25, 2019
"What’s not central to Facebook’s survival will never be central to its strategy" ... smart take on Facebook's latest embrace of news publishers https://t.co/JwCdgQpwKF
— Mark Little (@marklittlenews) October 25, 2019
-After the unpivot to video
— Josh Constine (@JoshConstine) October 25, 2019
-After news left News Feed
-After selfish Instant Articles
Now Facebook needs journalists? ?? https://t.co/oLImGjgklT
The Facebook farce & media - very good piece by @techcrunch @joshconstine https://t.co/pFdoSd09i3 https://t.co/L1XsHaawPz
— OM (@om) October 25, 2019
Mark Zuckerberg discusses the launch of Facebook's News Tab: "This is an important moment in our relationship with the news industry and with journalism." https://t.co/45q5Ly4ARO
— Axios (@axios) October 25, 2019
Mark Zuckerberg discusses the launch of Facebook's News Tab https://t.co/QEQ0ooOzCt
— Sara Fischer (@sarafischer) October 25, 2019
Mark Zuckerberg discusses the launch of Facebook's News Tab with @mikeallen https://t.co/ew6Attcumh
— Margaret Harding McGill (@margarethmcgill) October 25, 2019
Facebook launches its “test” News tab in the U.S., but you may not see it yet. Sure, news orgs will participate and even get paid, but hard to believe that FB is going to help fund much journalism. Not even sure FB will stick with it tbh. https://t.co/bHACfSSIZw via @NiemanLab
— Larry Dignan (@ldignan) October 25, 2019
"We have to treat local news differently than national news," @dorrine says as Facebook launches the news tab with national headliners today https://t.co/hLHPBvlfDh
— Christine Schmidt (@NewsbySchmidt) October 25, 2019
She says Facebook saw that local publishers wanted in on beta tests but needed less of a lift #LION19
Facebook is launching a news section — and will pay some publishers millions https://t.co/Y156YJxNHX
— Recode (@Recode) October 24, 2019
Facebook is launching a news section — and will pay some publishers millions https://t.co/4sOGmsFuXc via @voxdotcom
— WAN-IFRA (@NewspaperWorld) October 25, 2019
Facebook News challenges Google for aggregator dominance https://t.co/tezpcUEcBc pic.twitter.com/8pnmK7JrYQ
— Rich Tehrani (@rtehrani) October 26, 2019
FB’s history is clearest on this subject: trusting the company to be a good partner has never been wise. Why the Facebook News tab shouldn’t be trusted – TechCrunch https://t.co/vz6QX8DlR1
— Roger McNamee (@Moonalice) October 25, 2019
Facebook is paying publishers for the same reason it structures political ads. Zuckerberg is buying political power and influence. https://t.co/k9jRgV3eWK
— Matt Stoller (@matthewstoller) October 25, 2019
Learn out. Why the Facebook News tab shouldn’t be trusted https://t.co/lsnuwa3l77 via @techcrunch #tech #digital #data #business pic.twitter.com/GIhtFKCNtA
— Kohei Kurihara Blockchain CMO (@kuriharan) October 26, 2019
Why do news editors keep going back to the abuser, hoping "this time will be different"?https://t.co/X91inhYCiH
— Teymoor Nabili (@teymoornabili) October 26, 2019
Why the Facebook News tab shouldn’t be trusted: "When you build on someone else’s land, don’t be surprised when you’re bulldozed." - so true.. @JoshConstine with a brilliant analysis ? #journalism #trust #democracy from @techcrunch https://t.co/DM6mwoGor2
— tchop (@tchopit) October 26, 2019
Why publishers shouldn't trust Facebook News - TechCrunch https://t.co/XIr2xsxz7Z by @JoshConstine via @nuzzel thanks @petterich
— Frederik Fischer (@FrederikFischer) October 26, 2019
"as @benthompson has proselytized, FB is the aggregator to which the spoils of attention and advertisers accrue as they’re sucked out of the aggregated content suppliers. To the aggregator, the suppliers are interchangeable and disposable." @joshconstine: https://t.co/05O6ErgEao
— David Moore (@ppolitics) October 26, 2019
News has not, is not and will never be central to Facebook’s strategy.https://t.co/RTquF7LtCp
— Leah Becerra (@LeahBecerra) October 25, 2019