Major, major story. Good for @CNBC for spotlighting it. Should be the lead on all news platforms. Why isn't it? 1) Anti-good news bias is supreme 2) Most journalists are science & math phobic:
— Jake Novak (@jakejakeny) October 22, 2019
$BIIB (+36.0% pre) Biogen to seek US approval for Alzheimer’s drug, sending shares soaring - CNBC
— Open Outcrier (@OpenOutcrier) October 22, 2019
“You have the number one drug of all time, possibly” — @jimcramer on Biogen Alzheimers drug.
— Jay Yarow (@jyarow) October 22, 2019
Angie - Have a look at what happened to this Alzheimer's stock overnight
— Le Gamblor (@LGamblor) October 22, 2019
Put on A$17 Billion in mkt cap ...$ACW
Biogen’s stock blasts off after surprise reversal on Alzheimer’s drug, earnings beat
— melissa moon (@MMoon_WREG3) October 22, 2019