PSA for audio people who use Reaper: don't upgrade your mac iOS to Catalina - Reaper will break. It's about 32-bit application support. Apparently there's also issues with some Adobe software. Anyway here's an explainer if you're interested as to why
— Olivia Rosenman (@olivesophierose) October 13, 2019
Why macOS Catalina is breaking so many apps, and what to do about it
— The Verge (@verge) October 12, 2019
Why macOS Catalina is breaking so many apps, and what to do about it: #ArtificialIntelligence #IoT #IoE HT @Mikequindazzi
— Alison Oliver (@alison_iot) October 13, 2019
Fair reporting by @nickstatt on Catalina issues for @verge - - but misses two important points. One, for any app that has any kind of plug-in interface, the hardened runtime is causing as much if not more havoc than 32-bit deprecation.
— peterkirn (@peterkirn) October 12, 2019
Pro tip: read this before you upgrade to Catalina. #Regrets
— Sarah-Jayne Blakemore FBA (@sjblakemore) October 14, 2019
So I guess this is goodbye, ExtendScript Toolkit ? - “Why macOS Catalina is breaking so many apps, and what to do about it - The Verge”
— David Hawkins? (@papacuppa) October 14, 2019
Why macOS Catalina is breaking so many apps, and what to do about it
— Rich Tehrani (@rtehrani) October 13, 2019
Why macOS Catalina is breaking so many apps, and what to do about it. It’s a new age for Apple software, but that means being prepared for what might go wrong.
— Aki Anastasiou (@AkiAnastasiou) October 14, 2019
Every iOS release is followed by articles such as this. Hence why it's better to wait @The_Mentalyst @shikoh_4300
— Rob Opiyo (@robertopiyo90) October 13, 2019