mystery solved ?
— WalkingCat (@h0x0d) October 15, 2019
Really excited this morning to announce two new open source projects for cloud-native development. The first is Open Application Model, an application model for use on K8s and other infrastructures:
— Mark Russinovich (@markrussinovich) October 16, 2019
The second open source project we're announcing is Dapr, a programming model runtime for enterprise devs building microservice-based applications on any platform (K8s, standalone):
— Mark Russinovich (@markrussinovich) October 16, 2019
Open Application Model fills the big wide gap we've had in cloud native app dev and the best part is it is a specification anyone can help make better with a neat reference implementation 'Rudr' for @kubernetesio
— Madhan Arumugam (@madhanwa) October 17, 2019
Announcing Dapr: an #opensource project that enables all developers, using any language and any framework, to easily build portable microservices applications.
— Open at Microsoft (@OpenAtMicrosoft) October 16, 2019
Learn more: @daprdev
— grork (@grork) October 15, 2019
OAMigod! Microsoft has a cloud app spec for you – and hopes Rudr can't fail: The Open Application Model isn't a standard, but it could be On Wednesday, Microsoft and Alibaba Cloud revealed "an open standard for developing and operating applications on…
— Zion Tech Group (@ZionTechGroup2) October 17, 2019
Microsoft launches two new open source projects for developers -- OAM and Dapr: Continuing its embracing of open source, Microsoft has today announced two new open source projects. The first is Open Application Model (OAM), a new standard for developing…
— Zion Tech Group (@ZionTechGroup2) October 16, 2019
Excited to announce 2 new open source projects!
— Gabe Monroy (@gabrtv) October 16, 2019
Dapr - a set of microservice building blocks used to make distributed app development easier
Open Application Model (OAM) - a team-centric standard for building cloud native apps
Announcing the Open Application Model (OAM): an open standard for developing and operating applications on #Kubernetes and other platforms.
— Open at Microsoft (@OpenAtMicrosoft) October 16, 2019
Read the news: @alibaba_cloud #K8s
I'm pleased to announce a new open source collaboration with Alibaba cloud on the Open Application Model.
— brendandburns (@brendandburns) October 16, 2019
OAM (and it's Kubernetes Implementation Rudr) is an API for separating components of application description and deployment.
Read more here:
Reading up on the Dapr and OAM announcements. Big news. A hell of a lot to digest here! I think the programming model (Dapr) could solve a lot of microservice challenges, but I'm not 100% sold yet
— Ben Coleman (@BenCodeGeek) October 17, 2019
Very interesting things are happening in the cloud space today with Open Application Model. It’s an implementation agnostic way of modeling an application declaratively. Meaning an abstraction ;-)#kubernetes #cloud #azure #OpenApplicationModel
— Anders Lybecker (@Lybecker) October 17, 2019
Announcing Dapr: an #opensource project that enables all developers, using any language and any framework, to easily build portable microservices applications.
— Open at Microsoft (@OpenAtMicrosoft) October 16, 2019
Learn more: @daprdev
Today @Azure is launching Dapr a Open Source portable runtime for building applications in cloud and edge:
— brendandburns (@brendandburns) October 16, 2019
Dapr is a a collection of really useful side-cars to make your distributed app development easier!
More info here:
Amazing things are happening all around us ? Read, learn, try and experiment ? #smartisbeautiful #knowledgeispower #microservices #kubernetes #containers
— Andrew Kagan (@aka6an) October 17, 2019
From the 'Completely Tonedeaf Department'
— Frans Bouma (@FransBouma) October 17, 2019
I'm not good at naming things, but this is ?♀️?♀️
Kubernetes is stable, and widespread. Cloud-native is here to stay. -> Competition & innovation moves at the higher level abstractions.@OpenAtMicrosoft Announcing @DaprDev to make it easier for every developer to build #microservice
— Bilgin Ibryam (@bibryam) October 17, 2019
Announcing Dapr, an open source project to make it easier to build microservice applications by @OpenAtMicrosoft #microsoft via @DotNetKicks
— DotNetKicks (@dotnetkicks) October 17, 2019
“2022年までに新しいアプリの90%がマイクロサービスアーキテクチャを搭載することになると予測” ?
