A complication to the Airbnb profitability narrative: Its operating loss more than doubled in Q1, driven by a surge in sales & marketing costs. Expenses also exceeded costs in Q2. https://t.co/uPwKNHq4l9
— Cory Weinberg (@coryweinberg) October 17, 2019
Airbnb operating loss more than doubled in Q1 to $306M as marketing spend increases, per @theinformation
— Sally Shin (@sallyshin) October 17, 2019
Sales & marketing spending increase was greater than any other category (including product development, operations & support etc) https://t.co/ZCEPZpWjnJ
But but “asset light”....Airbnb’s operating loss more than doubled in the first quarter to $306 millionhttps://t.co/31Vu20yyPC
— Dror Poleg (@drorpoleg) October 17, 2019
Airbnb's loss doubled to $307 million in the July-September quarter https://t.co/OxbeiqQe0q
— Tom Gara (@tomgara) October 17, 2019
Airbnb's quarterly loss reportedly doubled in Q1, a bad sign as investors grow wary of money-losers https://t.co/OLgvVC0Caw
— CNBC Tech (@CNBCtech) October 17, 2019
Airbnb의 매출 총 이익의 추적 https://t.co/pdZEzbLmR2
— editoy (@editoy) October 18, 2019
• 내년 예상 IPO를 앞두고 에어비앤비의 잠재적인 투자자를 놀라게 할 소식이 있습니다. 1 분기 영업 손실이 두 배 이상 증가했다고 합니다.
Tracking Airbnb’s Gross Margins
— 廣川航(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ (@hirokawa_style) October 18, 2019
粗利率は66.6%(前期68.7%)https://t.co/FIVW9oIP4B @crunchbasenewsさんから
Report: Not even Airbnb can turn a profit https://t.co/TFQPqoT59Y
— JOHN NOSTA (@JohnNosta) October 18, 2019
the urban sharing economy is in total meltdown. https://t.co/bvpe1ZjePM
— Anthony Townsend (@anthonymobile) October 18, 2019
Read: https://t.co/bRkoI5ufdp
— Kate Clark (@KateClarkTweets) October 17, 2019
Whenever you read or hear the phrase "losing money" you should ask yourself: what does this person mean?
— Tren Griffin (@trengriffin) October 17, 2019
1. GAAP earnings?
2. Cash flow?
3. Unit economics?
The phrase is so unspecific that it should not be used unless money in physical form is lost.https://t.co/r13Nabl3vd
내년 IPO를 선언한 Airbnb가 전년 동기대비 두배인 3.06억불의 손실을 기록. 세일즈와 마케팅 비용이 58%가 증가한 3.67억불을 차지한 것이 주 원인. 매출은 전년비 31% 증가한 8.39억불을 기록했으나 비용이 47% 증가해 적자폭 확대 https://t.co/SpVi7sqp5p pic.twitter.com/8BYujLpzc3
— 박수민 / Soomin Park (@minist) October 18, 2019
I always thought that #Airbnb was one of the few profitable unicorns. I guess I was wrong.https://t.co/VG4DKqZqkn
— Amin Zee (@AminZadeh14) October 18, 2019