— ひとみ (@hitomi_tw) October 17, 2019
Microsoft introduces new open-source specs for developing cloud and edge applications by @maryjofoley
— ZDNet (@ZDNet) October 16, 2019
"Microsoft’s Open Source Dapr Could Help Developers Build Agnostic Microservice Applications" via @thenewstack
— Mark Russinovich (@markrussinovich) October 17, 2019
Microsoft’s Open Source Dapr Could Help Developers Build Agnostic Microservice Applications
— ahw: home again (@alexwilliams) October 17, 2019
Courtesy of TechCrunch a great article summarizing our two new OSS efforts Rudr and Dapr
— brendandburns (@brendandburns) October 16, 2019
We're trying to make building, packaging and deploying applications easier!
“But what’s maybe most important, says Russinovich, is that the developer can hand off the specification to the ops team and the ops team can then deploy it without having to talk to the developer.” @oam_dev
— M Butcher (@technosophos) October 17, 2019
“At this point, it’s really infrastructure-focused,” he said. “You want a developer to focus on the app. What we saw when we talked to Kubernetes shops, they don’t let developers near Kubernetes.”
— troytop (@troytop) October 17, 2019
I don't want to jump to conclusions here, but....
— Tom Santero (@tsantero) October 17, 2019
You can read about the announcements of OAM/Rudr and Dapr in @fredericl @TechCrunch article:
— Mark Russinovich (@markrussinovich) October 16, 2019
Microsoft announces new open-source projects around #Kubernetes and #microservices.
— BTI360 (@BTI360) October 17, 2019
Microsoft launches new open-source projects around Kubernetes and microservices – TechCrunch
— Foss Linux (@FOSS_Linux) October 17, 2019
#Microsoft launches new open-source projects around Kubernetes and microservices.#kubernetes #opensource #microservices #projects
— Rakshan N Kangovi (@RakshanKangovi) October 17, 2019
オープンソース化への先進的な取り組みです✨#オープンソース #OpenSource#oss #microsoft
— Tomoya Kato/加藤 友哉 (@tomoya0221tomo) October 17, 2019
Recommended Read: Microsoft launches new open-source projects around Kubernetes and microservices
— Chris Short (Vacation Mode) (@ChrisShort) October 17, 2019
“The developer can hand off the specification to the ops team and the ops team can then deploy it without having to talk to the developer.”
— Scott Bellware (@sbellware) October 17, 2019
What “DevOps” means to Microsoft ? This is a giant step backward. Which is entirely consistent with Microsoft.
Microsoft launches new open-source projects around Kubernetes and microservices – TechCrunch
— Rich Tehrani (@rtehrani) October 17, 2019
마이크로 소프트, 클라우드 및 엣지 애플리케이션 구축을 위한 두 가지 오픈 소스 프로젝트 공개
— editoy (@editoy) October 18, 2019
• “이를 통해 개발자는 코드 변경없이 클라우드와 엣지 모두에서 실행할 수있는 마이크로서비스 애플리케이션을 구축할 수 있습니다.
FYI: Microsoft and Alibaba Cloud have created the Open Application Model (OAM) project under the Open Web Foundation:
— Kubernauts / IO ? (@kubernauts) October 18, 2019
Quite some cool stuff was announced yesterday by @microsoft in the area of #opensource - and - lots to read and dig into #CloudNativeDevelopment
— Christian Lechner (@lechnerc77) October 17, 2019
That moment when Microsoft announces a framework that is architecturally identical to the framework you created. vs
— James Roper (@jroper) October 18, 2019
Announcing Distributed Application Runtime (Dapr), an open source project to make it easier for every developer to build microservice applications - Open Source Blog #golang
— Evan Lin@LINE DevRel (@Evan_Lin) October 18, 2019
Distributed Application Runtime (DapR) announced to help build those micro services #dapr #opensource #microservices #SoftwareEngineering #Software #SaaS #programming #coding #code
— Peter Welch (@PeterGWelch) October 18, 2019
— Kazuu (@kazshinohara) October 17, 2019
Daprの世界観が、PMのGabeへのインタビューを通じ、よくまとまっている記事です。サービスメッシュとの違いにも触れられてます。 / Microsoft’s Open Source Dapr Could Help Developers Build Agnostic Microservice Applications
— Toru Makabe (@tmak_tw) October 18, 2019
Microsoft launches new open-source projects around Kubernetes and microservices
— Dr Ian McDonald (@imcdnzl) October 18, 2019
— Shu Sakata (@shsakata21) October 17, 2019
Microsoft announced two new open-source projects around Kubernetes and microservices: Dapr and the Open Application Model (OAM).
— AlternativeTo (@AlternativeTo) October 17, 2019